Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 847: , 3 secret diamonds

Chapter 849: Three Secret Diamonds

Just when Li Rui didn't know what happened, Aya Xiyi quickly flew into the sky, looking down on the earth with her eyes stained with ghost flames.

In the spiritual vision, with the city of Miran as the node, thousands of magical light beams lit up in the vast mountain range.

In each beam of light, several wizards gather the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth and inject it into the magic channel arranged in advance.

The terrifying magic power rushed and roared like a torrential river, finally forming a magic network covering the earth,

Following the direction of the flow of mana, Aya Xiyi saw the core of the magic net, a beam of terrifying spiritual energy that penetrates the world!

One, two, three... three secret diamonds!

Clearly sensing the controller at the core of the magic net, Aya Xiyi slowly narrowed her eyes.

A legendary mage, a legendary warrior, and a magnificent aura, with a cold chill, should be Hailee Nathaniel, Duke of Silver Dragon.

Instantly synchronizing the information to the mind network, Li Rui's eyes moved and he was about to take a step, suddenly his thighs tightened.

Looking down, Xiao Huang Mao was clinging to his thigh, looking at him pitifully.

"Brother Rui, take me for a ride, I will send a thief!"

"Have you not learned to fly yet?"

"I'm learning, I'm learning, but I don't have a clue!"

"Mom mentally retarded!"

He lifted the little yellow hair and threw it on his back, Li Rui patted his chest, and instantly a stream of light penetrated into his body.

Nodding to the remaining teammates, while the city magic barrier was not fully activated, several people slipped out like ghosts and went straight to the battlefield deep in the mountains.


Before running far, a clear shock wave swept past, causing everyone to pause slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a thick mist filled the world, covering a radius of tens of kilometers.

"It is Yinlong's cloud technique, the war has begun!"

A glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes, and Li Rui subconsciously speeded up, flying through the clouds and mist like a fighter plane, tearing open a straight channel.

However, the deeper the battlefield, the more serious the interference of the spiritual mist. When the spell is fully formed, Li Rui completely loses his goal and can only use the direction he identified just now to rush with his head.


Suddenly a small hand grabbed Li Rui and guided him in another direction.

"Xiyi, can you still see the target?"

Li Rui raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Aya Xiyi turned her head and pointed her eyes with a cold smile.

"My eyes are pierced in the dark, and there is a magical mist. How can it be said?"

Li Rui: "..."

Your mask completely covers your eyes, I can't see it.

Following Aya Xiyi all the way, the violent shock waves continued to hit like a tsunami. Everyone knew that they were getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

"Someone is detecting, the breath converges."

Aya Xiyi pinched a magic trick with his backhand, and everyone was covered with a hazy light.

The magic ripples that swept past passed through their bodies without any response, but everyone's speed slowed down involuntarily.

Because a group of "red clouds" reflecting in the sky had already appeared before their eyes.

"Hailee Nathaniel, you have failed my kindness!"

The deafening dragon roar came from the sky, like thunder in a rainstorm.

However, due to the obscuration of the cloud and fog technique, Li Rui and others could only determine the position of the evil dragon Andemasam through the erratic "red cloud", but they could not get a glimpse of its true colors.

"Andemassam, you never want to take my home away!"

"Hahaha, then I will let you see with your own eyes, everything you cherish will be reduced to ashes under my breath!"

As soon as the voice fell, a gorgeous cone-shaped red cloud fell from the sky and swept across the earth.

Sauna-like high-temperature water vapor rushed in. With the violent wind blowing, the mist that obscured the sight quickly dissipated, and a spectacular scene appeared a few kilometers away.

A red dragon with a body length of more than 50 meters exhaled flames, but a substantial crystal barrier emerged on the ground, firmly shutting out the high temperature.

When the flames dissipated, a beautiful silver dragon over 40 meters long fluttered its wings and rushed into the sky without fear.

The slender and stretched figure is solemn and elegant, even in the face of the stout red dragon which is obviously a circle larger than her, her charge is still unwavering.

Just when Hong Long grinned and was about to knock her down from the sky, his whole body suddenly tightened, and he shifted his body subconsciously, and then a holy beam of light penetrated his dragon wing, leaving a thick, transparent wound.


A violent sting rushed into his mind. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, this beam of light would blind his eyes.

Lifting his head in an instant, Andermassam saw a smart streamer disappearing into the depths of the clouds and roared.

"Damn elven archer, I want to annihilate your clan!"

However, before he could vent his anger, a piercing icy blue flame instantly drowned him, and thick ice crystals spread on him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like an out-of-control passenger plane, the red dragon's head slowly fell and ran straight toward the ground in a dive posture.


The agile silver dragon hovered around the red dragon, and the conical dragon's breath was far from covering the enemy, turning the bright red scales into dark red.

In less than ten seconds, there was a huge freefall in the sky.

The extreme cold magic power of freezing bone marrow penetrated into the body, and Andermasam mobilized the violent flames in his chest, and finally shattered the "ice crystal armor" several meters thick just before falling to the ground.

"go to hell!"

Shaking his wings, and taking advantage of the opportunity of the silver dragon to breathe in close, Andermassam instantly sprinted in front of her, trying to drag her into the hand-to-hand combat.

Even the silver dragons of the same level are far inferior in physique when facing the red dragon, not to mention that the two sides are two levels worse.

The size difference between the two dragons is visible to the naked eye, and the red dragon is almost two full circles larger than the silver dragon.

But in the face of the aggressive enemy, Hailee Nathaniel did not panic. A sharp aura blessed her body, causing her speed to suddenly skyrocket.


The irritable red dragon jumped into the air, and the elegant silver dragon with a body length of more than 40 meters tore the air at a speed that did not fit the body shape, and instantly rushed to hundreds of meters away.

The harsh sonic boom shook people's heads like firecrackers, two giant dragons chased and roared in the sky, and the dragon whisper magic formed a natural disaster-like destruction, cutting the surrounding mountains more than ten kilometers to pieces.

Just when Li Rui and others were eating melons with relish, Aya Xiyi suddenly turned her head and looked in one direction, with a cold smile on her lips.

"I'll just say where the legendary mage went, he was preparing a big killer."

At the same time, the silver dragon in the sky also led the enemy to a certain height without a trace.

The magic power should be almost guided, I just need to freeze him for a moment...

Looking back at the fierce and ferocious dragon, Hailee Nathaniel counted down silently in her heart, accumulating strength.

(End of this chapter)

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