Chapter 836


The stern dragon roar reverberated in the valley, but with a few sharp piercing noises, the wings of the dragon in the sky broke off and fell to the ground like a plane crash, splashing snow and fog in the sky.

But the attack that followed did not stop in the slightest. A smart figure circled the dragon, and stormy arrows shot out from his hand, covering the target in a radius of more than ten meters.


The destruction of the magic light arrow is extremely concise, hitting the snowy ground is a thick, bottomless black hole.

And hitting the scales of the dragon, you can immediately blast out a basin-sized pothole!


The beaten dragon suddenly raised its head, and the ice-blue cone-shaped dragon's breath swept past, turning everything within nearly a hundred meters into ice crystals.

It is a pity that due to the storm's attack, the figure's speed has always been kept in a weird hurricane state, even with such a large-scale AOE, it just can't catch up with his figure!


A handsome fair-haired elf abruptly appeared beside the dragon, almost hitting it with a critical blow.


The terrifying high-energy particle beam made a hole in the weak side of the skull. The dragon's head seemed to be a home run baseball, dragging its body to throw an arc, and piercing it on the snow.

The thick blood smeared on the pure white ground, and the giant beast over ten meters long fell silent, and its breath quickly dimmed.

"Kill another one!"

Taking out the notebook he carried with him, Huang Juncai crossed out one of the numbers with great satisfaction.

The dragon corpse on the ground was collected into the [material warehouse], and the little yellow hair turned into a flash of lightning and rushed into the collapsed dragon nest to find the spoils.

"Oh... the young dragon just can't do it, what kind of broken copper is this?"

Throwing away some shining but worthless things, Huang Juncai flattened his mouth in disgust as he looked at the collected hundreds of gold coins.

At this moment, a sigh suddenly came from the voice of the team.

"Xiao Huang, go and see Zhao Youxuan. That guy hasn't moved for another half an hour. Go and see if she is asleep."

"Does that still need to be seen? The snake is definitely hibernating again. When today's work is finished, you can dig by yourself. Last time I dig her, she actually used her tail to draw me!"

"She was sleepy."

"You can't draw my handsome face when you're sleepy? I'm going to eat with this face now!"


In another direction hundreds of kilometers away, Li Rui twitched his eyebrows twice and silently ended the call.

Since Xiao Huang Mao put on Ezreal's skin, his face has become thicker and thicker.

At the feet of Li Rui, a terrifying behemoth with a body length of nearly 20 meters was looking up at the sky without a god. The icy blue vertical pupil had already lost its focus.

The body was rushing towards the street, but the dragon's slender neck was twisted like a twist, and blood was constantly overflowing from the fierce dragon's teeth.


The hill-like dragon corpse disappeared in place, and Li Rui fell to the ground softly like a feather, breathing a sigh of regret.

It's a pity that the spiritual injury is still short of the last trace, otherwise this little dragon will barely have enough for an extra meal today.

Forget it, be safe and wait until the injury heals.

Shaking his head, Li Rui also took out a notebook and crossed out the last number.

Scanning from start to finish, he nodded in satisfaction, seeing only the uncrossed numbers.

In this case, the appetizers are basically finished, and then you can start enjoying the dinner!

Recalling the golden white dragon found during the cleaning process, Li Rui couldn't help swallowing.

There are more than 30 golden white dragons, enough for the team to enjoy for a long time!

I don’t know how much "nutrition" a white dragon of this level can provide after being promoted to the Golden Rank?

Protein...No, the HP should be at least seven or eight times that of a human of the same level, right?

The actual blood volume is estimated to be higher, but the devouring efficiency of [Feast] has a certain penalty for giant creatures that exceed one-sixth of the size of the magic phase.

Maybe the mouth cannot be completely wrapped, so it can only swallow a certain percentage of life?

And the larger the actual size of the target, the more severe the punishment.

Thinking endlessly about some skill principles, Li Ruimai stepped forward and moved quickly in the opposite direction.

He has to go and dig out the hibernating viper from the snow!


"How many came in again today?"

"13, Arbor."

The lovely girl sighed while holding a pile of papers.

Old Langman trembled undetectably, took a sip of the hot brown drink from the water glass, calming the throbbing in his heart.

The dragon god's pouring, five colors and metal...

No, can't think about it, I'm just a stupid barbarian, I don't know anything!

Change the topic, change the topic!

By the way, this kind of drink from another world is really fragrant...what is it called?

It seems to be coffee?

He cherished the drink in the glass and sighed contentedly. He walked to the window and saw a scarlet square.

Hundreds of figures were moving back and forth in the square, and several terrifying giant beasts had their scales cut open, revealing the blood and flesh of the fascia underneath.

There was blood in his sight, and even through the glass, he could smell a hint of sweetness and stickiness.

Dragon blood flowed into the collector along the special ditch, and the blood-stained people showed bright smiles, eagerly helping to disassemble the giant beast in front of them.

No wonder they are so happy, bathing in dragon blood is of special significance to many tribes in the North, especially the tribes with the blood of frost giants, which has an irreplaceable effect.

Not only can you greatly enhance your physical fitness, but also help break through the bottleneck!

Originally, in their ancestral practice, they had to bathe in fresh dragon blood once when they broke through 9th level. At this level, I don't know how many northern men died.

Even the old Longman himself, it took three years to find a chance for promotion!

Now, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is just a free "blood rubbing" in the hand, all the tribes in a radius of thousands of miles came to please themselves after hearing the news, even if the weather-beaten nature of Old Langman could not help but feel a little fascinated.

Right... It's really a good thing!

But he woke up in a blink of an eye. He knew that this right to depend on others was just a mirage, which would disappear at any time.

However, taking advantage of this period of "in power", it is still possible to seek benefits for oneself.

"Abo, the patriarch of the [Rock Blade] tribe came here in person, hoping to provide some "labor" to ensure that they are all experienced players."

"Hehe, didn't that old guy have always been very proud, and now it's not on us!"

With a cheerful laugh, Old Longman did not refuse, but readily agreed.

No way, Li Rui and the others are hunting dragons at a speed beyond imagination, and dealing with dragon corpses requires a certain level of skill.

(End of this chapter)

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