Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 822: , I am not interested in money!

Chapter 824 I'm Not Interested In Money!

"Mr. Schneider, we really can't do the master with these materials. I'm really sorry, but please come back in a few days."

Old Langman apologized tiredly and sincerely to a knight dressed in gorgeous clothes, but a trace of impatience flashed across the other's arrogant face.

"The market price of the White Dragon Heart is only about 20,000 gold coins. I have paid 30,000 gold coins. You still don’t sell it. Mr. Longman, insatiable greed will cause disaster!"

Hearing his pointed threat, the unhappiness on Old Langman's face flashed away.

Twenty thousand gold coins are the price of the 13th-level white dragon heart. Austin Hodge is only one step into the legendary 16th-level dragon!

Even if the spirituality is contaminated and the quality is reduced, it is not something you can buy with 20,000 gold coins!

But he immediately seemed to have not understood Schneider's threat, with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Schneider, it's not that we don't want to sell it, but that we are not qualified. Every dragon scale on Austin Hodge belongs to the big man who hunted it. We are just the butcher who helped to deal with it. How can we be qualified to handle these materials without authorization... …"

However, before the old Langman finished speaking, the young and arrogant knight waved his hand to interrupt.

"Then call out the big man you are talking about! This white dragon heart is the necessary material for the advancement of the three princesses, I believe he must know something good or bad!"

Old Langman concealed his mouth, his lowered eyes were full of sarcasm, but on the surface he was still respectful.

"They have important matters not in [Andemster] for the time being, and they are expected to be back in a few days."

"I don't want to wait in this horrible place, so let's sell my heart first. If they have any dissatisfaction, ask them to come to [Tesfield] to find me!"

Schneider frowned impatiently and was about to take a strong attack. A lovely girl suddenly broke in and called out in surprise: "Arbor, Mr. Wade, they are back!"

Hearing this, the old Langman seemed to have relieved his vital burden and heaved a sigh of relief.

Schneider frowned: "Wade? Is the adventurer who hunted Austin Hodge?"

"Yes, you can talk to them what you want."

Old Langman's face was finally filled with a heartfelt smile, and there was even a trace of gloat in the depths of his eyes.

The stupid nobles who grow up in the greenhouse, your proud power is worthless in the eyes of the legend, I want to see how you get the dragon heart!

But after a while, Li Rui led his teammates into the room, and saw a soft-faced knight looking at them up and down.

However, Li Rui's sight only swept over him, and then walked to Old Langman without squinting.

"Old man Longman, when will the first batch of snow dragon jerky be made? I have eaten up all of it before."

Old Longman twitched his mouth, glanced at the young knight with an unhappy expression, and bowed his head respectfully.

"Sorry, Mr. Wade, because the refining process is too cumbersome, it will take at least two weeks to harvest the first batch of jerky. Before that, you can use our tribe’s inventory to deal with it, but the quality is not up to 14 So high."

Li Rui's eyes lit up, and he scratched his head shyly: "That's so embarrassing."

Old Langman smiled slightly when he heard the words, and was about to persuade him to make a few words. When Li Rui spoke, he almost broke his waist.

" many tons of inventory does your tribe have? Is it enough to eat?"


Do you have any misunderstandings about the phrase "cope with it"?

I'll be polite, but in the end you want to eat [Da Kui Ye]'s stored grain cleanly?

Old Langman's eyebrows beat uncontrollably twice, and he smiled dryly.

"I will tell the family to take inventory and try to meet your needs first."

"Thank you, old man Longman, as much as we have eaten, you can deduct it from the jerky afterwards."

Li Rui's words made Old Langman's eyes move.

Most of the inventory in the clan is low-level jerky below level 13, replaced with fresh high-level jerky at level 14. This is a good deal!

But before he asked Little Lusha to tell the people to change the goods, the young knight who had been ignored for a long time finally couldn't help coughing twice.

"Ahem, are you the adventurers who hunted down the dragon Austin Hodge?"

Suspiciously looking at this little white face dressed like a peacock, Li Rui cast an inquiring look at the old Langman.

Who is this guy?

"Oh, sorry, but forgot to introduce. This is Knight Schneider Philemon from the Grand Duchy of [Tessfield]. He wants to ask for your white dragon heart."

From the subtle tone of the old Langman, Li Rui keenly sensed a trace of emotion.

He forgot to introduce it, he was deliberately hanging this bag!

It seems this guy is very unflattering!

As his eyes turned, Li Rui had a scrutiny in his heart and nodded to Schneider with a light smile.

"Do you want to buy Dragon Heart?"

Under the gaze of a bunch of "high-level" powerhouses, Schneider's arrogant expression slightly converged, and he nodded seriously.

"Then what price can you pay?"

"We have prepared 30,000 gold coins, which are already 50% higher than the market price!"

However, Li Ruihun didn't care about waving his hand.

"Gold coins are meaningless to us. I believe the old man Longman has also told you that we only accept the extraordinary materials we are interested in to barter!"

Schneider frowned irritably and gave Li Rui a dissatisfied look.

"Then what extraordinary material do you want?"

"Genius treasures, monsters, supernatural metals, magic treasures, cursed things..."

Staring into Schneider's eyes, Li Rui whispered word by word, and finally shrugged his shoulders gently.

"Anything that interests us."

"Thirty thousand gold coins are enough for you to buy a house of these things!"

Schneider always felt that Li Rui was playing tricks on him, showing his anger without concealment on his face.

But a woman with an exaggerated antler-like mask turned her head and glanced at him, her icy gaze penetrated the mask, like a biting cold wind seeping into her bone marrow, Schneider shuddered, and her arrogant arrogance immediately extinguished a lot. UU reading

"I said, I'm not interested in money!"

Li Rui grinned and raised his eyebrows at Schneider.

It is a pity that this alien native could not understand his stalk, and his sullen eyes became increasingly dissatisfied.

"Old man Longman, come, we can get a lot of good things this time!"

Ignoring Schneider's incompetent rage, Li Ruihun inadvertently pulled up Old Langman and went outside.

On the surface, apologizing and secretly nodded to the young knight. Old Longman followed Li Rui out of the room and left the guy alone in place.

Seeing that these people didn't put him in his eyes at all, Schneider gritted his teeth and stared at their backs, hesitated for a long time, and finally stomped on his heels.

"Mr. Wade, this time the Dragon Heart is the Pearl of the North, the advanced potion that Princess Norma Tobias of the Grand Duchy urgently needs, as long as you..."

(End of this chapter)

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