Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 832: 、【Greedy and gluttony】·Golden rank

Chapter 834【Greed and Glutton】·Golden Rank

Putting away the blood crystal sword, Li Rui rubbed his chin, and muttered to himself.

Forget it, if this guy escapes for dozens of miles, he will lose a few dozen minutes of sleep tonight, it's not worth it.

Shaking his head, Li Rui gathered the drow corpses together and sprinkled a golden red flame.

The terrifying heat quickly destroyed the corpses and burned the bones to fly ash.

Fanned out the whistling wind, the last trace of dust disappeared into the dark night sky accompanied by the wind and snow, Li Rui's figure faded away like water waves.

The dark snow forest regained its tranquility. Only some sensitive nocturnal creatures sniffed, wondering why the air smelled of barbecue!


"team leader!"


As soon as she entered the house, Yingying Yanyan immediately hummed up and surrounded Li Rui.

"Solve it?"

After Li Rui calmed the group of strangers, Hannah teacher found the opportunity to talk with him in detail.

Nodding, the trace of regret revealed in Li Rui's expression was immediately caught by her.

"Adventurer's Guild or Killer Alliance? Didn't find the messenger behind the scenes?"

"Well, do you listen to the Night Crow Alliance?"

"It seems to have heard, wait, I will look for information."

Pulling out a thick military laptop, Teacher Hanna quickly found the information she wanted.

"The Night Crow Alliance is a killer organization mainly active in the middle of the mainland. The founder is an assassin of the original stone steps. The subordinate structure of the internal members is very loose, and the beliefs are also diverse. It is an organization dedicated to creating extra money for the dark world."

"Then if they die 12 gold, will they continue to send people to perform the task?"

"How is it possible? People are not stupid. Unless the price of such a dangerous task is increased to an astronomical number, or an artifact is used as a reward, no one will come to us again.

"Um... so..."

Li Rui narrowed her mouth, not knowing whether it was relaxation or regret.

The archer was really cheating on me, but he didn't take the initiative to deliver the food to the door. Why did he feel a little melancholy?

Shaking his head, Li Rui quickly put this emotion behind him.

You can’t be lazy, do it yourself, have plenty of food and clothing, nature’s gifts are inexhaustible and inexhaustible, the pie falling in the sky is a surprise...

With a sigh, Li Rui looked around and suddenly found that someone was missing.

"Where is Xiyi? Why didn't I see her after changing the room."

"Drunk, sleeping in the house, it seems that you won't wake up until dawn."

"Then everyone go to rest, staying up late to cultivate immortals is not a good habit."

He couldn't help but push all his teammates back to their respective rooms, and Li Rui returned to the room, so he had time to count his gains.

"At the end of the battle, you participated in the killing of twelve hero-level units and won a brilliant victory, S-level evaluation, basic reward × 2."

"You have gained 164980 (82490×2) experience points."

"You got 17,822 (8911×2) gold coins."

"You killed twelve units of the Golden Tier and gained 14,331 Advanced Law Shards."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gain 10,000 permanent health points (Golden Rank [Feast] Devour upper limit), and the number of feast levels is +1."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality, you gain 279 permanent health points growth."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 85 permanent spell growth."

"You got three golden treasure chests."

"You have upgraded!" ×6

More than 10,000 life growth, 17,000 gold coins, a level 6 increase, what a good organization, it’s a pity that it’s only given once...

With a regretful sigh, Li Rui quickly converged his mind, recalling the strange rhythm of using [Feast] continuously before.

After successfully experimenting to divide a [Feast] into several uses, he has experienced the power of [greedy and gluttony] several times, and grasped the flash of light!

At the same time, he also vaguely realized that passiveness is the foundation of a hero. As long as the passive skills break through, the remaining hero skills advancement gold is a matter of course.

Before, no matter how he was able to comprehend Xiaofa, his skills were so bad, but once the [Extraordinary Evil Force] was promoted, [Twisted Space] broke through immediately, and the remaining skills also had some new skills. Understand, I believe they will be promoted collectively to gold soon.

By the same token, as long as [Greed and Glutton] is promoted, Kogas' hero skills will not be delayed for too long...

Clearing up distracting thoughts, Li Rui slowly closed his eyes, savoring the looming gleam of light in his mind.

Guru... Guru...

The faint sound of gastrointestinal peristalsis sounded in his ears, and he understood that this was an illusion projected into his mind by [greedy and gluttony]. Li Rui kept his heart, and his spiritual consciousness continued to follow the mysterious path to the core of the law.

Guru... Guru... Guru... Guru...

The subtle voice gradually became louder, and finally turned into a deafening roar!

When Li Rui came back to his senses, what he "sees" in front of him is a pure black shadow that is larger than the planet.

It drags all the surrounding matter into it, like a living thing in a rhythmic rhythm.

When it expands, everything around it **** in shadows.

When it shrinks, all foreign objects grind into the most primitive particles and become a part of itself.

And as it expanded and contracted again and again, its volume became larger and larger, and finally occupied all of Li Rui's sight!

Black hole melting pot!

Instinctively, Li Rui understood its special design, and then slowly looked down.

And in the illusory physical body composed of spirituality, the line of sight penetrated the flesh and blood, and saw the body that was projected into the endless shadow of the soul world-my own [Void Stomach Pouch]!


With the return of spiritual consciousness, Li Rui, who had fallen from a high-dimensional state, slowly opened his eyes and looked at his system panel.

【Greed and gluttony】·Golden rank

The hero has endless greed, can eat infinitely, and has a strong digestion ability. When the hero kills a unit, he will restore his health and mana. The value of the recovery will increase with the energy level of the target.

When the [Feast] Devouring growth exceeds the skill limit, the overflowing life energy will be transformed into permanent resistance growth through a large amount of loss Void stomach sac digestion efficiency will be improved. )

([Feast] The effect of the Law of Swallowing is enhanced.)

There was no major change, only a short paragraph of text was added, but it was these words that made Li Rui's pupils suddenly shrink.

Spilled life energy is transformed into resistance?

Suddenly, Li Rui recalled the background introduction of [Void Fear Cogas].

"From the moment Kogas appeared under the scorching sun in Runeterra, it was driven by insatiable hunger. The desire to devour all life in the void is perfectly embodied in Kogas, its complex biological structure The ability to quickly transform matter into body growth will not only increase the mass and density of muscles, but also make the shell hard like a diamond..."

Yesterday was all night again. I went home this morning. I slept until the afternoon. I took all the codewords for the precious rest time. 4 more tickets~~(;’??Д??`)

(End of this chapter)

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