Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 846: , Steady 1 hand

Chapter 848

Had it not been for the earth's spiritual tides to fall into a trough, extraordinary powers to decline in an all-round way, and the power of science on the side of science to rise wildly after the Industrial Revolution, the religious war in Europa is estimated to last another thousand years!

Shaking his head, Li Rui couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The ancestors were still cowhide. Although there were also the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Sanwu eradication of the Buddha, the unifying imperial power was always firmly above the divine power. Later, the religious leaders even wanted the emperor to be canonized.

The emperor spoke of the constitution, that we are the country, depriving part of the authority of the "gods" to himself, to a certain extent can be regarded as the ultimate empire form!

With a sigh, Li Rui settled down, condensed the random and divergent thinking, and seriously considered the next countermeasures.

Originally, he just came to see if there was any advantage that could be taken. If the Duke of Silver Dragon and Red Dragon were the best losers, he could help the "seriously wounded" Silver Dragon relieve the pain, and at the same time accept Ander Massam's head in tears.

But from the experience along the way, the Duke of Silver Dragon ruled the province of [Nathaniel] for hundreds of years and changed several dynasties, but he is still loved by the people, which shows that he is at least a qualified person. Lord.

If asked to relax a little, she can even be regarded as a kind lord.

This can be seen from the faces of the people along the way.

Although they were frightened and desperate, they still supported their lord and even sacrificed their lives for her.

In this case, Li Rui would lose the reason to attack Hailee Nathaniel.

Alas...there is no double happiness, then there is only one pushing Andemasam sauce.

Lifting his head, Li Rui looked at the mountain range at the end of his line of sight. There was a layer of cloud and mist on the snow-capped mountain top, like silver sand wrapped around the girl's body, which was so beautiful.

There, it is the core area of ​​[Nathaniel] Province, and it is also the battlefield of this Ssangyong Battle.

Faintly feeling a trace of magical fluctuations coming from that direction, a glimmer of expectation flashed in Li Rui's eyes.

"Let's go, let us see the power of the legendary dragon!"

The team in fancy outfits continued on the road. Not only did they not get criticized along the way, they were warmly received by the residents instead.

During this period of time, although no top powerhouse responded to the call of the Duke of Silver Dragon, adventurers with the dream of slaying dragons continued to gather in the province of Nathaniel.

Among them, there are many teams that are more weird and more bizarre than Li Rui and others.

The common people are simply eating pots of pulp to welcome the king!

The more you advance to the core of the battlefield, the more diverse the races along the way.

In the province of Nathaniel, where humans and half-blood elves are the main ethnic group, they are obviously not local natives, but adventurers who came to respond to the war.

It's a pity that most teams look at mighty, but the actual breath is as weak as chickens, which is useless at all.

Gradually, the outline of a beautiful city appeared in front of Li Rui and others.

Although it does not have the magnificence of a modern metropolis, it is like an ancient Greek city on the Aegean Sea, with a unique exotic atmosphere.

Miran City, the capital of the province of [Nathaniel], is the palace of the Duke of Silver Dragon on the mountains not far from the city. In the mountains further away, a wave of tyrannical and hot magical power waves are coming.

"Are you adventurers who came to join the war?"

Approaching the city, a soldier wearing bright silver armor came up and asked skillfully.

The handsome face and slightly pointed ears illustrate his elven blood, and the elegant and magnetic greeting is like a Wang Qingquan, which makes people feel good at first sight.

Nodding with a light smile, the soldier immediately showed a joyful and enthusiastic smile.

"Welcome to Miran City, dear adventurer."

After stroking his chest and saluting gracefully, he began to take a few people across the city gate.

"Go to the left is the magic camp. There will be a wizard over there to detect your level and assign you positions."

"On the right is the soldier camp, which will be mainly responsible for long-range physical strikes."

"Auxiliary profession can go to the north..."


Listening to his methodical introduction, it took a long time for Li Rui to interrupt.

"Wait, can we directly participate in the battle?"

Hearing this, the soldier's eyes lit up and his face was full of envy.

"Are you a high-level adventurer? You can go to the city lord's mansion and directly participate in the main battlefield for a career above level 14."

"Hehe, I'll just ask."

Li Rui sent the soldiers back perfunctorily, and brought a group of teammates into the best hotel in the city.

The melting snow in the endless mountains converged into a river, rushing down through the city of Miran.

Looking at the sparkling river outside the window, Li Rui couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Do you want to contact Silver Dragon Duke?

Or do you mean to make a fortune by muffled voice, and then come out to harvest when they are almost done?

After much deliberation, Li Rui decided to settle down.

After all, the enemy is the Red Dragon at the pinnacle of the Secret Diamond. Let the Silver Dragon Duke first test the strength.

Just thinking about it, a terrifying dragon chant that pierced the clouds through the rocks suddenly came from the distant sky.

Immediately afterwards, the real magic wave swept across the earth, and even ordinary people in Miran City could feel the scorching pressure.

As if the thunder was shaking between the sky and the earth, the whole city shuddered undetectably, and dust fell from the ceiling.

But soon, this shock became more and more obvious, and finally developed into a noticeable shaking.

earthquake? ! !

Li Rui and others stood firm, staring at each other in disbelief.

Impossible, the Secret Diamond Rank has no ability to cause damage to the level of natural disasters!

Only after reaching the original stone steps and mastering the power of a certain law, can you leverage the power of nature and cause natural disasters!

But in the final analysis, it is not the original stone steps' own power, but the power of the heaven and earth.

Maybe only at the myth level can you twist the law with your own strength and form an extraordinary disaster similar to a natural disaster!

For the first time, an idea flashed in Li Rui's mind.

That red dragon broke through to the original stone!

In an instant, he moved outside the hotel and followed the sight of the frightened crowd. He finally understood where this terrible force came from. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

boom! !

Until then, a deafening explosion sounded from the sky, and a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose at the end of the line of sight.

Along with the mushroom cloud, endless black smoke and magma sprayed into the sky, forming black clouds covering the sky.

The volcano has erupted!

Li Rui slowly breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the wanton and tyrannical force in it.

Fortunately, the original stone steps were not reached.

Immediately, a wave of anger rose in his heart.

Damn stupid dragon, why are you so loud! !


At this moment, a tingling sensation like electricity rushed across his skin, causing him to be agitated and his hairs standing upright.

(End of this chapter)

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