Chapter 842

If you can save money...No, as long as you don't go bankrupt, you will be satisfied!

With such a small desire, Kennett's group came to Old Longman's manor again.

This time, since all the merchants of the "Potion Alliance" participated, they were served in a simple but spacious reception room.

The roaring fireplace dispelled the gloom when the snow melted, but it did not dispel the haze in the hearts of the merchants.

Seeing that person sitting on the sofa, looking at their figure with a smile, everyone underneath their heads together, like a wild dog with a broken backbone, exuding a decadent atmosphere.

If they are defeated, they can only be slaughtered!

"Mr. Wade, we..."

Before the headed businessman finished speaking, Li Rui waved to interrupt unceremoniously, and threw out a stack of documents, exactly one copy per person.

"This is my offer, agree, stay, disagree..."

Lazily stretched out his finger in the direction of the door, Li Rui put up a mocking smile on his face without concealment, and uttered a word gently.


This time, no one jumped out to challenge him, and the merchants opened the quotation sheet bitterly, their eyes condensed suddenly.

As their eyes moved down, their breathing became more and more rapid.

They knew that this was a harvest of fish for the knife and me, but they didn't expect this knife to be so fast and so poisonous!

If they follow such a quote, their fate will only be a little better than bankruptcy.

But all the hard work in the first half of his life is equivalent to doing nothing for Wade!

The few thin pages of paper were so heavy that the merchants bent their spine and their arms trembled.

"Master Wade...I..."

The words in his mouth were pressed back by the howling wind, Li Rui waved his hand gently, and the naked-eye vigor pushed open the far door, and at the same time interrupted his words mercilessly.

"Agree, stay, disagree..."

Pointing to the open door, Li Ruihun waved his hand indifferently to signal them to leave smoothly.

Undoubtedly, there is no bargaining.

Obviously he did not release any extraordinary fluctuations, but at this time Li Rui looked like a demon in the eyes of the merchants, and his brutal style of acting made them almost crying.

You somehow let us say something...

But after calculating the cost of transporting the potions in their hands to distant cities and selling them, they could only hold onto the quotation sheet in their hands and express their protest in silence.

But after only waiting for a few breaths, Li Rui sneered at the silent crowd.

"You have ten seconds to make a decision. If you don't make a statement after the time, it will be processed as rejected.

"Master Wade, we..."




The countdown pierced everyone's hearts like a reminder. One by one, their faces began to turn pale, with dense cold sweat bursting out of their foreheads, and the heavens and people in their hearts were at war.

compromise? Still fighting?

When everyone was in a dilemma, a voice suddenly came from the last row.

"I agree!"

Looking back in horror and disbelief, everyone saw Kennett who was withered, but at this time there was a strange expression on his face.

There is open-mindedness after liberation, and there is also the pleasure of gloating.

In a daze, they seemed to understand that Kennet was mocking them.

At the same time, it was dragging them to **** together.

However, Li Rui only paused for a few seconds, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and the urging countdown sounded in the businessman's ear again.



Sweat beads of big beans slipped from his cheeks, and his body was as rigid as a rock.

The merchants looked like evil spirits, gritted their teeth and cursed Li Rui with the most vicious words in their hearts.

But at the last moment, they all raised their hands together, rushing to shout out those three words.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


"Wow, you really squeezed them clean this time!"

Looking at the files compiled by Old Langman, Huang Juncai exclaimed.

The entire large chamber of commerce around [Andemster] was almost wiped out, and almost all the wealth accumulated over the years was given to Li Rui.

Only some small chambers of commerce that were not eligible to participate in the "Magic Medicine Alliance" survived, and the entire Northland will be implicated in a commercial reshuffle for a while.

"Nonsense, I'm not a devil, so I made so much hard work."

Li Rui pinched his finger to a gap of less than one millimeter.

"Don't sell it, how much did you make?"

Teacher Hannah pinched him with a smile, making him gasp.

Ma Dan, you have the ability to twist me a whole piece of meat, what a good man to pinch a little skin?

Being pinched and shaking all over, Li Rui didn't dare to scream again, and truthfully told the harvest.

"I don't know the details, but the money for the medicine has not only been earned back, it has also been increased by two or three times. In addition, we have almost used the entire Northland's potion production for nearly a year."

Just that you said you are not the devil?

The girls' eyes were clear and agile, and they all stared at him angrily.

Only Huang Juncai slowly gave him a thumbs up, and the two raised their eyebrows tacitly.

"Good job~"

"Generally, dozens of small goals were barely achieved."

"Well, stop blowing, it's time to do business tomorrow!"

Luo Lijiao angrily hammered Li Rui, got up and returned to her room.

During this period of time, the slaying of the dragon was delayed, and her hands started to itch.

Li Rui also restrained his emotions, sent his teammates away, and began to consolidate the next plan.

Although he didn't go out to slay dragons during this period, he didn't take time off either. Instead, he concentrated on breaking through a key bottleneck.

[The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie]!

And now, it's time to produce results!

He hesitated and pursed his lips, Li Rui didn't know whether his choice was worthwhile.

After all, each heavy exercise can only analyze one kind of "mystery"!

Choosing a logistical ability did not improve his actual combat power.


After thinking about the white dragons piled up in the [Material Warehouse], Li Rui gritted his teeth, and his mind instantly sank into [The City of Origin Sea].

In the core area beyond the reach of others, there is a huge blue-black "pool".

【Black Gold Ghost Vessel】

This evil seal seized in Dongying, UU reading www. is the "mystery" that Li Rui enlightened this time!

Slowly walked to the center of the "pool", looked around the hideous ghost patterns, Li Rui lingered for a long time, mobilizing his spirituality.


The evil ghost pattern on the wall of the pool made a howling like nothing, but it was firmly suppressed by the law of the system, unable to make any resistance.

Gradually, with the power of Li Rui's soul torn, the evil ghost pattern was distorted like a living thing, and thick black blood like crude oil oozes out of thin air.


The concept of filth was pulled out, and turned into nothingness with the rhythm of [The Return of Chaos, Zi Huang Jie].

Today is also a 4th update. Why not count the votes to encourage you? (?????)

(End of this chapter)

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