Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 817: , Legend of Destiny?

, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

In the next few days, Xiao Huangmao developed PTSD and stayed in the room and did not dare to go out.

Li Rui has accumulated a lot of various extra attributes, so he simply stayed with him, seized the time to refine the attributes, and strive to free up his "belly" before the next departure.

And the girls scurry around in the city every day, eating, drinking and having fun, making them really like traveling.

As time went by, the news that the [Da Kui Ye] tribe had hunted a golden white dragon spread like wildfire in [Andemster].

The businessmen who came to negotiate every day almost broke the old Langman's threshold, and even interested people from other cities came to buy the dragon organs they needed.

Although the entire Northland "produces" thousands of white dragons every year, most of them are young or young dragons of little value. High-level dragons that can reach level 13 or above only have a few a year. .

This "yield" is evenly divided among the high-ranking transcendents of the Twenty-Three Kingdoms in the North, not enough to stuff their teeth!

Especially for the transcendents who need dragon organs as raw materials to refine advanced potions, high-level dragons are just in demand for them, and they have to bite their teeth even if the seller is asking for it!

But in many cases, this kind of high-end "materials" can be met but not sought. Once in this world, there will be a huge number of buyers who will come to bid, and those who are almost worthy of the extraordinary are not eligible to be slaughtered!

"Mr. Wade, you must make a decision today. If you drag it on, I will be overwhelmed!"

Old Langman rubbed his messy white hair and said in pain.

And Li Ruizheng was reading through a thick booklet, which recorded in detail the harvest of the white dragon after the decomposition.

Dragon meat, dragon marrow, dragon bone, dragon blood, dragon skin, dragon scales, organs, crops...


Li Rui looked through the booklet with a solemn expression, with four heads hanging on the left and right arms and shoulders, falling into thought with him.

Originally, Aya Xiyi wanted to join in the fun too, but the horns on her head made Li Rui angry, and he was forcibly pushed aside.

"Mr. Wade, you can tell me what troubles you have. I will help you refer to it."

Old Langman looked at Li Rui still rubbing his chin thoughtfully, rubbing his temples with a headache.

"Um... Mr. Longman, although your evaluation report estimates the value of various organs in detail, it lacks one of the most important indicators!"

Li Rui stopped turning the page and looked at him seriously.

Old Langman's nerves tightened for an instant, and he nodded nervously, "Say."

Li Rui's eyes condensed, and he uttered three words sonorously!

"How can it be!"

Old Longman: "..."

After a long silence, Old Langman still couldn't comprehend the truth of the words, so he could only bite the bullet and ask.

"What exactly do you mean by this...?"

Li Rui slammed his fist and explained to him passionately.

"It means, can you eat it? Is it delicious? How to eat it?"

"These three options are the core value of an appraisal report. Ingredients that cannot be eaten are meaningless!"

Listening to Li Rui's endless explanations, Old Langman's face became more and more weird.

Who would hunt dragons for appetite?

Do you really use dragons as ingredients?

Their greatest value is to make potions and weapons!

Even Xuelong Dried Meat and Crystal Dragon Liver are considered a kind of potion in the strict sense, and deliciousness is just their by-products!

But from Li Rui's words, Old Langman was shocked to find that these people really used the dragon as a food ingredient, and he was actually swallowing his mouth!

"You see its heart and blood vessels are so flexible. It is generally called yellow throat in our place. It is a must-try dish for hot pot!"

"Dragon blood can be made into hairy blood, or it can be cooked in hot pot to be fresh and tender!"

"Dipterocarp is also a good thing!"

"Dragon tendon can be made into spicy hoof tendon, which is chewy, but the cheeks are sour after eating too much.

"Hmm... Does it have a hairy belly in its stomach? Hot pot is a must!"

Listening to Li Ruixing's energetic introduction, Old Langman bit his scalp and forcibly interrupted: "That... is hot pot a secret method for making potions?"

"What? Have you never eaten hot pot? Uh..."

Li Rui got stuck in an instant, feeling like he was playing the piano to the cow for a long time.

"Li Rui! Li Rui! Pickled Pepper Dragon Claw, don't forget Pickled Pepper Dragon Claw!"

Zhao Youxuan still talked about her favorite in the network of hearts, while Luo Li looked up at him with big watery eyes flickering.

Li Rui's neck was inexplicably cold, and there was a faint understanding in her heart. If she didn't use dragon blood to make her hairy blood, this guy would climb up and **** herself!

"Hey, don't forget that there is a dragon whip, Ruijun, you have to make up for it, otherwise your small body will not be able to bear it~"

Teacher Hanna was nestled on Li Rui's arm, a white finger circled his chest, and she smiled like silk in the spiritual network.

"Don't make trouble, the dragon whip is reserved for Brother Lei, if next time he is pulled to [Qingqiu Country] to top the tank, maybe he can directly surrender the fox demon!"

Taking pictures of her prankster, Li Rui had a weird grin, and the picture of Wang Lei whipping the fox demon flashed through his mind!

Too violent!

After a shudder, Li Rui restrained his emotions and closed the booklet in his hands.

"Forget it. Except for dragon meat and dragon liver, you can study the other materials. Just deal with them at will. Anyway, there will be fresher materials soon."

Hearing this, Old Langman was shocked and looked at him eagerly.

"You... are you going to hunt the dragon again?"

Li Rui grinned, Senbai teeth made old Langman feel a bit of chill inexplicably.

"After so long rest, it's time for the activity!"

As soon as he said this, Old Longman obviously felt the atmosphere in the room change suddenly, and an expression of excitement from the heart filled everyone's face.

Joy, excitement, expectation...

It seemed that what they were about to face was not a dangerous dragon, but a delicious meal.

It is hard to imagine what strength it is to make such self-confidence. Old Langman shivered for a moment, and the doubts pressed in his heart surfaced again.

Legend team?

Or... Legend of Destiny? (Above level 20, UU reading original stone steps)

What is the purpose of these big men running to the north to hunt dragons?

Are they not afraid to attract Dragon Mother's attention?

Suddenly remembering that Li Rui was suffering from a level 5 lightning bolt without feeling, Old Langman's pupils shrank slightly.

Humanoid dragon...

Yes, only Bahamut's family members can avoid the gaze of Dread Dragon Mother!

Could this be a sign that the two dragon gods are about to start a **** battle?

That's why such a legendary team was sent to quietly cut off the opponent's power?

The emotions in his heart were surging like a tsunami, and old Longman's forehead was sweating, but on the surface he dared not move.

It's just that in the eyes of Li Rui and others, the emotion of awe is even stronger!

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