, The fastest update infinite **** installed in the latest chapter of the city!

"Fuck, Xiaolizi, did you see that, I just peeed out of a flying sword! biu~biu~biu~"

Away from the people outside the city, Huang Juncai's PTSD symptoms gradually improved, and he returned to the old sand sculpture atmosphere.

Rolling his eyes, Li Rui didn't bother to pay attention to him. After solving his physical problems, he continued to wander in the snow forest.

Today is the third day they came out. Except for the silly roe deer in the snow, they didn't even find the dragon hair!

Even with Luo Li's sense of smell, they couldn't track the large lizards flying in the sky. They could only use the most primitive methods to pull nets in a certain range of activities to investigate.

Bailong usually chooses snowy mountains and snow forests as nesting sites, but similar terrain is almost everywhere in the north. They searched for a whole day and found a few dragon-like stools, and they didn't even see the shadow of the Lord!

"No, it's too inefficient to find blindly, you have to think of a way!"

Shuttle in the snow for a while, Li Rui stopped, thinking in distress.

He finally understood why Bailong could survive in this cruel society instead of being made into various potions.

These are too good!

Except for hunting and looting, they rarely leave their nests, so there are obviously a lot of them, but they are rarely seen outside.

But once they are found, it means that they are determined to make big news.

They usually start with a sneak attack, either using the cover of a blizzard to attack from a high altitude, or hiding under the ice sheet and suddenly rushing out and shouting: Surprisemotherfaker!

The blood and tears of countless caravans and travelers have created their notoriety. Even though the twenty-three countries of the Northland often organize hunting activities for white dragons, their numbers are still increasing...

So...what can I do to find them out?

Pinch his eyebrows, Li Rui thought about the clues he could use in his hand.

The excrement is very easy to find. Luo Li can find them dozens of kilometers away, but this thing is like bird droppings, it has no positioning effect!

Bailong doesn't talk about moral qualities, it's common for them to **** in the air.

Eh? and many more!


Li Rui's eyes lit up, but the excited eyes dimmed in the next second.

This trick does not have the effect of opening the field of vision, and it has no benefit except for slapping those unlucky things into a dumb face!

Even with Aya Xiyi's spell power exceeding 20,000, it is impossible to kill a white dragon full of blood in one shot of [Requiem].

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if it is killed, except Aya Xiyi himself can get some experience gold coins, everyone else can't even get assists, it's nothing!

Damn it, is it really going to crash in this ice and snow like a headless fly?

Scratching his hair, Li Rui turned his gaze to the system panel and checked his talent skills one by one.

But after a closer look, I found that only one skill can solve the current dilemma.


But using such a magical skill to locate a golden ingredient, Li Rui asked himself that he hadn't been so extravagant yet!

After sighing, he moved his gaze to the equipment depot, scanning row by row, Li Rui's eyes suddenly lit up.

Why didn't you think of this stuff before?

With a call in the mind network, a group of people gathered quickly.

"Captain, have you found a way?"

"Well, as long as there is feces as a medium, it should work!"

With the team moving at high speed, Li Rui nodded confidently.

Soon after returning to the excrement found before, Li Rui scanned the panel of his teammates and found that Li Wei had enough spare money.

"Xiao Wei, come out!"

Patting her chest, a majestic and holy girl appeared in the air.

Li Ruiyi pointed at her eyebrows, and the power of the mysterious system poured into the soul from the void.

"System, buy [Twin Shadows]!"


The mysterious shadow fused with gorgeous runes was condensed in the equipment bay. Vaguely, Li Rui seemed to see a pair of eyes open in the depth of the shadow!

【Twin Shadows】·Black Iron Step

+70 spell power

+7% movement speed

+10% cooldown reduction

The only initiative-the ghost kills life: Summon a concealed phantom ghost, guided by blood, hair, stumps and other media, track and lock the target, lurking beside the target after contacting it, and providing vision.

When discovered by the target or active by the hero, the ghost will consume all the magic power to slow the target by 40% for a maximum of 5 seconds.

Current number of ghosts: 2/2 (accumulate a life-threatening ghost every 24 hours)

(During the duration of the ghost, the hero's mana will be consumed and cannot be tracked across planes.)

"Xiao Wei, try [Ghost Suicide] if you can use feces as a medium!"

Pointing to the froze on the ground, Li Rui looked at his sister expectantly.

"Um... it should be possible."

After a long time, the kitten digested the knowledge in his mind, opened his eyes and nodded.

A strange seal was formed on both hands. In the spiritual vision that the naked eye could not observe, a terrifying ghost emerged from Li Wei's shadow and roared silently.

Just glanced at the excrement on the ground, the ghost turned his head and floated in one direction.

"Keep up with it!"

Li Rui let out a low growl of excitement, leading the whole team to follow behind the ghost ass.

But soon he discovered the shortcomings of the ghost, the speed is too slow!

Although it was flying, its slow-moving speed was a little faster than a 100-meter sprint.

In addition, even if it is a known concealed Ethereal creature, because this guy's energy level is too low, only black iron, it is still easy to be found by silver or stronger transcendents too close!

The worst part is that this guy seems to be flying, but actually has to be affected by the terrain. He can't climb over too steep places. He has to go around and make the path winding, which is very annoying!

Maybe upgrading equipment can solve these problems, but...no money...

With a sigh, Li Rui turned to look at his sister.

"Xiaowei, how is the consumption? Can you hold it?"

"No problem, it can last at least two hours. It really doesn't work. There are [Clearness Technique] and [Mana Pool]!"

The kitty waved his fist, UU read www. uukanshu.com said confidently.

"What the **** is this thing? It looks interesting!"

Aya Xiyi came up curiously, staring at the back of the ghost.

Li Rui shrugged, didn't buy the equipment himself, he didn't know what it was.

"Um... it should be regarded as a kind of summoning object, but it does not have any intelligence in itself, more like a manifestation of spells, by tracing the causal line of the target medium to determine its current location."

The kitten scratched his head, recalled the knowledge gained in school, and organized a language explanation.

"Then is it offensive?"

"No, but it has a spell in it that can slow the target when activated."

"Well, it's interesting, Li Rui, I want this!"

Like a child who asked his parents for toys, Aya Kie pointed to the ghost in front of him and said excitedly.

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