Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 826: , Something wrong

Chapter 828 Something is wrong (a reward for the storyteller for the end of the book friend III's love)

Schneider, I thought you would have some earth-shattering plan, but it turned out to be such an infamous method!

But... I have to say, well done, you have succeeded in disgusting me!

A wave of evil fire accumulated in the heart, and the anger was turned into power and stored deep in the soul.

Dragon Fury: 3/100

"You ask the hotel to change rooms. I'll go out for a while and come back soon."


Before Huang Juncai could finish speaking, Li Rui's figure instantly disappeared in place, and the air in the corridor was torn apart, and a deafening hurricane was blowing.

Outside the hotel, a shadow in a black robe sank like a ghost into the dark alley on the corner.

But he did not leave immediately, but looked back at the hotel, as if waiting for something.

"Are you waiting for me?"

A faint voice sounded behind him, and the black robe figure stiffened, and his head turned stiffly.

Behind him, a blond young man in strange tight clothing looked at him calmly, with a hint of mockery in his cold eyes.

how is this possible?

When did he come behind me?

The purple eyes were full of doubts, and only then did Li Rui see the true face of this "gift-giver".

This is a female drow who is one head taller than him, with a charming face, dark skin, and slender and soft limbs.

The purple pupils emit a faint red light in the dark, like a beautiful and evil flower.

However, this was useless. Li Rui's big fist appeared on the side of her face in an instant, and she was going to smash her head in the next instant.


A stabbing sword stopped the iron fist, and the violent power was not leaked to the body. The drow felt like he had been kicked by a giant dragon, flying out uncontrollably, and plowing his feet in the alley. Two deep pits more than ten meters long.

As expected of a man who can hunt dragons, he is so powerful!

The palm of the sword holding the sword trembled slightly, and the drow smiled with excitement and bloodthirsty on his face, turning around to melt into the darkness.

Li Rui curled his lips and followed casually, his eyes full of mockery.

Want to lead me out of town?

Satisfy you.

Following behind the drow without hurries, every time she looked back, she could see Li Rui's close and distant figure, but the excitement of the prey being hooked gradually extinguished, replaced by a heartbeat.

Something is wrong!

This guy is not right!

Judging from the previous contact, this guy should be a powerful fighter, but he is now almost at full speed. Why can he keep up?

Moreover, how did he touch behind him just now?

As drow elves who have lived in the dark realm for a long time, their perceptions are among the best among all humanoids!

What's more, she is still a level 15 assassin, and her expertise in this area has been further strengthened!

But even so, until he took the initiative to speak out, I didn't notice his breath!

Ethereal creature?

Impossible, her hand is still tingling with the punch just now!

An unknown premonition was fermenting in his heart, and the beautiful drow seemed to recall the fear of being chased by a black dragon in his childhood.

Vaguely aware that a crocodile was caught by fishing, the drow began to squeeze his every potential, accelerate, and accelerate!

But no matter how she rushed, Li Rui always hung tens of meters behind her, neither far nor near.

The horror cool air went straight from the tail bone to the vest, arousing a blockbuster of goose bumps, she finally understood that this guy was on purpose!

Knowing that there is a trap ahead, still play with yourself with a cat and mouse mentality?

And only one out of the team?

Is it self-confidence or arrogance?

Gritting his teeth, the drow continued to run wild.

She has no choice, there is still a chance to return to the encirclement, stopping to face this monster alone is a dead end!

When an assassin is suppressed in the two areas that he is best at, it means that the enemy is her natural enemy, and even escape is the kind of extravagant hope!

On the other side, Li Rui watched the drow lead the way, and even looked at his system panel leisurely.

If you encounter a secret diamond later, it is safer to open [No Blame].

But if there is only a pile of gold, [do not use] gesture can kill them all!

By the way, I’d better leave a few livelihoods and ask clearly who is behind the scenes. In case you misunderstand Schneider, it is a small matter to kill him, and it is the worst to let the real murderer get away!

Thinking beyond the marginal thoughts in my heart, the two golden "Assassins" flew for thousands of miles, crossing the tall city wall without any pause, and disappearing into the dense forest outside the city.

When he arrived outside the city, the drow no longer had any scruples, and his figure flew up into the sky, pulling out a dark streamer and shooting towards the distant mountains.

Is the default battlefield in the col?

With the mountain as a barrier, the extraordinary fluctuations are not obvious, but it is a good place to ambush!

Li Rui concealed the corner of her mouth, still hanging behind her.

"Here! Huh? Why is Morgan so flustered?"

In the desolate valley, several figures of different races looked into the distance, clearly sensing the breath of their companions.

However, the elegant and calm drow in the past is particularly embarrassed at this time, as if being chased by a giant dragon, and rushing for his life with the strength of feeding.

"What are you running? No one is behind her!"

The tauren with the giant axe scratched his head, looking strangely at the dark sky behind her.

"No, someone, ready to fight!"

A tall figure holding a longbow gave a low growl, and everyone immediately became nervous.

After a few seconds, they discovered that Morgan was indeed following someone behind him, but he did not emit any aura. He was invisible in the psychic sense, and only the primitive vision could confirm his. exist!

At the same time, Li Rui, who had stunned the drow elves, suddenly noticed the other's breath. Before he could understand, there was a tingling pain between his eyebrows.

Reflexively raising his hand, the Mitsubishi cone armor-piercing arrow that shoots toward the temple penetrates through the [qi and blood shield], through the body guard, plowing a blood trough on the golden illusory dragon scale, and flies with sparks. Get out.

The existence of the enemy was confirmed for the first time, UU reading www. Li Rui raised a grinning smile on his face and whispered to the drow in front of him.

"Thanks for leading the way, you are useless."


The high-speed moving figure hurried again, feeling the breath of death suddenly approaching behind him, and Morgan's black hair instantly turned into bright silver.

"My lord, I pray that your majesty will drop to the ground!"

With her low roar, Li Rui suddenly felt a terrifying magic power descend from the void, and the air instantly became thicker than glue.

The resistance of the whole body suddenly increased hundreds of times, and the cobweb-like shadow was linked to his shadow, causing him to feel a sense of difficulty from body to soul.

In a daze, there seemed to be invisible threads entwining him in circles.

Three more tickets~(;'??Д??`)

(End of this chapter)

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