Chapter 823

Lowering his head, a cat radiating aura in the translucent figure is looking around curiously.

The two of them stared with big eyes, and it took two seconds for Li Rui to react and patted his chest.

"Hide better, don't fall."

"No, I am hiding in the gap between my body and spirit. Brother, what you see is only a projection."

Little cat explained, happily running around in Li Rui's body.

"Look, it won't fall!"

With a grin, feeling that his spirituality is rapidly consuming, Li Rui did not dare to neglect, sneaking towards the dragon's nest in the illusory world.

Matter is no longer a hindrance in this world. Li Rui quickly came to the depths of the dragon's nest and peeped into a bright and hot life energy.

It is weaker than Austin Hodge, the evil dragon hunted before, but not much weaker. It is a fat dragon!

Li Rui's eyes lit up and he drew out the bleeding crystal sword and began to gather strength.

In the real world, a ferocious behemoth lying on the ground and close to two stories high suddenly opened its eyes, and the cold vertical pupil looked around vigilantly, before flashing a trace of confusion.

The horror that passed just now awakened it from a dream, and it seemed that something terrible danger was about to come.

But the vigilant magic around the lair didn't respond, and everything around was normal. Could it be that I was too worried?

Before it could understand, a brilliant colorful brilliance suddenly obscured its sight.

The terrifying divine power flooded the world, and a vague figure let out a strange roar.


[Indestructible Grip]!

[Dragon Tooth Spike]!

[Void Blade]!

[Thorn of Fear]!



The amount of brutal force was condensed into a sword, and the white dragon instinctively shifted his figure, but the intense pain immediately came to his mind.

Uncontrollably let out a scream, it exhausted all its energy and spewed out a breath of ice flame dragon!

However, the dragon's breath, which is enough to freeze steel into crumbly slag, can only cover the attacker with a layer of hoarfrost, and in a blink of an eye it is melted by the golden red light.



Only then did the deafening cracking sound reach Bailong's ears. When the colorful divine light that shrouded his sight faded away, it was delighted and terrified to discover that the enclosed dragon nest actually saw the winter sun!

It turned out that the sword that Li Rui had just cut off the entire mountain top by half, turning the spacious dragon's nest into a small open-air platform.

Legendary assassin, irresistible, escape!

Judging instantly in his mind, Bai Long subconsciously spread his wings and wanted to fly, but was horrified to find that one of his wings had been cut off by Qi Gen!

At the foot of the mountain, the teammates who had been watching the dragon's nest condensed their eyes, and the calm top of the snow-capped mountain suddenly seemed to have a nuclear bomb exploding inside, and thousands of tons of rubble collapsed and collapsed, setting off a spectacular scene in the entire valley. White tsunami.

"Let's go, it's time for us to appear!"

Aya Xiyi beckoned gently, and the illusory ice crystal shrank and stretched under her feet, unsteady, and then turned into purple and black and slowly disappeared in place.

With the participation of his teammates, Bai Long's dying struggle also seemed so weak and feeble, and he was not even able to cause substantial damage to everyone, so he was gnawed off his neck by a cruel monster.

"Why do you bite your neck every time, is it delicious?"

Just as Li Rui tasted the rhythm of [greedy and gluttony], Zhao Youxuan leaned in front of him with saliva.

"Do you know how to make Juewei Dragon's neck?"

"Where is the spicy dragon head?"

"Li Rui, speak up!"

She shook Li Rui's arm back and forth, but no matter how she harassed her, she couldn't interrupt Li Rui's sentiment, so her watery eyes looked at the big palm in her hand.

After a long time, when Li Rui opened his eyes again, he suddenly found that half of his palm was bitten by the snake in his mouth.


Quickly took the palm of his hand out of the snake's mouth, and looked at the wet saliva, Li Rui's backhand was smeared.

"Yeah! You are disgusting!"

"Your own saliva is ashamed to say?"

"Who told you not to answer me! What's wrong with my taste? Snakehead mallet!"

Zero distance a head hit Li Rui's stomach, protruding his eyes.

The little face rubbed back and forth on Li Rui's clothes, dried the saliva on his face, and then the snake pulled out his head contentedly.

However, I saw a cruel smile facing him.

"Tietou Gong, right?"

"Labor and management will let you know what diamond diamonds are today!"

The fierce snake's eyeballs grunted, turned his head and ran, but Li Rui snatched it back before he could swim a meter.

"Ahhh~ the snake admits wrong! I won't taste it anymore!"

The snow-white snake's tail crazily entangled Li Rui's body, but it couldn't stop the pain and punishment from falling on him.

Truly, I gave her a "horse to kill a chicken" from start to finish, which almost loosened her bones aside, and finally tied her lower body to a knot, and Li Rui sighed.

"Uuuuu...I can't move..."

Seeing the fierce snake dragging its knotted body, wriggling pitifully on the ground like a caterpillar, Li Rui had no mercy in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

You can try to tie her to the post next time!

"You really are, you will bully her."

Teacher Hannah gave Li Rui an angry look, and gently helped Zhao Youxuan untie the bumps on her body.

Picking her up from the ground funny and distressed, Li Rui pinched her pink cheek.

"Are you wrong?"


"Dare you next time?"

"Also dare."


"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

When she accidentally missed her mouth, the glamorous and mature snake girl waved her hands again and again in fright, and used her unique trick to attack.

Reluctantly rubbing her head, Li Rui sighed and turned around to help clean up the spoils.

The golden white dragon has collected a lot of goodies in the centuries-old dragon life, and now it's all cheaper for them!

"130,000 gold coins, millions of silver coins, hundreds of kilograms of jewels, I have sent them!"

It took more than an hour to sort out the trophies, and Huang Juncai was so happy.

"It's still the old rule. Half of the gold and silver coins are used to organize public expenditures, and the rest will be allocated."

Looking up at the dim sky, Li Rui stretched out his hand and waved all the treasures and dragon corpses on the ground into the [material warehouse]!

"Is this going back?"

Luo Li embraced Li Rui's arm, her excited eyes were faintly red.

In the battle just now, she felt the excitement she had been missing for a long time.

The enemy's power is just within her tolerance, and it will not exceed too much. The hearty battle and the sweet smell of blood make her every cell excited, like a dog who has gnawed half of her bones.

"Go back and fix it first. It happened to be out for 5 days. If you are not tired, I will be tired!"

Li Rui squeezed her little Qiong's nose and smiled a little bit dozingly.

I finally don’t have to work overtime today, I ask for votes after the third shift~(;′??Д??`)

(End of this chapter)

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