Chapter 838

If possible, he still wants to turn these dragon meat into edible items. Due to the recent crazy digestion of extra attributes, the inventory in [Void Stomach Pouch] is almost bottoming out.

The flesh and blood of the Baqi Orochi, who had originally thought to be able to support the Secret Diamond Stage, was actually consumed at the Golden Stage.

Now he desperately needs high-end extraordinary ingredients to continue his life!

But half a year is too long!

It is impossible for him to wait so long in the Northland, it is really impossible, he can only throw it into the system to make [Life Potion].

But according to the system's current output of one hundred and eighty bottles per day at full capacity, so much dragon meat has to be digested to the end of the world!

Is it really going to give birth?

Although [Void Stomach Pouch] is not afraid of the inherent toxicity of the white dragon, dragon meat that has not been processed is really unpalatable!

It was fishy and firewood, and it chewed like rubber tires.

Thinking of the taste, Li Rui's face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, full of disgust.

Forget it, let's try that method!

With a decision in his mind, Li Rui's eyes condensed, and he pointed to the giant beast beside him and said softly: "Old man Longman, the processing of low-level white dragons should be slowed down first, and gold should be processed first...Uh, high-level white dragons."

"But Mr. Wade, our potions are not enough."

Old Langman began to complain to Li Rui endlessly. He almost squeezed out the tribal stocks in a radius of thousands of miles, and still couldn't supply Li Rui's slaughter speed!

Knowing the greed of capitalists a long time ago, Li Rui was not surprised by the businessmen's hoarding behavior, and he had planned to deal with it a long time ago.

It's just that that method is a bit time-consuming for him. If you can solve the problem with money, you should try to solve it with money.

"Before these businessmen fought you to death and death, and now they are monopolizing [Andrumster]'s potion together, it means that someone has taken the lead to form a trust. You ask their principal to come and talk to me."

Following Li Rui's order, five businessmen representatives stood in front of him a few hours later.

"Are you Mr. Wade? Good luck!"

With humble and sleek smiles on their faces, a few businessmen started flattering wildly as soon as they came up. They didn't know how much they admired Li Rui, and couldn't tell that they were sharpening their knives.

Looking at the sacred emblems shining with divine brilliance on their chests, Li Rui knew that each of these merchants had the support of forces, and you should not try to suppress them by force alone.

This is why they know they are not easy to provoke, but still dare to provoke themselves.

With 300% of profits, capital would dare to trample on all the laws of the world, not to mention the oil and water on oneself is more than 300%!

Pulling out a smile, Li Rui said straightforwardly: "I understand the purpose of hoarding potions, let's make a price."

The five businessmen looked at each other concealedly, and they all saw greed and excitement in each other's eyes.

After laying out for so long, we can finally cut the meat today!

"Ahem, Mr. Wade, you don't know. This year, the production of potions in various places has been reduced, and we are compelled to do so!"

"Yes, in order to buy these potions, we get up early and greedy the dark..."


At the beginning with one person, the five people murmured like ducks, and those who heard it were sad and the listeners shed tears, as if the potions hoarded in their hands were only retrieved after ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

After listening for a while with a polite smile, Li Rui finally couldn't stand it, rubbing his temples in pain, and waved to interrupt.

"Okay, okay, I get it, let me talk about the main point, and give me the quotation."

Seeing that Li Rui didn't want to listen to them, the merchants stopped laughing one by one, took out the quotations that had been prepared and handed them to him.

After receiving a measurement, Li Rui found that it is not so much a quotation, as it is a quotation!

The thick coated paper is estimated to have hundreds of pages!

Open the pages of the book and read them carefully. As the pages turned, Li Rui's face gradually cooled.

After scanning it in a glance, Li Rui handed it over to the low-key companion of the old Langman, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"According to your bargaining quotation, you took away the big head of a dragon. I was born and died for you to do nothing?"

"Mr. Wade, how can you say that? We also paid for the potion we bought with real money!"

"Yes, if you don't have our medicine, your dragon meat will not last long. It will rot as soon as the spring starts. It's better to change it to us, everyone wins!"

The merchants had flattering smiles on their faces, but the words and eyes were full of naked greed.

Looking into the eyes of these businessmen, Li Rui suddenly felt that his so-called greed was not worth mentioning in front of them.

With a snort, Li Rui suddenly smiled in relief.

I am too naive, and I have expectations for capital.

Immediately, he gently raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the door.

"Please go back."

The merchants who were still trying their best to persuade Li Rui suddenly stopped, and the excited smile on their faces gradually disappeared.

"Mr. Wade, what are your concerns? We can adjust it for you now!"

Swish to stand up, Li Rui condescendingly looked down at them, eyes full of mockery.

"I don't have any worries. I just can't understand your faces. If you don't buy it, you can keep it for yourself."

The five businessmen looked at each other, but they didn't expect things to develop so unexpectedly.

"Mr. Wade..."


Too lazy to listen to their nonsense, Li Rui waved his hand at them like a fly, with unabashed contempt on his face.

At this moment, the five businessmen couldn't hold back anymore, each of them with frost on their faces, leaving the table angrily.

Before leaving, one of them turned around and laughed in a provocative and sarcastic tone: "Mr. Wade, the entire Northland potion is in our hands. I will wait for the day you come to us!"

However, Li Rui sneered: "Don't worry, I'm a bit stubborn, and I won't give it to you if the meat is rotten to the dog!"

The businessman's sardonic smile froze on his face, his chest rising and falling, and the whole person couldn't help shaking slightly.

But I don't know if he thought of Li Rui's strength. In the end, he restrained the anger in his chest and yelled in a low voice: "You will regret it!"

After speaking, he slammed the door, let out a depressed roar, and strode away.

It was not until they walked away that Old Langman closed the quotation with a complex expression and looked at Li Rui with some guilt.

"Mr. Wade, I didn't know they were so greedy..."

"It doesn't matter, but they said all the potions in the Northland are in their hands, is it true?"

"Hehe, how is it possible? This is just to create pressure for you. The twenty-three countries in the Northland are tens of thousands of miles away. They can at most control the markets of the surrounding countries, and furthermore, they will not have an impact at all!"

"Well, that's fine. I'll go out for a few days and come back soon."

Recently, my work has come to an end, and I have some free time. I will try to add more changes. If you look good, please vote for me. Today is also four changes! ! (;′??Д??`)

(End of this chapter)

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