Chapter 830

No longer thinking about a quick fight, Li Rui twisted her neck, and the joints all over his body made a crisp and loud noise.

"Who sent you?"

But the only answer to him was the flashing arrow!

Swinging away the three-sided armor-piercing arrow like a spear, Li Rui disappeared like a ghost, and appeared not far from the archer in an instant.

However, his position was just close to a golden mage, and Li Rui was once again pulled by the "springs" in eight directions, and his speed dropped suddenly.

However, this time Li Rui had been prepared for a long time, and threw a stern glow across the distance.

[Thorn of Fear]!

[Fear Spike], which has been stacked with more than 300 layers of [Feast], even exceeds the attack range of many long-range occupations. Seeing the power across the world shoot in front of you, the tall and strong archers cannot avoid it!

Because behind him is an immobile mage, although this kind of outward venting might not be able to cause substantial damage to the 14th-level strong, he still dare not bet!

In just a few tens of seconds of contact, Li Rui gave them a shock!

Speed, strength, defense, attack... are all legendary levels!

This kind of perverted attribute with no shortcomings is not a field that humans can reach at all, this guy is simply a humanoid dragon!

Once they lose the shackles of spider web magic, they can only run away immediately, and they can run one by one!

Damn, where is this team of golden adventurers?

Anyone who comes out randomly is a legend. Fortunately, they didn't bring them all over, otherwise...

After a shudder, the archer took out his short sword to meet the golden glow.

But as soon as Pu touched, the extreme pain that could not be described in words pierced the soul. The archer's body burned out of thin air, but the body surface was strangely covered with a layer of ice crystals.

【Divine Power·Torture】+【Relai’s Ice Scepter】


Holding the last trace of reason without falling, the archer screamed like a beast, leaving only the only obsession in his mind.

I'll go back and hang all the wanderers in the Intelligence Department!

I also personally felt the sourness of Moniheka's authority, Li Rui grinned with a gleeful smile, and threw a sorrowful glow at the black-robed mage behind him.

This time, no one would lift the tank for him, and the substantive Jin Hong Qijin tore a gap in the magic shield, but in the end he barely stopped the deadly threat.

But the ensuing attacks could no longer be defended. As the shield disappeared, magical protective trinkets burst on his body, and the golden glow finally touched the skin!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh~~"

The screams reverberated in the valley again, but as a spider mark appeared on the center of this person's eyebrows, his painful emotions immediately eased a lot.

At the same time, Li Rui in the battlefield frowned.

Divine protection?

There is no tendency to dissolve the magical magic entangled on the body. Sure enough, these wizards are just batteries that provide energy, and cutting off the mana supply of one of them for a short time will not cause the magical magic to collapse!

In other words, the silent effects of [Wild Scream] and [Null Ball] will not have much effect!

It's kind of interesting, but I want to see how long your magic can last!

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, and Li Rui was not in a hurry.

It's rare to have a team of golden targets that cooperate with each other. If you don't understand the golden skills at this time, when will you wait?

The only hope is that they can hold on for a little longer. After 40 minutes, all his passive stacking is completed and he enters the "full hey" state. It will not be too late to collapse at that time!

Containing his emotions, Li Rui backhanded and grabbed the tomahawk that the tauren was swinging over.

The bull who had just broken free from the belly of the mountain had blood-red eyes and terrible bruises all over his body. In some places, bones could even be seen!

The power of horror was transmitted from the palm of the hand to the shoulder, and poured into the ground beneath his feet along the body. Li Rui's rock formation tens of meters around suddenly sank, forming a cobweb-like radioactive pit!

But the "tiny" figure in the center of the destructive power just snorted, and then pulled the battle axe to the side, and the knees like a siege hammer screamed between the bull's chest and abdomen.


The crisp sound of bone cracks echoed in his ears. Li Rui clearly felt his strength penetrated the tough cowhide, penetrated the high bulging muscles, broke the elastic bones, and released all the damage to the internal organs. .


A **** arrow like a fountain shot from the tauren's mouth. It could no longer hold the giant axe in its hand, and was flew out by the whistling leg like a football.


The drow elves along the way did not dare to reach out to intercept them, their heads shrank, and the tauren drew a straight ray, rubbing her head into the mountain again.

Carrying an alloy two-handed battle axe more than two meters high and weighing more than one ton, Li Rui shook the tail of the axe handle twice, feeling that the weight was in his hand. He looked at the iron canned shield warrior not far away with a grinning smile.

Come, try my new corkscrew!

Damn it! Don't come over here!

The heavy armored shield warrior felt a strong malice, but before he tactically retreated, Li Rui's figure appeared on his head like a ghost.

Eat me [Noxus guillotine]!

Bow, sink your waist, raise your hand, and raise your shield!

The battle instinct that has been tempered for a long time vented most of his strength, but the unreasonable brute force still made him kneel on the ground.

The bones of his arms creaked, and the shield warrior felt that he was not facing a person at all, but a mad dragon was trampling on his shield!

"Oula Oula Oula~"

The shield was chopped like a piling and sparks splashed everywhere. With each blow, the earth's crust around the two of them sank, and the cobweb-like radioactive pits continued to spread out. Half of the shield warrior's body was hammered in like a hammer. In the soil!

Repeatedly hacking in the same place, a giant magic shield more than ten centimeters thick was forcibly cut through.

With a bang, he clearly felt the axe blade penetrate the shield. Li Rui stepped on the huge shield and drew out the battle axe. He slowly stretched his head into the crack of the steel curling. A few tens of centimeters apart, he exhaled a few in a frightening and cheerful tone. Words.


Don't come over here! ! !

The shield warrior’s mood at this time is broken but the stupid alien natives cannot get the shining stems. Through the gaps in the helmet, Li Rui can only see the panic, helpless, and confused. Eyes.

However, blasting a shield warrior forcibly has satisfied Li Rui's evil taste. Just as he was about to dismember the huge shield that the shield warrior was proud of, and ruining his support from the psychological level, there was another thorn in his eyebrows. pain.

Raising his hand to stop the three-sided armor-piercing arrow, Li Rui dropped the half-opened "can" and walked towards the recovered archer.

"My friend, we are just taking money to do things, letting us make a living. From now on, [Night Crow Alliance] will never be your enemy!"


PS: The grades have dropped a bit miserably, so please subscribe to support it. I will continue to do so for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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