Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 849: , Miss Yinlong doesn't want to be a mount

Chapter 851 Miss Yinlong Doesn't Want To Be A Mount

Detecting the sudden silence of the person above her, Hailee Nathaniel quickly explained.

"I am the 18th-level legendary silver dragon, I can do a lot for you!"


The brief silence made Hayley Nathaniel live like years.

It seemed that after a century had passed, the voice above his head finally sighed.

"Oh... you should be grateful for the 792 white dragons in the north to provide you with love."

"What... what do you mean?"

Haley Nathaniel, who was thinking chaotically, subconsciously asked the doubt in her heart, and then a very frightening word came into her mind.

"It means I'm full, so I don't treat you as a reserve food for the time being. From now on, you will be my Wade's mount-[Dragon God Pill]!"

Hayley Nathaniel: "?????"

His eyes widened in disbelief, and his head was filled with big question marks.

Originally, she thought that the worst fate would be the slave who was tortured, but she didn't expect it to be even worse!


And... Reserve grain? ?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu shouldn't be a mount?"

The severe physical pain and extreme grievance erupted at the same time, and Hailee Nathaniel's huge eyes instantly filled with tears.

"You have to choose one of your food reserves and mounts, right?"

Suddenly, the scene of herself being cramped by peeling skin and stewing in a cauldron suddenly appeared in her mind. Hailee Nathaniel couldn't help but shiver, and her heart had a decision in an instant.

"Then mount it..."

"Smart choice."

Feeling that the person on her head patted her head like a puppy, Hailee Nathaniel was too tired to speak.

I, Hailee Nathaniel, the 18th-level legendary silver dragon, I am not a pet, and I don’t want to be a mount!


The blasting wind flattened the ground, and the two secret diamond steps in the distance entered the vicious life-and-death stage.

Gloria pounced on Mars without hesitation at the moment the mutation happened, and her hatred of the traitor now even surpassed Andermassam.

At the far end of the line of sight, a miniature mushroom cloud slowly rose, and then a golden portal flickered beside Li Rui, and a handsome elf jumped out embarrassedly, pointing at him and complaining in grief.

"Vagrant Wade, you step on the horse to calculate me!"

"Sacrificing ADC is our traditional tactic of [Secret Banquet Association], don't play if you are unhappy!"

Li Rui gleefully rubbed his yellow hair and smiled wickedly.

[Secret Banquet Association]?

After keenly catching a key word, Hailee Nathaniel moved her eyes and silently remembered it in her heart.

"You let me, such a weak, helpless and crispy bowman, start a group to attract strangers. Believe it or not, I will show you his sudden death."

"You are an ez, there is flash and E, there is purification, it is really not good, there are [Guardian Angel] and [Rebirth], afraid of a hammer, I believe you!"

Li Rui slapped Huang Juncai's shoulder fiercely, and compared him with a "youth and hearty" smile. The white teeth were dazzled by the light.

"The horse riding is a red dragon of level 20, twice as high as me! Do you have the heart to let me attract strangers?"

Hearing that Li Rui was silent for a moment, looked around the other teammates, thought about it, and nodded seriously.


Huang Juncai: "..."

I feel hurt when you answered so sincerely! !

Seeing Huang Juncai who lost his color and turned gray, Li Rui grinned.

"Okay, leave it to us next, you can go to the top of the mountain and hang up."

"Hang up a woolen thread, and labor and management want you to see my big shot!"

Huang Juncai turned his head angrily and left. It was only then that the roar of mushroom clouds from the sky reached his ears.

Turning his head to face the violent wind, Li Rui looked at the huge shadow encased in the flames, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a smirk.

This is the real grain reserve...

"If you can move, stay away. I'm not responsible for accidentally hurting me."

The tip of her toes touched Yinlong's head lightly, and Hailee Nathaniel was pressed down by a huge force that she only felt irresistible, and she smashed her head.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force bloomed above the head, like a blazing sun, releasing endless light and heat.

The substantive golden red light was released, and the tongue of fire more than ten meters long was unsteady. The brutal force hidden in the "sun" overwhelmed the world, which seemed to be more tyrannical than Gulong Andemasam.

Just "solving" the ant that jumped up and down, Andermassam was contentedly preparing to come back to enjoy the fruits of victory, and saw a terrifying golden red meteor hit him.

So fast!

The magma-like dragon pupil suddenly condensed, and the instinctive magic shield shrouded in front of him, forming a terrifying protective shield nearly ten meters thick.

The giant dragon is a golden race born with both demon and martial arts. Even the silver dragon, which is not known for its physical strength, can clearly gain the upper hand when facing fighters of the same level.

The powerful dragon language magic, the tough dragon scales, the amount of crushing force brought by the body shape, the unfathomable vitality of vitality like the ocean...

Various conditions add up to make them a higher being that is jealous of mortals.

But today, these advantages are like a thin piece of paper in front of Li Rui, which will be broken in one poke!

【Dragon Blood】

Damage to dragons increased by 40%.

[Deadly Natural Enemy·Dragon Vein]

When you break the defense against a creature with dragon bloodline and cause substantial damage, +1079 true damage.

The final physical damage caused by creatures with dragon bloodline to you is -752 points.

With these two attributes alone, Li Rui has an overwhelming advantage when facing all dragon-veined creatures, not to mention the first release of [Non Blame] and [Giant Hydra] bonus in the state of 400,000 blood. The power of's gave him the illusion that he could tear the earth apart.

[Dragon Tooth Spike]·Silver Step!

The hero's next attack will make two strikes, and the second strike will cause (+130% attack power) physical damage. The damage bonus is equivalent to 110% of the hero's attack power. Normal attacks will reduce the cooldown of Dragon Tooth Spike by 0.5 seconds.


[Blood God Pearl] The shield and claws formed crossed an X shape, and the nearly ten-meter-thick magic shield was forcibly cut and exploded. The smiling man was already on his face.

The Red Dragon, who had been longing for others to get close for nearly a thousand years, suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

In the dark, he seemed to notice that this man had a terrifying power against the dragon clan.

And... the smell of natural enemies!

Something is wrong, escape!

Without hesitation, abandoning the land he was about to acquire, Andmasam's broad dragon wings slashed like a giant axe, and slammed into Li Rui's energy claws that stretched out several meters.

[Indestructible Grip]!


The dragon scales that can withstand the armor-piercing bullet of the tank are like rotten wood in Li Rui's hands. With one claw down, the flesh and blood flies, and even the keel is split into a crack.

(End of this chapter)

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