Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 851: 、【Nantou Star】·Angel Stage

Chapter 853 [South Star] Angel Order

【South Star】·Angel Stage

+8000 attack power

+300% critical strike chance

+200% critical strike damage

+30% armor penetration

+30% magic penetration

Active-mechanical descent: release all the gods in the weapon, condensing into a fatal blow.

(The total damage value of the next attack is increased by 100%-300%, based on the target’s lost health. The target’s health value below 33% can cause a maximum damage increase of 300%. This attack ignores the defensive attributes below the demigod rank , Treated as real damage, with a beheading effect on enemies whose health is less than 10%.)

Enchantment: [Angel Grade Desolate Essence]: +5% divine armor penetration, +50 divine armor penetration

Even though Huang Juncai can only exert the power of [Nan Dou Xing] due to the difference in energy level, his perverted attack attributes coupled with the increase of artifacts allow him to cross two levels and hit the red dragon at the pinnacle of the secret diamond. .


The grieving dragon did not dare to trouble Huang Juncai at all, relying on the attack of two adcs with thick skin and hard top, he continued to escape towards the sky.

No way, the man who was staring at it not far away looked at it like a piece of fat, and his greedy sight and the act of swallowing saliva made his hair creepy.

The dragon standing at the top of the food chain has experienced the fear of being stared at by natural enemies for the first time!

fly! Fly up!

As long as it escapes to outer space, the body of the dragon crossing the universe can make it easily get rid of these terrible enemies!

It can fly in the universe for several months without eating or drinking, and even fly through the stars in the flesh, which is an advantage that ordinary humanoids cannot match!

Thinking that he had been hit twice in just one year, Andermassam made up his mind to find a remote volcano to hide and dormant after he escaped this time, and he would never come out to look for trouble if he didn't advance to the destiny!

But this simple wish vanished in front of a terrifying woman wearing an exaggerated crown and stepping on magical ice crystals.



Suddenly endless ice crystals burst out of the void. These purely magical creations instantly submerged Andermassam, and the ice magic that penetrated into the bone marrow solidified inwardly, forming an "iceberg" suspended in the sky.

Like a rocket that lost its power, the "iceberg" continued to move upwards for several hundred meters under the effect of inertia, and then slowly fell.

And below the iceberg, a pretty white-haired girl held a terrifying giant blade higher than her own, showing a bloodthirsty excited smile.

The clear magic on the blade suddenly bloomed, forming a spiritual flame covering her whole body.

[Exile Front]!

After activating the big move, the surging power roared in the body, and the tiny figure wielded the blade, and smashed the splendid sword light against the iceberg falling from the sky.

[Frost Blood Wing], [Ionia Passion], [Rune Blade], [Ghost Blade of Fury]...

In the blink of an eye, the sword shadow was split into the sky, and with the passive superimposition, the endless wave of the sword light tsunami wave after wave, and finally formed the "cloud of the sky" shrouded in the sky!

Zi Zi Zi~

Because the move was too fast, the blades rubbed against each other, like hundreds of millions of birds singing at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the "sea of ​​clouds" formed by the shadow of the sword swallowed the iceberg, annihilated the magic of the body protection, ripped the dragon scales, and poured the terrifying glow into the red dragon continuously.

Feeling like he had fallen into a meat grinder made up of dense cutterheads, Andermassam couldn't help but let out a scream, and tried his best to break free from the shackles of the iceberg. The remaining dragon wing was hundreds of meters wide. The sea of ​​fire tried to force Luo Li back.

However, Luo Li, who was stacked in various states, activated the Silver Step [Ghost Quick Walk], and the whole person flashed through the sea of ​​fire like a ghost and attacked like a flexible petrel circling around the dragon.

The sword shadow rushed and roared in the sky, like the torture of Ling Chi, cutting countless flesh and blood on Andermasam's body, and a stinky blood rain fell within a few hundred meters.

The tender red muscles wriggled and wanted to heal, but they were cut open faster and more fiercely. The severe pain enveloping the whole body eroded Andemasam's reason, and the magma-like dragon pupil lit up with a crazily cruel red light.

Since I am not allowed to go, then I will tear up all of you bugs!


A dazzling red light lit up in his chest, and Andmasam opened his mouth wide, and countless high-energy particles gathered in front of his mouth to form a hot ion ball.

What the hell?

Virtual flash?

Tail beast jade?

Not far away, Li Rui's eyes condensed, and he was about to stop it, but the amount of condensation may be completed faster than he thought.


A beam of high-energy particles that was thick with a thumb was shot out of the red dragon's mouth, and Luo Li, who was moving at high speed, was covered with cold hair standing upright, rolling wildly.


The high-energy particle beam wiping her body hit a hill not far away, and the extremely condensed energy was released instantly, directly piercing a ten-meter-diameter "tunnel" that was transparent before and after.

The high temperature melts the earth and rocks in the "tunnel" into magma, dripping like candles.

But this horrible scene is only the beginning of the attack. As the red dragon's head turns, the continuous high-energy particle beam will cut off all the mountains along the way, and the continuous cutting can also "cut" a deep lava river.

Luo Li used the strength of suckling to flee wildly in the sky, but no matter how she rolled up and down, or moved around, the red dragon only needs to gently turn her head to keep up with her movements, and the particle beam piercing the sky eventually Still catching up with her.

[Go forward bravely]!


Luo Li's figure was covered with a thick shield, and a large part suddenly leaped to the side, again avoiding the pursuit of the particle beam.

But with this delay, as Honglong's head was pulled back, the hot and tyrannical high-energy particle beam immediately bit her toes.

It's over... Can't hide...

[Dance from the Break], no, I can't stop it, it's beyond the limit I can bear!

Can only flash!

As the folding space was about to escape the Red Dragon's attack range, the space in front of Luo Li suddenly burst into endless void cracks.

A tall figure tore through the space, carrying purple and black magic waves in front of her.


The terrifying explosion was released at a very close range, but a pale golden barrier firmly wrapped her away from the slightest harm.

Looking at the generous back like a mountain, Luo Li felt an indescribable sense of security in her heart, and she couldn't help smiling at the corners of her mouth.

Boom boom boom! !

The thick-thumb particle beam spreads into an umbrella shape after encountering obstacles and escapes to the surroundings. UU reading’s attack with terrible penetrating power folds and sinks in front of a faint golden film. Inch advance.

[Indestructible Dragon] +20% divine damage reduction, -100 final damage.

Golden Tier [Leviathan Armor] +20% damage reduction.

[Eternal immortal immeasurable calamity]!

[Blood Shield]!

[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragon Vessel] -752 final damage.

【Bone Plating】·Silver Stage

(Active) Gain 20% damage reduction for the next 40 seconds, and on this basis, the final damage received is reduced by 120 points.


(End of this chapter)

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