Chapter 835

It is as hard as a diamond... So, actually [Feast] can not only increase life, but also increase resistance?

Touching the position between his chest and abdomen, Li Rui can sense the subtle peristalsis of his stomach. The endless warm current is being transported to all parts of the body along the blood vessels and meridians, providing endless growth nourishment for every cell!

This trick...a bit strong!

It's just that the trigger conditions are a bit difficult, and ordinary enemies can't reach the upper limit of [Feast]!

But... it just so happens that I have learned to "eat more bites", as long as you beat the enemy to blood, you can always pile up to the upper limit!

With his eyes shining, Li Rui quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and carefully sensed the other changes in the Golden Level [Greedy and Gluttony].

【Empty Stomach Pouch】The decomposition and absorption efficiency of substances in the stomach sac has increased again.

If you continue to improve like this, ordinary food can eat the nutrition of extraordinary ingredients!

What is even more terrifying is the enhancement of the [Feast] Devouring Law, which means that the permanent life bonus provided by the enemy with the same amount of blood will be increased by about 10% to 20%!

At the same time, it also means that it is easier to reach the skill ceiling...

After a long time, Li Rui turned off the system panel and fell on the bed looking up at the ceiling in a daze.

The faint tingling in his soul reminded him of the cost of forcibly urging [Feast].

No longer forcing himself to practice exercises, Li Rui allowed his exhaustion to drown his consciousness, spiritually like a silkworm cocoon wrapped in a thick "shell", using the most natural warmth to repair the damage suffered.


When I woke up, the sky was still gray.

The goose-feather-like heavy snow roared, covering everything in sight with a thick white coat.

"Captain, were you injured last night?"

Seeing Li Rui staring out the window in a daze, Luo Li couldn't help but asked worriedly.


Looking at her caring gaze, Li Rui smiled and rubbed her short silver hair.

"No, just thinking about things. By the way, I just have two questions I want to ask you."

With that said, Li Rui told her the doubts in the [Blood Contract].

Although Vladimir's [Blood Witchcraft] is slightly different from the blood magic in this world, there are many things in common.

Even if Luo Li does not intensively cultivate blood magic, there is an old stone master who carefully teaches that she may have a deeper understanding of this aspect than some blood dukes!

After all, standing on the shoulders of giants, as long as she remembers the words of her father, she is equivalent to half a rough stone in terms of insight.

After some exchanges, Li Rui's eyes became brighter, and the obstacles in the past practice suddenly became clear.

This is the benefit of family learning!

Holding Rui Mengmeng's small face and rubbing hard, Li Rui was full of emotion.

Wild transcendents are really hard to mix!

For example, Luo Li, who has the original stone father hand-in-hand teaching, is equivalent to paved her a road to the sky.

She only needs to walk to the end step by step in the long years!

The traps, forked roads, pits, thorns...

All the obstacles, her father, have levelled her!

And what about the wild transcendent?

Any potholes along the way may kill them!

Even if the xinxing is firm enough to overcome many obstacles, you may go astray!

Fortunately, he walked in place for decades.

It is normal to be unlucky, to be tempted by some evil existence, and to twist into any weird form.

Thanks to the system!

Put a Tongtian Dadao different from the original plane before him!

Even if you encounter some obstacles temporarily, you can refer to a similar power system to make breakthroughs. It is simply teaching you to be a big boss!

Excitement surged in my heart, and Li Rui's movements became happier.

"Ahhhhh! Don't rub it, bite you! Wang!"

Breaking free of Li Rui's claws, Luo Li held up her flushed face, not knowing whether it was shy or annoyed, and she grinned fiercely.


With a silly smile, Li Rui explained to Luo Li the idea of ​​the team attacking again, and mentioned the difficulty-how to find the white dragon feces without her dog nose.

"You are a dog!"

"I don't know who was barking barking just now?"

"I am not, I am not!"

"I happen to have a recording. Would you like to listen?"

"Ahhhhhh! Kill you!"

With his arms around Luo Li, who rushed up to make a fuss, Li Rui had a few red tooth marks on his face, but his expression was like a two-hundred-jin child.

"Well, stop making trouble, is there any way?"

Patting Luo Li's **** and pushing her off her body, Li Rui looked at her tenderly.

"Um... this can't be helped."

Luo Li looked away uncomfortably, her face flushed, and she squatted.

"The superlative sense of smell of the Frostwolf tribe and the super long-distance perception of the blood tribe to the smell of blood are superimposed together to form my special search ability."

"This is a natural instinct, not a skill, and cannot be shared with you."

Although he was psychologically prepared, Li Rui sighed with regret when he heard Luo Li's words.

"Forget it, it's not bad to act together, anyway, we are not in a hurry."

But Luo Li blinked, tapped his chin, and suddenly burst into a bright smile.

"In fact, there is a way to bypass this restriction."

"Oh? Come and listen."

Seeing her sly and smart eyes, Li Rui suddenly became interested.

"I first go out and collect the white dragon feces in each direction, and then each person is responsible for a range, so the efficiency of cleaning should be about the same as you said."

Li Rui's heart moved, but he looked at the harsh weather outside the window, chuckled and shook his head.

"Forget it, it's too cold, I don't worry about you going to the icy and snowy fields alone."

When Luo Li heard the words, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and she quickly pressed it down again, giving him a charming look.

Reaching out and standing up from the sofa, Luo Li opened the balcony door, and the howling cold wind immediately poured in like a steel knife.

But she closed her eyes enjoying the piercing cold wind, and after a long time she turned her head to look at Li Rui, her slender and tall figure was full of heroism, and her eyes were full of vigor.

"Did you forget, I have half the blood of the Frostwolf clan, cold, has never been our enemy, UU Reading is the closest partner."

With that, she walked out of the room and jumped down from the balcony, leaving only the reverberation.

"I will help you collect the "media" first, and I will be back soon."

Li Rui came to the balcony, only to see a silver stream disappearing at the end of the street.

With a helpless chuckling and shaking his head, Li Rui closed the balcony door and muttered to himself.

"I forgot, the colder the sled dogs, the more energetic... Finding **** is also their traditional art..."

Although he was a little disgusted, the smile on Li Rui's face became more gentle.

At this moment, a door of a nearby room suddenly opened, and a figure fell to the ground with a clatter, and then squirmed slowly on the ground like a maggot, still whispering in his mouth: "Woohoo...Li Rui , Did the dead dog open the window again, I'm so sleepy..."

Li Rui: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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