Chapter 829

Looking around, there was a black robe figure standing in each of the eight directions of the valley. The huge magic power gathered on them and turned into a weird, like the shadow of the eight legs of a spider, gathered under their feet.

If you look down from directly above the valley, Li Rui is like a bug nailed to death by eight daggers, and cannot escape the trap no matter how he moves.

"How come there is only one? Didn't it mean that there is a team?"

Morgan panted heavily and dropped to the ground, and immediately a teammate came up to ask her.

"Be careful, that guy is weird. He brought me here on purpose!"


Before he understood Morgan's meaning, Li Rui in the distance took a deep breath, scanned the eight black-robed mages, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, the trap was arranged in advance. I originally thought it was an artistic magic of tens of thousands of tons, but I didn't expect it to be the magical technique of the spider queen!

The "spider web" is entangled, and the spatial displacement skills are all unavailable, but it doesn't matter, you can also tear this rotten web apart!

Kill the support first when you start the group, and you'll have all your ashes in three seconds!

The blooming golden light formed illusory dragon scales on his body, and the slowing speed skyrocketed again.

The originally invisible and intangible imprisoning power manifested into black silk visible to the naked eye under the shining of golden light, and then was forcibly broken by the terrifying brute force.

Just eight golden mages want to trap me?


The eight figures in black robes standing far away from the battlefield shook together.

They feel that what they imprison is not a human being, but a giant dragon!

No, even the legendary dragon has to drink hatred in the lord's web. Why does this tiny human have such terrifying power?

A steady stream of black threads entangled Li Rui's body, and was quickly pulled apart. Seeing him escape from the center of the spider web and kill a certain mage on the edge, the black-robed man facing him could even see clearly on his face. A grinning smile.

"You... don't come over here!!!"

The magical technique that appeared as an illusory spider web suddenly changed. The eight wizards no longer sought to directly control Li Rui, but like fishing, they continued to expand and retract the spider silk to vent his power.

Every step forward, the pulling force in the seven different directions behind you will increase by one point.

Li Rui felt like a bug fixed by eight springs. Pulling from the back and springing from the front, Li Rui couldn't rush through just a few hundred meters!

The main squad ambushing in the center of the battlefield also reacted at this time. The three-sided armor-piercing arrow cast with enchanted fine gold invaded like raindrops, drawing blood marks one after another under Li Rui's barrier.

"Moo~ To die!"

With a deep roar, the nearly four-meter-tall tauren rolled all over his muscles, raised his two-headed battle axe and dropped from the sky, about to split Li Rui in half.

Reaching out and grabbing, the scarlet tattoos on both wrists squirmed crazily, turning into hideous shield claws covering the elbow.

Without looking back, Li Rui's backhand was a [Dragon Tooth Spike], and the shield claws accurately blasted on the axe blade, exploding a substantial energy shock wave.

After a moment of stalemate, the result of the collision of the two disproportionate figures was unexpected.

Falling from the sky, the tauren with a violent aura was bombarded with a backhand by a human who was not as tall as his waist. The two-handed battle axe weighing a ton was bounced high, and the hard and heavy axe blade was clearly punched out. Curl.


Like a heavy artillery out of the chamber, the tauren turned into a straight line and shot into the distant mountain, instantly submerged into the rock formation, leaving only a radioactive pit.


The heavy armored shield battle that slowed the old cow one step later saw such a horrible scene, his eyes stared out, he couldn't help slowing down, and swallowed.

He knows the strength of the old bull. He can stand up against the dragon for a while, so how come he was hit by this guy?

Instantly adjusted his thoughts, he was no longer confused by the appearance of "thin" humans in front of him in the heavy armor shield battle, but regarded him as a legendary dragon!

Don't head-on, just hold him back!

[Shield Strike Charge]!

The huge shield covering the whole body bloomed with vigor and vigor, and the heavy armored warrior continued to accelerate from slow to fast. After tens of meters, it had turned into a streamer that was hard to catch by the naked eye and shot towards Li Rui.

At this time, Li Rui was still wriggling hard towards his goal without believing in evil, the other seven golden mage's teeth were crushed, the veins on his forehead skyrocketed, and the spider web magic almost turned into a visible form and wrapped around him. , But still can't stop him from moving forward a little bit.

The mage facing Li Rui was even more frightened. He couldn't move yet. Once the spell node was evacuated, the entire spider web magic would break without attack. When the trapped beast came out of its cage, he was the first to die!

It's less than two hundred meters, and it will enter the effective killing range immediately!

Li Rui stared at his goal, with an "affectionate" smile on his strenuous face.

Wait for me, baby, come here right away, shark you!

And watching him get closer and closer, the grin on his face became clearer and clearer, the cold sweat on the forehead of the opposing mage fell down one by one, the area of ​​psychological shadows became larger and larger, and his whole body trembled like an electric shock.

Don't come over here! ! ! !

At this moment, a life-saving whistle sounded at Li Rui's side, and a steel "wall" made up of substantive Qi Jin galloped toward him like a roaring locomotive.

With a disgusting glance, Li Rui's feet slammed into the ground, and violent blood and energy surged in the dantian, continuously injected into his arms, the knotted muscles rolled like a python, and the bright golden red flames lingered on the shield claws.

Condensed into a substantive intensity swept out, a few screams of cold light flashed in the air, but Li Rui's powerful punch was completely empty!

Seemingly vast and violent, Zhongzheng's grand offensive is Xu Huang's shot.

The howling "locomotive" turned into a very strange angle, brushed Li Rui's attack, and followed his strength to push him forward, almost not breaking his waist.

Immediately afterwards, UU read www. The locomotive full of powerful inertia on uukā banged Li Rui's side without any tricks, and Li Rui, who was too late to react, was instantly knocked out.

When he runs [Eternally Immortal Infinite Tribulation] and stands firmly in the void where there is nowhere to borrow, the distance that was originally only a hundred meters away has turned into a moat of hundreds of meters.

Moved the shoulder that was hit by the pain, Li Rui grinned at the shield warrior hidden under the full armor.

You are really annoying, why can't you wait to die?

Dragon Fury: 5/100!

Li Rui looked straight at the shield warrior, grabbed the crossbow arrow shot by the drow assassin, and squeezed it into fragments with his five fingers, which was then melted into molten iron by the golden red flame.

Shaking off the "water drop" on his hand, Li Rui looked around, and found no enemy of the secret diamond step, with a concealed squiggle mouth.

Forget it, it just happens that all skills require actual combat perception, too lazy to open [No Blame], play with them.

(End of this chapter)

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