Chapter 850 Price

Ten, nine...


The high temperature dragon's breath brushed her wings, melting the top of a snowy peak like a candle.

Five, four...

The meteorite formed by Dragon Whisper magic rained down and set off a series of explosions on the ground.

Two, one!

It's now!

A brilliant light burst into Yinlong's eyes, and he instantly turned around to face the enemy.

"Shaha Detanya Ramiriam Birtanya Ann..."

The vocal cords in the dragon's throat trembled with high frequency, and the multiple chants were instantly completed at a speed that ordinary creatures could not match.

A complex magic circle appeared in front of the silver dragon's mouth out of thin air, and the icy blue magic power gathered into a cloud of seemingly nothing, and it blew on the oncoming red dragon in an instant.


The scales that could withstand the heavy crossbows were frozen and cracked, and a layer of silver frost floated on Andermassam's body, and his movements were obvious.

"It's now!"

Along with the cold dragon chant, a beam of particles pierced through the heavens and the earth flashed away, forming a straight passage to the starry sky of the universe.

It was only a few tenths of a second that the typhoon-like shock wave spread and uprooted the ground vegetation that was approaching along the way.

The hunting gang wind was blowing and dancing, Li Rui and others looked at the sky dullly, unable to speak for a long time.

National anti-aircraft array, cowhide!

But it's outrageous that this horse can beat crooked!

In the sky, the silver dragon that lost one wing slowly fell, like an angel with folded wings, with a trace of poignancy inexplicably.

The silver scales reflected the colorful colors under the shining of the sun. With a loud noise, the giant beast weighing hundreds of tons slammed on the ground, raising a small mushroom cloud.

"Do not!"

A stern roar echoed in the mountains, and the archer hidden in the mist came to the silver dragon in an instant, looking at the huge carbonized wound, helpless.


There was a whistling hurricane from the sky, flying sand and walking among the rocks, and the **** red dragon descended from the sky, and stepped on the ground with cobweb-like cracks.

The dragon scales all over his body have been fragmented, and some places can even see the tender meat below.

But Red Dragon didn't seem to feel the pain, he laughed wildly, and stepped on heavy steps, slowly walking to Yinlong's side.

The beautiful female elf turned around coldly, drew out the sword, and stood firmly between the red dragon and the silver dragon.

But in front of a giant beast that is more than 50 meters long and looks like a hill, her figure is so small and humble, as if a dragon can blow her into fly ashes.

"Surrender to me, I will give you endless wealth and glory!"

"Don't think about it!"

"Then be reduced to ashes with your master."

Flames came out from the nostrils, the viscous breath rolled between the teeth, and the dragon's breath of molten gold and iron was about to spurt out, and the light gate that tore time and space bloomed out of thin air, and a handsome man appeared in the red dragon instantly. Before you.

"You promised that I won't hurt her life!"


Looking at her companion in disbelief, Gloria reacted instantly, with a blazing fire in her eyes.

"You betrayed Hailey!"

"I just want to change her way to survive, and...our people..."

Mars whispered with bleak eyes, never turning his head to look at his "companion" beside him.

"Go to hell!"

Without listening to his excuse at all, Gloria's eyes were bloodshot, and the narrow and narrow sword that condensed vitality instantly appeared on his neck.

But a crystal clear magical barrier blocked her stabbing, and the extremely condensed energy annihilated each other. The two Secret Diamond masters’ full fight against each other did not reveal the slightest aftermath, only the horror that made the heart shake. roar.

In the distant mountain col, Li Rui and others looked at each other, but they didn't expect to see this kind of dramatic plot.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out snacks such as melon seeds and popcorn from the [Material Warehouse] and stared at the battlefield enthusiastically.

"I didn't expect to be able to eat this kind of melon, absolutely, Xiao Lizi will give me some five-spice melon seeds."

"Does Li Rui have any chicken?"

"I want shredded squid."

The snacks in the hands were divided into three under five and two. Everyone watched the two secret diamonds beating each other with relish, only that the snacks in their mouths were particularly sweet.

The red dragon Andermassam also watched their infighting with great interest, the lava-like scorching dragon pupils were full of evil smiles.


A weak and painful voice rang in her ears, and Gloria gave up the enemy in front of her instantly and rushed to the silver dragon without hesitation.

"Haley, are you okay?"

"Stop fighting, we lose."

"Mars betrayed us!"

"I know……"

Struggling to stand up from the ground, the silver dragon took the broken wing wound as its starting point, and most of its body's scales were carbonized.

But thanks to the protection of the dragon scales, she was not roasted to half-cooked directly.

That is, the dragon's terrifying resistance and blood volume can survive the aftermath of the national anti-aircraft array, and the weaker Secret Diamond Step will be melted instantly by rubbing a little bit.

Of course, with the flexibility of small creatures, it is much more difficult to hit them than to hit a dragon.

Standing up and facing the red dragon in pain, Hailee Nathaniel had no fear in her eyes, just watching him calmly.

"I failed. I just hope you can treat my people kindly."

"No, from now on, they are my people! I will enjoy them!"

With a grinning big mouth, the red dragon let out a wild laugh straight into the sky.


A sharp light arrow pierced through the tough dragon scales and exploded into a blood pit the size of a sea bowl.

"who is it?"

With a roar of anger, the red dragon turned his head and saw a beautiful elf holding an imaginary longbow on a remote mountain, pointing a **** towards him.

Although he didn't know the meaning of the gesture, but instinctively felt that he was insulting himself, and Andermassam instantly rose into the sky, like a cloud falling down towards the elf.

At the same time, Hailee Nathaniel suddenly heard a magnetic sound from her head, and only then did she realize that there was an extra person on her head!

"Do you need help?"

Life and death reversed, and the strong psychological barrier instantly collapsed. Hailee Nathaniel seemed to be a drowning man and grabbed the last straw, praying in a crying voice.

"Save my homeland, save my people."

"But what price can you pay?"

"I have money, a lot of money!"

"I'm not interested in money. UU reading www.uukā"

"I have magical things!"

"Are there any artifacts?"


"Neither this nor that, why should I save you?"

Feeling the person on her head seems to be leaving, Hailee Nathaniel gritted her teeth and said desperately.

"Wait, I still have it!"

"What else do you have?"



Suddenly discovered that Du Yue actually quietly gave a reward to Mimi, adding a chapter to dog management!ヾ(??Д??)?"

(End of this chapter)

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