Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 860: , [Neisser Empire]

Chapter 862【Nether Empire】

[Flash], [Transport], [Walk in the Void], [Twisted Space]...

You can tamper with their effects like an arm's finger, extend the distance, shorten the cooling, reduce the consumption... only you can't think of it, nothing you can't do!

Vaguely, Li Rui seemed to perceive that perhaps at the mythical level, [Walking in the Void] would become his instinctive way of movement.

You can reach the end of the star sea with a move!

Shaking his head mockingly, Li Rui looked at the pitiful mana that was a bit less than Faqiang, and temporarily put this beautiful longing behind.

"Did you comprehend something again?"

Teacher Hanna curled his neck curiously, pressed it to his ear and asked softly.

The advancement of [Void Stone] is extremely secretive. Even the teammates close at hand only vaguely sensed some changes, and the mounted flying intensively didn't even notice that Li Rui had transformed again.

"Well, I have mastered some space-related abilities."

Li Rui looked down at the ground under his feet, chuckling away from the subject.

He took out the tablecloth and spread it on the dragon’s back. All kinds of delicacies were moved out of the [Material Warehouse]. Li Rui and the others were enjoying the rare beauty while feasting on them. The days before the hard drive in the carriage were gone. Return.

This is life!

Li Rui sighed happily while eating the bread covered with crystal dragon liver.

But the intoxicated smile quickly froze on his face, and he seemed to see a group of colorful villains running past the dragon's back.


A few hours later, Yinlong slowly retracted its wings, propped up a thick magical barrier, like a streamlined flying shuttle, bursting into the atmosphere at ten times the speed of sound.

The terrible high temperature friction made her look like a meteor shooting perpendicular to the ground.

Without the slightest intention of slowing down, she continued to accelerate in accordance with the pull of gravity, trying to cross the dangerous "death zone" in the shortest time.

Dense detection ripples swept across her body, and Li Rui and others condensed their breath, hiding in the silver dragon's wanton aura.

Dozens of magic detection stations within a few hundred kilometers all sounded alarms at the same time, and each archmage looked at the image on the crystal ball and frowned.

A legendary silver dragon...and one more to join in the fun...

Before it could be locked, the silver dragon swiftly crossed the high-altitude zone, suddenly spreading its wings several kilometers away from the ground!

[Anti-gravity surgery]!


The terrible tearing force made Li Rui feel slightly uncomfortable, and only the strong flesh and bones of the dragon can support this gameplay!

The speed of a few kilometers per second dropped suddenly, but the silver dragon could not completely offset the kinetic energy even at the moment it touched the ground.


Hundreds of tons of weight fell heavily on the ground, four dragon claws plunged into the soil, and the soft "earth" rippled like water.

"Oh...a bit disgusting..."

The witty little cat had already hid in his brother's body, and the little yellow hair, who was worse in physique, was shaken to the ground.

Even though his resistance blood volume has surpassed the ordinary Silver Tier, he still can't follow the dragon to mess around.

"Well, let's go, someone is coming."

Feeling the fluctuation of the surrounding space, Li Rui snapped his fingers, and the void cracks that were about to bloom were closed again, and the fragile spatial structure became strong and heavy under his blessing.

Until they left for a long time, several time-space gates suddenly bloomed, and tall figures with deep breath emerged.

"Damn it, that silver dragon is proficient in space magic and interfered with my positioning!"

"It shouldn't be. The detected breath is only at level 18. It is reasonable to say that a silver dragon of this level cannot be as strong as this."

"Oh...Forget it, report upward, a legendary silver dragon proficient in space magic, it is difficult for us to catch it alone."

The distressed figures with the deep breath dissipated, and at this moment, Li Rui and others had sneaked into the nearest town quietly.

"We have basically reached the core area of ​​the battlefield, and going further is the area controlled by the [Magic Council]."

Spreading out the large magic map, Hannah teacher constantly corrected the position of the team.

"What the **** are the ruins of the Neisser Empire in the intelligence, even the [Magic Council] will not hesitate to launch a war to intervene?"

Li Rui scratched his head and asked in doubt.

"Neisser is a huge empire that unified the entire planet in the Second Age. They created floating cities soaring in the sky. Even some powerful cities can leave their home planet and go to other galaxies."

Before Hannah teacher explained, Hailee Nathaniel spoke quietly.

"When they were at their peak, they even began to hunt down gods in a planned way, study their divinities, and attempt to grasp authority that does not belong to mortals, and wantonly transform the world!"

Li Rui's eyes moved, thinking of Monichka's [theocracy].

Without interrupting Yinlong, everyone quietly listened to her telling this legendary history.

"But this act of blasphemy finally attracted the wrath of the gods. Just when they successfully researched the [virtual godhead], elves, dragons, orcs, seas... a dozen gods of the gods crossed the distant starry sky and descended. On this planet..."

"Immediately followed was a fierce battle that lasted for decades. The continent was sunk and the ocean was divided. All of the eighty-eight mythical mages of the Nessel Empire were killed in battle. Other gods suffered heavy casualties. The entire planet became A piece of scorched earth is not suitable for survival for more than one era."

With a soft sigh, Hailee Nathaniel showed a trace of pity in her eyes.

"Hundreds of millions of intelligent creatures have gradually become extinct, until the floating city that has traveled through the sea of ​​stars returns, and the earth regains life."

"But all the inheritance has been cut simple city cannot reproduce the glory of the empire, it can only gradually decline under the scouring of time."

"Together with the continuous invasion of various races, the Nessel Empire was submerged in the long river of time, and there are only a few remains to prove that they still existed."

After a pause, Hailee Nathaniel frowned.

"This relic is the battlefield where the Neissor Empire and many gods finally fought. It is said that double-digit gods were killed in this battlefield space, and it also contains the most high-tech crystallization of the Neissor Empire-[Virtual Godhead] ."

After a pause, Hailee Nathaniel frowned.

"This relic is the battlefield where the Neissor Empire and many gods finally fought. It is said that double-digit gods were killed in this battlefield space, and it also contains the most high-tech crystallization of the Neissor Empire-[Virtual Godhead] ."

"However, the grievances of the gods' death in this space have condensed into terrible weirdness. Just the periphery makes the legend of Destiny fall into the sand, trying to **** the corpse of the gods of death, or the [virtual godhead]. An easy thing."

(End of this chapter)

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