Chapter 839

As if he had guessed Li Rui's plan, Old Langman hesitated for a moment, and still asked aloud.

"Before you asked me to prepare a map of the Northland Potions Distribution City. Are you going to go to those cities to buy it?"


Nodded, Li Rui didn't bother to lie to him when it came to this point.

"However, high-ranking powerhouses like you need to declare in advance to enter other borders, otherwise they will cause war if they are discovered!"

Li Rui grinned upon hearing this: "I have special skills on the way, so don't worry."

At this moment, the side door of the room suddenly opened, revealing a charming and charming face.

"I heard someone feed the dog, why not feed the snake?"

"I'll feed you a stir-fried pigworm, come and let me fight twice!"

Li Rui laughed with anger, and the anger hoarding in his chest vanished instantly.

Dragon Fury: 8/100.

Almost can accumulate to 9 o'clock, you are the pigworm!

Zhao Youxuan shuddered when she was roared, and she drew her head back carefully.

Forget it, the fierce snake doesn't suffer the immediate loss.


"It's been almost two weeks, hasn't that Wade moved yet?"

In the gorgeous and quiet reception room, a dozen businessmen gathered together with a sad face, discussing the latest information.

"They usually go out to hunt dragons every few days, but yesterday our spies saw him and his team members hanging out on the street. Are they really ready to stop?"

The businessman who had spoken harshly to Li Rui before shot up, and retorted decisively.

"Impossible, how could they easily give up such a big interest!"

"Kennett, don't forget, the mind of the legendary powerhouse is different from ours, what if he really fights and loses?"

Several businessmen who were not involved in the negotiation stared at him complainingly.

At the beginning, it was the alliance formed by you guaranteed to make a hundredfold profit, but you were the one who screwed it up!

"It really doesn't work. Be soft and sell it to them at a lower price. Anyway, you can make a fortune and make money. The business is not shabby."

"That's right, your family's great cause can withstand the toss, but we gambled on our laurels, and if we drag on, we might go bankrupt!"

Feeling the gaze of internal hatred, and listening to the capitulation remarks echoing in his ears, Kennet was so angry that he paced back and forth in the reception room like a grumpy orangutan.

"Kennett, didn't you contact [Woking Church] to put pressure on Wade's group?"

A businessman who was also involved in the negotiation saw him walking upset, and reached out to stop him.

"Hehe, why didn't I contact, but the high-ranking priest who went to clear the relationship did not even see Wade's face!"

With a gritted teeth, Kennett looked at the speaker, a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

"Eddie, how about [Winter Church] over there?"

"Oh... just like you, I was perfunctory by the old Langman, and I didn't even see the master."

"Where is the Adventurer's Guild? Don't you just take care of them?"

"They haven't registered at all!"


After asking in a circle, everyone suddenly discovered that Wade was like a rock in a dung pit, smelly and hard.

The wrong network of caravan alliances has nothing to do with them!

Unless... come hard!

"Kennett, can you tell the high-level experts of [Woking Church] to take action?"

A businessman who had been sitting quietly in the corner suddenly said, and the meeting room fell into a dead silence.

Especially those small businessmen who did not participate in the negotiations, their faces were extremely ugly.

If the two sides really tear their faces and do not follow the rules, the first person to die is their unreliable little shrimp.

"It's difficult. Unless that Wade takes the initiative to attack us, [The Temple] will only protect our normal business activities."

Kennet shook his head bitterly. He didn't want to use the power of the church.

However, these businessmen and the major forces behind them are only dependent and rarely directly affiliated. Why do they work hard for you personally?

If he broke the order and used force to force him, then the major temples would naturally not stand idly by.

But if people only use normal commercial means to fight, no matter how big the loss is, it will be difficult for the major forces behind them to make up their minds to turn their faces.

After all, a squad that is suspected of being all legendary, even the major temples must carefully mobilize the elite before they dare to do it.

Actions of this level generally have to be approved by the Pope himself, and he cannot influence big figures of that level.

"It really doesn't work. We will go to him again in two days. This batch of potions squeezes a lot of cash flow and can't be dragged on any longer!"

The businessman named Eddie snarled in a low voice, which immediately resonated with other businessman.

"Yes, the funds for the normal activities of the caravan have been squeezed, and if you drag it any longer, you really have to drink northwest wind!"

Listening to the babbling words in the reception room, Kennett's face became more and more ugly.

You go to kneel and lick your clothes, people might buy yours, what about me?

At that time, he put down cruel words that Wade would regret it!

Even for this breath, presumably he wouldn't mind cleaning up.

Who am I taking such a big risk for?

Saying good concerted action, you actually betrayed me?


With a palm slapped on the table, Kennett looked around with blood red, like a hungry wolf in desperation.

"Hundreds of white dragons, without our potions, he can only watch them rot!"

The ferocious eyes glanced around for a week, everyone was shocked by his aura, unable to speak.

"As long as we are united and persevere, he will come to us sooner or later, and there will be hundreds of times more profits!"

"Now you are frightened by him and can't wait to surrender. The cost of the previous hard layout is all in vain, and even the potion purchased at a high price has to be sold at a loss!"

"Are you willing?"

The words "losing money and selling at a low price" hit everyone's hearts.

They know that in the negotiation process, the party who is the first to subdue the softer must be ruthlessly blackmailed by the other side.

If you don't test the bottom line, you will never give up, and copy the potion to the current price, UU reading, they are not without paying the price.

The average purchase price was nearly ten times higher than the normal market price. If they hadn't squeezed a high return from Wade, they would really have to cut the meat to fill the hole in this operation.

The hesitating mood became slightly firm again, and everyone looked at each other and gritted their teeth.

"Then observe for a while."

"Well, now it's up to who can't hold it first, so don't worry."


After the lively discussions, the businessmen stood up one by one to leave.

Reluctantly stabilizing the alliance that was about to fall apart, when the last person left the reception room, Kennet was tired and propped his forehead, gnawing his teeth and cursing in a low voice.

"A mob!"


(End of this chapter)

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