Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 835: , "Boring" life

Chapter 837 A "boring" life

It would take several days for the [Da Kui Ye] tribe’s own master to bring an apprentice, and it would take several days to "sort out" a white dragon within 20 meters.

And this is just the roughest first step. After that, various parts of the dragon corpse must be processed differently to preserve their spirituality to the maximum.

This is a complete set of complex and systematic skills. Only the large tribes of the Northland have a complete inheritance, able to decompose and preserve a white dragon from beginning to end.

If some small tribes are lucky enough to hunt the white dragon, they often ask the master of the big tribe to guide them.

Of course, tuition is not cheap. Depending on the parts they are good at, the masters may ask for some special organs.

That is to say, in such exchanges and learning, most of the tribes in the north have a unique skill to deal with the white dragon.

If they can learn from each other, the value of these dragon corpses can increase by at least 10%!

Lao Langman knew in his heart that only by doing the things Li Rui confessed beautifully, the [Da Kui Ye] tribe could get the most benefit.

On the contrary, the anger of an entire legendary squad can easily wipe the tribe off the map!

With a solemn heart, Old Langman's expression condensed and his eyebrows gradually frowned.

The manpower is still not enough. The backlog of dragon corpses in the warehouse is piled up. With the current processing speed, it will take at least a month to clean up the inventory.

This is still on the premise that there will be no "new stocks"!

Mere dismemberment can be handed over to the apprentice, but the later processing takes up the bulk of the manpower.

Thinking of this, Old Longman's brows began to knot.

Not only is the manpower problem, but even the matching potions are now in short supply.

Part of the reason is because they consume a lot, but the bigger factor is the hoarding of profiteers!

At present, the price of all potions on the market has increased more than ten times, and the potions related to the refining of white dragons have increased by hundreds of times!

Fortunately, the Northland Tribes are the "producers" of these potions. The current inventory of the various races can barely support a period of time, but according to the current consumption rate, sooner or later they have to buy them from the outside world.

And the profiteers who looked at the dragon corpse with red eyes are about to use these potions to slaughter them!

In addition, a large number of white dragon corpses even attracted the attention of various temples...

With a thousand threads entangled in his mind, Old Langman pinched his eyebrows in pain, wishing to cut all the mess away!

But there are always some things in the world that cannot be solved by force. After the distress, he decided to report these things to Mr. Wade to see if they had any good solutions.

At this time, Mr. Wade, whom he was thinking of, was enjoying the rare “deliciousness”.



The desperate dragon roar came to an abrupt end. A giant beast that looked like blood clotting broke the thick dragon neck, chewing and squirming in its mouth, and it made a deafening roar. It took a long time to gradually dissipate.

Savoring the subtle changes in [Feast], Li Rui slowly opened his eyes.

"The battle is over, you participated in the killing of a hero-level unit."

"You have gained 12192 experience points."

"You got 1108 gold coins."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 7652 points of permanent health growth, and the number of feasts +1."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the wither vitality, you gain 31 permanent health points growth."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 12 permanent spell growth."

"[Dragon Bloodline] Strip the dragon source quality, gain 7 permanent armor growth, 9 permanent magic resistance growth, gain frost mana, and 10% deceleration effect (for 240 hours)."

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragonborn] Enhanced conceptual weapon. When you break the defense against the dragonborn creature (thin bloodline) and cause substantial damage, +16 real damage, and the final physical damage caused by the dragonborn creature to you is -9 points ."

"You got a golden treasure chest."

"You upgraded!"

The efficiency of swallowing health has greatly increased, but it is unclear whether it is because of the increase in the size of the magic phase, or the [greed and gluttony] more advanced factors.

But in any case, the giant creatures that contain massive amounts of energy and blood like the devouring dragon are the correct way to open the [Feast] to grow.

In the past, Li Rui's enemies were mainly human beings, not only difficult to deal with, but there was not much "meat" to chew.

Now that I think about it, it's a blood loss!

With a sigh, Li Rui looked at his system panel, smashed his lips.

It takes 15 upgrade options to upgrade the [Dragon Blood] to the Silver level, which is almost.

Eating a few more "main dishes" should be enough experience points...

Just thinking about it, there was a dragon roar that reached the soul, and a translucent ice crystal ghost dragon in the sky was suddenly drawn into Aya Xiyi's body by the curtain of darkness.

"I'm done, do you still use it? While it's hot."

Aya Xiyi pointed at the dragon corpse under her feet, and said the words of tiger wolf coldly.

The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, and Li Rui stopped talking, but finally did not speak to correct it.

Waving the dragon corpse into the [material warehouse], Li Rui turned around and started to return to the court.

"Captain, don't you continue? We can at least hunt down two targets today..."

Luo Li approached Li Rui and asked suspiciously.

Li Rui chuckled and shook his head, and said meaningfully: "Good things, savor slowly."

"You lie, you obviously **** something from me every time!"

Zhao Youxuan suddenly appeared from nowhere, retorted righteously.

Li Rui's face changed, and she slapped her **** with two slaps.

You talk too much!


For the next period of time, Li Rui lived a "boring" life of eating and practicing.

Once the [Feast] cooling is completed, he will immediately lead the whole family out for a "big meal".

Counting from the day he arrived in the alien world, in less than two months, he almost wiped out the white dragon within a few hundred kilometers of [Andemster].

And these longevity species, which have been sleeping for months or even years, are horribly slow in information exchange.

This is the situation, UU reading hasn't discovered that anyone is hunting them wildly.


The ferocious behemoth with a body length of more than 30 meters fell to the ground, making the ground tremble slightly within a few kilometers.

"Old man Longman, this is today's prey!"

Looking at Li Rui with a bright smile, old Langman felt his liver tremble.

I have found all the masters who are thousands of miles away, there is really no one!

Pained and happily holding a smile, Old Langman took a sigh of relief and said to Li Rui solemnly.

"Mr. Wade, the processing time of Bailong above level 13 is at least doubled, and our construction period has been scheduled for half a year."

"Will it take so long?"

Li Rui scratched his head in distress.

(End of this chapter)

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