Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 820: , The gift of nature

Chapter 822

At the same time, they also intuitively realized why under the extremely high mortality rate, there are still countless adventurers who go deep into the snowy field to kill dragons every year.

As long as it succeeds once, without mentioning the value of the dragon corpse itself, the trophies alone can make them comfortable and enjoy for several years!

If you encounter a golden white dragon with a rich family, the entire team can even retire directly, go to the south to buy a manor, buy dozens of slaves, and enjoy the rest of their lives.

Of course, in most cases, these naive adventurers will turn into dragon dung, silently disappearing into the snowy field.

But the only lucky ones will always inspire countless younger generations to deliver food to the door, and bring home warmth to the hungry dragon in the biting cold wind...

Shaking his head, after the initial excitement, Li Rui felt the same when looking at the pile of gold coins.

"Leave half of the gold and silver coins as organizational expenses. You can divide the rest as you like."

After arbitrarily determining the distribution of the spoils, Li Rui came to the center of the lair and brought the young white dragon at his feet into the [material warehouse].

"What do you do next? Continue hunting dragons?"

Several girls were arranging jewellery happily while staring at Li Rui shiningly.

Now, their enthusiasm for hunting dragons is even higher!

But Li Rui glanced at his [Feast] skills and shook his head.

"I've been busy for a few days, I will fix it here today and eat something warm."

Taking out a special "bathtub", Li Rui skillfully began to make a fire and cook.

The snow dragon jerky paid in advance from the old Langman was thrown in without money. Mineral water and vegetables from the earth quickly filled the "bath".

While using the [Sacrifice] to help heat up, while stirring the bottom of the pot, the air began to fill with a tempting fragrance in just ten minutes.

"Eat or bread?"

"Are there any kimchi? Give me some."

"Li Rui, my chicken is finished..."

The snow-white thick soup was rumbling and rolling, and in the cold wind roaring outside, the simple cave had the warmth of home.


After the meal, a group of people lay on the wide carpet and groaned.

With the fire rising in the center, the temperature in the cave was already warm, and they were too lazy to set up a tent anymore, so they simply took out the wool carpet and spread it next to the fire.

"Should there be a night watch?"

Luo Li yawned and asked with sleepy eyes on Li Rui's lap.

After eating and drinking, everyone instinctively started to feel sleepy.

"No, go to sleep, I'm watching."

Li Rui pulled the messy hair on her forehead behind her ears and smiled gently.

"Aren't you sleeping?"

Rubbing against Li Rui's leg, like a puppy cuddling his owner, Luo Li asked in a daze when he found a comfortable position.

However, Li Rui did not answer her, just stroked her cheek, smiling without saying a word.

With rhythmic touches, Luo Li's two fighting eyelids quickly became unsupported and fell asleep.

Taking out a few quilts and throwing them on his teammates, Li Rui looked around, and finally glanced at the hole where the howling cold wind faintly came from, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the past year or so, in order to digest huge knowledge and attributes, he spent most of his time practicing instead of sleeping.

Only when the spirit can't support it, will you choose to fall asleep naturally.

But fortunately, there is [Jingzhe·Don't Use], his almost self-harming practice method did not cause irreversible damage.

After sleeping, Meimei will be resurrected with full blood the next day!

Thanks to this penance, he was able to digest a huge amount of extra attributes and comprehend the vast number of system skills to a critical point in just one year.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this self-abuse practice must be painful, but in fact Li Rui himself enjoys it.

Every day, he can intuitively see that the data on his system panel is increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and he feels the roar of qi and blood in his body, spiritual sublimation, and divine transformation. This true sense of power makes him addicted to it and cannot extricate himself from it. .

This endless sense of fulfillment, accomplishment, and pleasure fascinates him even more than the love of men and women!

But now, he is like a mouse falling into a rice tank, and he looks up as a gift from nature, and his heart will bleed if he eats less!

After looking at the extra attributes after his health, Li Rui cleared his mind and began to work with all his strength [Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity]!

Before dawn, he must cool down [Feast]!


The surge of blood and energy lasted all night, and when he opened his eyes the next day, Li Rui finally raised a smile.

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy level: Golden level (spiritual release)

Grade: 267

HP: 230770/230770 (200726+spell power×2.5)

Mana: 24735/24735

Armor: 2704 (2459×110%)

Magic resistance: 2708 (2462×110%)

Attack power: 3517

Spell power: 19043【(7471+4.5% mana+2.5% health)×140%】

The Bronze Level 6 [Adjustment] increases your overall resistance by 10%. Maybe next time you should focus on improving the [Resolute] system. Every talent in it is quite awesome!

After thinking about it with excitement, Li Rui quickly calmed down.

The upgrade options are never enough. The Golden Tier can still open a series of runes without any points. It is better to leave these precious upgrade options to the most critical skills...

Set a small goal first, and passively upgrade several cores to the golden rank!

Glancing at [Greed and Glutton], [Extraordinary Evil Force], [Void Stone], [Blood Contract], [Dragon Blood], Li Rui's heart rises with unlimited passion!

The gift of nature, I am here!


In the afternoon, another young white dragon was brutally murdered, but this time it was just a small bronze figure, not enough to stuff his teeth, Li Rui didn't want to use [Feast].

A few hours later, the ghost refreshed, and under its leadership, everyone finally found the big guy this time!

"Warning magic, white dragons over adults can use this spell, UU reading at least 13 or above!"

Not far from the Dragon Nest, Luo Li sniffed the faint smell in the air, and said with some excitement.

"There is no defense, but more than dozens of layers are overlapped and intertwined. It is difficult to dispel this kind of magic without disturbing the caster..."

There was a faint light in Aya Xiyi's eyes, and she looked around the mountain not far away through the mask.

Their goal is on the cliff of the mountain.

"It's okay, I'll go in and give it a knife first, block the door, and then you can catch turtles in the urn!"

Li Rui grinned, his figure melted into the air like a phantom.

[Too Unreal Dragon] Escape into the void: You can escape into the gap between illusion and reality for a short time, and any prying and attack from reality can't touch you.

However, for the first time to take people to escape into the void, Li Rui immediately felt the wonderful existence.

(End of this chapter)

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