Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 859: 、【Void Stone】·Golden Step

Chapter 861【Void Stone】Golden Rank

Maybe, it's time to consider getting some blue equipment, or is there any hero that can stack mana infinitely?

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui walked out of the ruined palace and saw a group of teammates staring at him.

"The saint master Wencheng Wude, Zebei, the common people, for thousands of years, dominate the world!"

Xiao Huangmao took the lead in half kneeling on the ground, holding his fists and shouting in excitement.

A blue vein appeared on Li Rui's forehead, a run-up kick and the obtrusive thing immediately disappeared from his sight.


Aya Xiyi walked to Li Rui and looked left and right.

"Well, a certain technique has advanced to gold."

Li Rui grinned and grabbed the kitty that was thrown into his arms.

After some twittering interrogation, Li Rui finally calmed these curious babies and turned to look at the winding mountain stairs.

Two beautiful women are coming towards him.

The headed one was wearing silver gauze, shining brilliantly under the sunlight, as if casting himself a dreamy halo.

The unreal beauty of the face is like a goddess falling into the mortal world, and the trace of melancholy between the brows is enough to make most male creatures go crazy.

The first time he saw this face, Li Rui was shocked, and quickly realized that this was his mount, and couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, ruined your palace."

Hailee Nathaniel glanced at the ruined wall behind him and shook her head coldly.

"It's okay, just don't hurt anyone."

"My side is ready, have you accounted for the funeral?"

Without knowing how to translate in the language, Li Rui clearly saw Hailee Nathaniel tremble, and the sadness between her brows turned into sadness.

She looked around in nostalgia, like a death row prisoner about to go to the execution ground, with nostalgia in her eyes.

After a long time, she made up her mind to gritted her teeth and nodded tragically.

"I'm ready too!"

Li Rui: "..."

Why is it like you are about to eat dragon meat hot pot?

Patting her head, Li Rui couldn't laugh or cry to dispel the fear in her heart.

"Why are you so nervous? We won't stay on this planet for too long. You are a temporary mount, and you will be back soon."

The mercury-like eyes gleamed slightly, and then a trace of worry flashed.

Temporary mount... Will it take into account the identity of the grain reserve?

Don't wait to leave and eat the scattered meal and kill me and add vegetables...

Thinking of this possibility, Hailee Nathaniel became even more depressed.

Not discovering the rich inner drama of this guy, Li Rui asked his teammates again and found that they had been prepared long ago and only waited for them to exit. At the same time, he also knew that this breakthrough took him more than ten days, and his heart inevitably rose. Anxious.

Will the war in the center of the mainland be over?

You have to wait for me!

A few hours later, a slender silver dragon soared up into the sky on the top of the snow mountain, escaped from the atmosphere before the detection circle was locked, and penetrated into the universe.

"Fuck, so exciting!!"

The violent acceleration was several times stronger than that of the rocket. It was almost as fast as the speed of sound. Xiao Huangmao grabbed the protrusion on the dragon's back and yelled with excitement.

The air quickly became thin and cold, Hailee Nathaniel closed her nose, stopped breathing, and switched to space flight mode.

On the dragon's back, Aya Kiyi waved her small hand and spilled a magical barrier several meters thick.

The powerful magic power isolates the inside and outside, creating a warm and comfortable environment for everyone.

Looking at the arc-shaped land that gradually reveals the full picture under the feet, the spectacular scene makes the natives who have been bound to the surface of the planet dumbfounded.

"Is this the view looking back at the planet from outer space? My goose bumps are all up."

Huang Juncai rubbed his arms, feeling inexplicably moved.

In front of a great planet, a single intelligent creature is so small, but it is these "tiny" ants that have transformed the planet and created a splendid civilization!

Looking down on the earth from above the nine heavens, the clouds flew under your feet, the mountains and rivers were as tiny as dust, and endless pride rose in Li Rui's chest, slowly extending his palm, as if he was about to hold the entire planet into his palm!

The swelling and arrogance after the strength rises gradually dissipates, and the power that is enough to flatten a city is not worth mentioning in the dimension of the planet!

Not to mention the vast and deep sea of ​​stars above your head!

Looking up at the clear stars, without the interference of the atmosphere, the mystery and deepness of the universe is in full view, staring at the end of the darkness, Li Ruiyin has a faint understanding, a certain long-silent bottleneck is quickly loosening.

【Voidwalker】……【Void Stone】……crossing the stars…space…lonely………

Without the terrible battle of [Blood Contract] during the advancement, all changes were quietly brewing in Li Rui's body.

The thick and obscure void energy flows throughout the body, covering every cell with a purple-red magic shield that is invisible to others.

The mind seemed to be blown by the cold wind, and the spirit was shocked. Li Rui obviously felt more sensitive to the flow of energy, and all the wind and grass within nearly a hundred meters of his body were fed back into his mind like a projection.

Slowly closing his eyes, he could vaguely perceive the higher dimensional energy flow.

In the seemingly stable space, there are loopholes and cracks everywhere.

The secret transformation continued, and a burst of coolness penetrated the soul, such as cold spring water nourishing the mind, Li Rui shuddered, and the divine consciousness slowly expanded under the blessing of the mysterious energy.

One kilometer...two kilometers...

The spiritual consciousness spread to more than ten kilometers away, and everything within the range was reflected in his heart, and he felt a trace of fatigue.

In the empty outer space in the eyes of mortals, countless void cracks suddenly appeared and disappeared. Li Rui felt that as long as he had a thought, he could pass through these passages and reach unknown distant places.

I was intoxicated with the extraordinary senses, and after a while, the exhaustion came to my mind.

After venting his heart, the swelling consciousness quickly retracted, and finally stabilized at a radius of tens of meters.

In the future, whether it is a long-range attack or an invisible assassin, unless he has special hiding characteristics, as long as he enters this range, he will be able to sense immediately.

Such a powerful perception ability is no longer weaker than some supernatural beings of the reconnaissance department!

In the future, who would dare to call me naive, the labor and capital traveled through the void to blow his head! !

Excitedly squeezed his fists, Li Rui looked at his system panel.

【Void Stone】·Golden Step

The hero's magical damage is reduced by 30%, and it gains a perception bonus.

Curing characteristics, space control!

The literal change is small, only the magic damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%.

But the extra space to control the characteristics made Li Rui excited.

He can feel that all his space-related skills have been greatly enhanced!

(End of this chapter)

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