Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 861: ,hero of the bush

Hailee Nathaniel looked at Li Rui blankly, as if there were a thousand words in her talking eyes.

Let me say I will definitely not go, but the problem is I dare not say!

She wanted to speak and stopped, and she couldn't muster the courage until the end, so she dropped her head and let out a bitter sob.

Seeing this guy finally recognize the reality, Li Rui nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go and see what the [Magic Council] guys are doing."

Silently crossing the battle line involving dozens of countries, Li Rui and others quickly infiltrated a bustling town.

As soon as he entered the city, all kinds of familiar languages ​​echoed in his ears. If all kinds of weird races were walking up and down the street, Li Rui would even think that he had returned to a certain Europa town on the earth.

"I heard that [Tesfield] has found a new entrance within the control of the Grand Duchy. I don't know how far it is from us?"

"Don't think about it, maybe they are not on the same plane."

"Yes, we will be trash guys in the safe area. The dangerous work of exploring the unknown area should be given to the elites of the big forces."

"Hey, speaking of the elites of the big powers, guess who I saw in [Huo Deji] the other day?"

"Who? Angel of the Holy See?"


"Guardian of the Foundation?"



"Damn, isn't it the dead ghost father you've been missing since childhood?"

The playful laughter made the enthusiastic black brother Sima's face instantly, and the big fist of the casserole immediately fell on the face of his companion.

Li Rui, who was listening not far away, had a narrowed mouth and was about to leave, but a familiar name made him stop.

"It's Wesley Joe! The one who opened the robot in the Holy Grail War before!"

The black brother, who was rubbed under him by his companions, repeatedly accused him of not beating people, adding men to men, and the situation of big men was alleviated.

"Mechanical God Cult actually sent out such a core figure, it seems that this time it is determined to win!"

"It is said that part of their robot's technology was obtained from the Neisser Ruins. It is rare that a large-scale ruin has appeared this time. How could they miss it?"

"Does the Magic Council do not care? They were the first to discover the ruins, right?"

"Cut, I wanted to eat alone at the beginning to encourage the local indigenous people to be independent, but the result was blown out by more than a dozen countries. If they don’t pull in other forces on the planet, they won’t even be able to eat the root hair, otherwise, how could they tolerate us as **** guys? exist."

The chattering voice quickly skewed to the topic of whether the succubus was good-looking or the angel was good-looking. Inadvertently, Li Rui discovered that they had actually talked about themselves!

"By the way, this time the seven gods have sent their own elite, but it seems to be the lowest key of [Zhonghua]. What about the [Indestructible Dragon] that was very popular before?"

"Li Rui you mean? People's graves are two feet tall."

"Don't talk nonsense, he is not dead."

"In front of hundreds of millions of people, it turned to ashes, do you really believe he is not dead?"

"He is an immortal dragon!"

"Let’s watch less literature, I’m still invincible, Little King Kong!"

Listening to a group of people split into two factions, arguing whether he was dead or not, Li Rui couldn't laugh or cry.

"what happened to you?"

The teammates who had bought large and small packets of snacks walked out of the store, and Li Rui, who was leaning on the wall, bounced lightly and shook his head.

"Nothing, let's go, find a hotel to stay in first."

The noisy city is full of adventurers from all over the world, and the hotel rooms in the city are in short supply.

After several questions were full, Li Rui was finally impatient, relying on Aya Xiyi's bluffing appearance, and successfully knocked down an innkeeper with gold coins.

The small hotel with a yard was forcibly contracted. The previous travelers were very acquainted under Aya Kie's fierce power, and moved out obediently with the gold coins of compensation.

"Teacher, is the intelligence point you mentioned earlier in this city?"


"Then we will visit tomorrow."

Without moving his lips, several teammates quickly communicated in the Soul Channel. Miss Yinlong on the side was unaware, and Li Rui was sent to the room to rest in a daze.

During this period of time, because there was a mount, all important information they had was communicated on the spiritual network, and the atmosphere of the whole team was dull and lively, which seemed very strange to outsiders.

Early the next morning, Li Rui and others followed Teacher Hanna to the central area of ​​the city.

Miss Yinlong's appearance attracts bees and butterflies all the way, even with the deterrence of the owners, there are still many daring adventurers who come to hook up the mount.

Along the way, a few idiots who didn't have long eyes were beaten up, and everyone quickly came to a quaint building.

There is not much decoration outside the three-story building, and the slightly mottled walls make it look very historical.

Looking at the huge sign outside the door, Teacher Hanna carefully compared it, and then nodded seriously.

"Jack Clinic, it's right here."

Pushing open the door, the sweet wind chimes jingled, and in the wide hall a woman with snake-tailed Naga swam towards them briskly.

"Hello, this is Jack Clinic, UU Reading, is there an appointment?"

"We are not here to see the doctor. Could you please tell Dr. Jack that we were introduced by Ivana and I want to consult him about something."

The beautiful female Naga was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, enthusiastically guiding everyone to the rest area.

"Doctor Jack is seeing a patient, please wait a while, I'll go and notify him."

When the female Naga entered the room not far away, the excited Zhao Youxuan rushed on Li Rui.

"There are fierce snakes here too!~"

"She is not as fierce as you."

Thinking of the feminine Naga's tender and gentle temperament, Li Rui smiled and pinched Zhao Youxuan's cheek.

"So there are so many snakes in the world? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Uh... they may not be the same species as you."

Thinking of the [Goddess] on this guy's system panel, Li Rui didn't think that ordinary Naga tribe could be confused with her.

"Why? They obviously have tails too?"

"Maybe they are not fierce enough..."

While playing the curious baby, a low moan suddenly came from the room not far away.


"Brother, what are they doing?"

Li Rui: "..."

Good boy don't listen!

Teacher Hannah and Luo Li looked at each other, and a touch of pink appeared on their faces.

In the awkward silence, only Huang Juncai was excited and his eyes glowed.

"The doctor is actually a reckless hero! Cowhide!"

Li Rui: "Ahem, Naga's voice was not so thick just now, it should be another person."

Before the words settled, the door opened, and Huang Juncai's wretched smile immediately froze on his face.


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