Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 839: , He is in a hurry

Chapter 841

Eat the remaining Golden White Dragon set meal as soon as possible, otherwise the feast of the central mainland...No, the war will be cold!

"Then have you bought all the potions this time?"

Aya Xiyi, who was reading the novel quietly, suddenly asked. Li Rui slowly showed his thumb, his teeth gleaming brightly under the light.

"I ran out of gold coins for the trophy, enough to pickle a thousand white dragons!"

Aya Xiyi's movements paused, and she turned her head in confusion.

"Why are you buying so much?"

"I will not only use it, but also sell it!"

"Now that the price of potions is so high, who would buy it?"

Luo Li asked strangely, and Huang Juncai, who was sitting not far away, suddenly reacted, the ghost animal twitched his eyebrows and looked at Li Rui with a wretched look.

"I didn't expect you to be such a little plum, I like it!"

Li Rui raised his lips triumphantly, and the two men laughed unspokenly.

"Are you going to pit those businessmen?"

Luo Li reacted immediately, staring at Li Rui scorchingly.

"What is a pit? I am a serious business behavior. One is willing to make a wish... Bah, one is willing to buy and the other is willing to sell!"

Li Rui corrected Luo Li's statement with a smirk and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window.

The temperature is getting warmer, there is not much time left for "me"!


"What? Another tribe is coming to sell potions?"

"Well, the liquidity in other people's hands has all been exhausted, Kennett, will you continue to raise the price?"

Eddie asked tiredly, with a haggard face.

In order to monopolize the [Andrumster] potion market, they must wipe out all production capacity in the world at high prices.

Otherwise, once the price collapses, their assets will instantly plummet to a few tenths of their original value.

Funds break, creditors come to the door, bankruptcy liquidation...

Once this chain reaction is activated, most people in the alliance will jump off the roof, including himself!

"These **** barbarians, are they crazy?"

Kennett's eyes are bloodshot. He hasn't slept at all during this time, staring at the price changes in the market all the time, and praying in his heart that Wade's group will come to them to negotiate as soon as possible.

"Kennett, it's not that they are crazy, it's us."

Eddie gave a wry smile, his bleak eyes full of fatigue.

"We have made the price of potions too high, and now the tribes within a radius of thousands of miles have given up daily production, and sent men, women and children to collect potions in the wild. Now the production capacity of potions has exceeded our original judgment!"

Before the production of potions was scarce, as long as they had the largest reserves in their hands, they could easily raise prices and force Wade to negotiate with them.

But now the weather is getting warmer, these barbarians in the North are like crazy to supply them all over the world. It can only be said that the power of money is really infinite!

"That's wrong, according to the calculations of the potions experts, [Andemster] can't have such a large output around!"

Kennet scratched his hair in despair, and his dry hair fell to the ground like rain.

"Maybe there is a problem with the calculation, after all, he did not expect that the entire Northland barbarians would be mobilized by us!"

Eddie sighed again with a bitter, self-deprecating smile.

"Could it be that Wade and the others did the trick? They used to sell their inventory to crush us?"

"It's not like that. The dragon corpses in their hands must be refined as soon as possible before the beginning of the spring. Now they immediately put into the refining every time they searched the market, devouring potions like a bottomless pit, currently [Andems Special] Whenever there is a source of goods on the market, they will rush to buy with us frantically, and sometimes we can’t get them.”

"Then why don't they come to talk to us?"

Kennet let out an angry roar, his hoarse voice even brought a hint of crying.

"I see that Wade is taking a group of women around the city every day during this period, as if he really didn't take this matter to heart."

After a pause, Eddie looked at Kennett deeply.

"So? Do you want to continue?"

Clenching his teeth, Kennett looked at the bright sunshine outside the window and nodded with all his strength.

"The moment of decisive battle is coming soon. If you don’t use potions for preservation, all the dragon meat in his hand will have to rot. There are hundreds of white dragons. Among them, there are many white dragons of mature age above level 13. This is a pile of golden mountains. Will come to compromise with us..."

"Yes, they used a sky-high price to buy supplies from us, which shows that he is also in a hurry. Victory is in sight..."

Kennett whispered in a nearly whispered volume, as if to tell himself.

But in the next period of time, he experienced a time like hell.

Barbarian tribes that have never heard of emerged from the soil, dragging carts of potions to [Andermster], watching him and old Langman crazy with greedy eyes. price.

To this day, Kennett has been blushing.

He mortgaged all the fixed assets, desperately trying to maintain the high price of the potion.

The gold coins poured out like a flood, replacing them with potions piled in hills.

Even though the normal price was two hundred times higher than in previous years, the two sides still did not stop, like two lone wolves with no retreat, madly biting all the sources of goods in the world.

However, he didn't know that the real seller he snapped up the potion was counting the little money with joy.

And, with the passage of time, the trees in [Andemster] finally ushered in a touch of emerald green.

"Kenneth, it's already spring, we can't go crazy with you anymore."

Seeing his former teammate standing blankly in front of him, Kennett knew that he had lost.

All the funds have been invested, but the other party would rather lose both sides than negotiate. Smart people will never be able to beat the crazy...

"We have made an appointment to visit Master Wade again in the afternoon, are you... going?"

There was a deadly silence in the room. It took a long time for UU to read before Kennett squeezed two words out of his teeth.

"I go!"

The trembling body suddenly relaxed, his whole body seemed to be limp on the chair with a pile of mud, and his pupils seemed to lose their luster.

The remaining merchants also let out a long sigh of relief.

If there is no such target to share the firepower for them, they are really afraid that Wade will be reluctant to kill them.

It's not as good as a dead fellow, Kennett, go with peace of mind.

Looking at him pityingly, the merchants hurried away one by one, as if they were afraid of getting his bad luck.

Kennett looked at the ceiling blankly as if he hadn't noticed it.

Even if he knew that the afternoon would be a humiliation, even if he knew that Wade might refuse to buy the potion in his hand, he still had to grab the last straw.

(End of this chapter)

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