Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 852: Star Destroyer Particle Cannon

Chapter 854 Star Destroyer Particle Cannon

In a short moment, Li Rui activated his perverted damage reduction attributes. The blood shield with more than 80,000 points was like an indestructible Great Wall, firmly guarding him one foot away from his body, blocking all impacts.

In the void where there is nowhere to borrow, an illusory golden ground spread out from Li Rui's feet, firmly nailed to the spot, without retreating.

The light in the red dragon's chest gradually extinguished, and even with his massive reserves of magic power, it was impossible to maintain this terrible map gun for a long time.

When the red light that obscured the sight dissipated, the figure wrapped in the golden film appeared unharmed in his sight. The crazy anger in the red dragon's eyes seemed to be extinguished by a basin of ice water, replaced by a cold from the heart. .

What kind of monster is this...?

Even the Taikoo Dragon of the Legendary Destiny level can't resist his Star Destroyer Particle Cannon head-on. This is the invincible magic he learned from an ancient relic, and its power is enough to match the national warfare array!

According to the introduction in the scroll, the most powerful Star Destroyer Particle Cannon can even destroy the stars!

But it was such a terrifying magic, but it was resisted by a humanoid with a physical body!

There is something wrong with this guy!

The red dragon that was beaten by a series of attacks couldn't help but tremble. Even if he was besieged by a group of legends in the central battlefield before, he didn't feel the fear, but at this moment, his heart seemed to be caught by something, and his muscles were all over. Stiff and tight.


The golden film instantly dissipated, Li Rui raised his head, his eyes hidden in the shadow met the dragon's sight, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Greedy, bloodthirsty, and even appetizing eyes fell on the body, scaring the red dragon into a violent spirit, splitting his liver and guts, frantically fanning its wings, and shooting towards the sky.

At this moment, he hated that he didn't work hard to learn space magic, just relying on the speed of the physical body, it felt like a snail crawling.

Indeed, to push hundreds of thousands of tons, equivalent to a small mountain to the sky, the strength required cannot be underestimated.

Even the red dragon at the pinnacle of the Secret Diamond could not "eject and start" in this form.

Looking at its frantically fleeing back, Li Rui did not rush to catch up, but sprayed a substantial energy breath between his mouth and nose.

The heterogeneous high-temperature magic power in the body was discharged, and the surface began to evaporate with the naked eye.

In fact, he is far less relaxed than it seems on the surface. Counting the [Vitality and Blood Shield], the Red Dragon’s blow has destroyed his nearly 200,000 HP, almost triggering [Savior Spirit Blade].

With his own close to 3000 dual resistance and various damage reduction attributes, this attack has a sustained destructive power of more than two million. Destroying a medium-sized city is just like playing.

It is indeed the red dragon at the pinnacle of the secret diamond. It is strong enough and must be delicious!

It took several seconds to calm the hot blood, Li Rui grinned, turned around and rubbed Luo Li's head.

"Don't be arrogant and complacent, that's the Secret Diamond pinnacle dragon. You, a silver rookie, fight it close, don't you look for death?"

"I want to try my limit too..."

Luo Li squashed her mouth, looked at Li Rui aggrievedly, and whispered in her mouth.

"You went too far, insisting on resisting other people's big moves, and saying that I..."

Li Rui's eyes widened, and she pulled her cheek angrily.

"People and their physique cannot be generalized. I used to chew off the head of a **** in extreme anger! You can chew one?"

After speaking, Li Rui turned his head and looked at the red dragon's back, estimated the distance, and instantly tore the space and collapsed into a black spot.

[Walk in the Void]!

The red dragon running happily suddenly felt tight, and the space in front tore through countless gaps, and then a nightmare figure drilled out of it, stretched out his hand, and released a viscous purple-black void tsunami containing a little bit of starlight.

[Energy Pulse]!


A terrifying magic impact came oncoming, the rising momentum of the dragon was submerged by the wave, and thin ice crystals condensed all over the body.

Without any reaction time, Li Ruiyun's jab hardly punched and pulled!

[Indestructible Grip]!


Several meters of shield claws easily tore the dragon’s skin and flesh, and the two sides crossed in an instant. There were a few more horrible wounds several meters deep between the chest and abdomen of Andermassam, which traversed the entire body, almost torn apart. .


Andermassam screamed, the magic power of [Energy Pulse] crazily destroyed its vitality, and the additional [Divine Power·Torture] law continued to lash the soul.

But even in this situation, he still didn't stop, using the divinity in his blood to suppress the injury, staring at the sky above, like a bird yearning for freedom.

The scorching dragon's blood sprinkled a red cloud in the sky, and the endless energy of qi and blood poured into the body from the void. Li Rui narrowed his eyes intoxicated, enjoying the nourishment of the blood-sucking effect on the injured cells.

Since buying the [Blood Drinking Sword] and [Inspiring Armor], fighting has become a game for him.

Without any tactics, he can crush the past head-on, below the myth, he can fight anyone to the end!

An endless stream of warm current shuttles through the blood vessels and meridians, supporting the rapid healing of the body.

The roasted skin slowly scabs, and then slowly peels off, revealing the new light red skin.

The wounded internal organs are repaired, the five mature muscles are reactivated, and the bones become stronger...

The pinkish reddish skin quickly turned into a bronze color, the halo exuded a hazy brilliance, and it seemed to be more tough.

On the system panel, Li Rui's upper limit of life, armor, and magic resistance will be silently beating by 1 point every moment, [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation] once again shows its terrifying hidden attributes.

Whoever can't kill me will make me stronger!

In the dark, Li Rui had a feeling that the [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] had been completely completed, as long as he swallowed the [trophies] with a single thought, he could immediately break through to the fourth level!'s not time yet...

Suppress the impulse of physical instinct, UU reading www. Li Rui licked his lips while looking at the dragon that continued to lift off.

Having been beaten for so long and still living so vigorously, in terms of his blood volume, it is estimated that he is twice as high as his own. This vitality is simply terrifying!

If you eat it, you should be able to reach the limit of gold [Feast], right?

A flash of excitement flashed through Li Rui's eyes, and a hideous and huge phantom condensed behind Li Rui, which disappeared again in the next instant.

[Walk in the Void]!

The desperate scene reappeared. Andermassam watched the space in front of a wide range of void fluctuations, and then a huge monster of his size emerged out of thin air, screaming and waving his sickle with excitement. The claws pounced on him.

What is this stuff?

Relatives have come at home these days, the update may be unstable, forgive me~(′°????????ω°????????`)

(End of this chapter)

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