Chapter 821 Trophy

"Well, I will definitely buy it for you next time!"

Casually passing her over, Li Rui and others noisily followed Ghost all the way for nearly two hours.

Just when Li Wei was about to be unable to support it and was about to return to the blue with the [Clearness Technique], the ferocious ghost suddenly let out a scream of excitement, and the speed suddenly increased several times.

"I smell it!"

Luo Li on the side also twitched her nose with excitement, crossing the ghost and rushing forward.

When she came to a hidden cave halfway up the mountain, she suddenly stopped and made a silent gesture to the teammate behind her.

"It's not our goal, it's just a young dragon. Do you want to start?"

Hesitant voices sounded in the mind network. For the [Secret Banquet Association], which adheres to the path of sustainable development, ingredients that have not reached the age limit will generally let it continue to grow.

They won't do stupid things that are exhausted!

But Li Rui hesitated for a moment and nodded viciously.

No way, the method of relying on feces to track the target is very uncertain, can't you waste a ghost every time?

Anyway, there are so many white dragons in the north, even if they are open to killing, it will take several years to affect the balance of the ecological chain.

This is the big advantage of the "dining table", you can eat it without being picky!

"About how many levels?"

"Let's visually measure about 9th level, the body length is just over ten meters, and I sleep soundly."

"Then I will come alone. You beat them to pieces last time, and the meat quality has dropped!"

Li Rui grabbed a blood crystal sword from the void and complained silently in the spiritual network.

"Cut~ It's obviously that you chew yourself the most, and you bite off your head..."

Amidst Huang Juncai's low beeping, Li Rui walked to the entrance of the cave and suddenly remembered something, and then beckoned to his sister.

"Xiao Wei, come up!"

Let this little guy help more, save some money to upgrade equipment, and now the efficiency of the team is counting on her [Twin Shadows]!


The majestic and holy girl let out a meow with joy, turned into a stream of light and plunged into Li Rui's body.

Silently walked into the dark cave, a few seconds later, a stern dragon roar came from the depths of the cave.

A slight tremor came from under the feet, and the penetrating screams echoed in the valley, causing the snowflakes on the opposite mountain to begin to collapse.

"Turtle ~ Is this an avalanche?"

Seeing the white tsunami sweeping everything along the mountain wall, the magnificent Tianwei saw everyone fascinated.

Like a roaring flood, splashing at the bottom of the valley, even on the other side of the mountain, the blizzard still enveloped everyone, and the splashing ice crystals and snow particles hurt their faces.

"Go in first, he should be done."

Aya Xiyi opened the magic shield to protect everyone, and took the lead into the cave.

The black lacquered nest is deeper than everyone imagined, and it twists and turns and stretches upwards for hundreds of meters to reach the wide hemispherical space.

A slender figure closed his eyes and stood with his hands standing on the spot. Under his feet, a giant beast's neck over ten meters long was twisted into a strange shape, and he had already lost his breath.

"What is Xiaoli doing?"

"It seems to have sentiment, don't disturb him."

Everyone quietly discussed it on the Mind Network for a while, and Li Rui opened his eyes soon.

"Why did you come in?"

"It's not a good thing you did, it's an avalanche outside."

"Oh, sorry, let it struggle for a while."

Scratching his head, Li Ruigan smiled.

"Come on, leave it to you next."

Give the spoils to Aya Xiyi to summon [Pluto Slave], Li Rui walked to the corner of the lair, recalling the feelings of the various passive effects just now, carefully trying to figure out his feelings.

[Greed and Glutton] and [Extraordinary Evil Force] are a little bit felt, and you should be able to try to break through with a few more dragons!

Promote these two core skills to gold, and your growth rate will skyrocket again!

Unfortunately, the progress of [Blood Contract] is slow, maybe you should ask Luo Li.

In addition, the [Dragon Bloodline] of the Bronze Step is too wasteful for his current hunting target. There is no essential difference between the Golden Step and the Silver Step!

With a narrow mouth, Li Rui looked at the battle record.

"The battle is over, you participated in the killing of a hero-level unit."

"You have gained 3158 experience points."

"You got 392 gold coins."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the wither vitality, you gain 9 permanent health points."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gain 752 permanent health points, and the number of feast +1."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 24 permanent spell growth."

"[Dragon Bloodline] Strip the dragon source quality, gain 4 permanent armor growth and 6 permanent magic resistance growth."

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragonborn] Strengthen the conceptual weapon. When you break the defense against the dragonborn creature (thin bloodline) and cause substantial damage, +5 real damage, and the final physical damage caused by the dragonborn creature to you -3 points ."

To be fair, the attribute of Bronze Rank [Dragon Blood] to increase damage to dragons by 30% is simply overbearing.

Especially when it was put on Li Rui, even a dragon with blood and vitality far surpassing humanoid creatures could hardly hold it for long under his hands.

But if you want to achieve higher dual resistance growth, you must raise this passive to a level that matches your own energy level as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the skill Bronze rank, his own golden rank, kills a silver dragon will receive two punishments at the same time, kill a golden dragon skill to defeat two ranks punishment, it is not too bad.

However, to upgrade [Dragon Bloodline] to silver, you must first fill up the hero's skills to the full bronze level. The few upgrade options you only have are not enough.

Besides, he still had to keep a few skills that could be promoted to gold at any time. After thinking about it, Li Rui sighed.

Your own upgrade options are always so stretched, if there is a modifier to adjust it to positive infinity...

With some thoughts echoing in his mind, Li Rui suddenly heard a cry of surprise behind him.

"Captain, UU read, come and see, a lot of gold coins!"

Turning her neck, Luo Li came over with a lot of shiny gems and gold coins and sent them to him as if offering treasures.

"Wow~ So beautiful!"

Gorgeous streamers sprang from Li Rui's body, condensed into a girl's appearance, looking excitedly at the jewelry in Luo Li's hand.

"How many gold coins are there?"

Picking up a gold coin and rubbing it in his hand, looking at the profile of Goddess Woking on it, even Li Rui couldn't help feeling agitated.

No way, a handful of real gold jewels placed in front of you can have more impact than a banknote of the same value!

"More than 700 gold coins, more than 3,000 silver coins, more than a catty of jewels, and some magic weapons that are barely intact. This little dragon has a lot of oil and water!"

Huang Juncai roughly counted the trophies and said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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