The two-meter-high door blocked the tall and burly figure, and a figure covered with tendons and thick gray hair lowered his head and came out, revealing a huge... bull's head!

"Doctor, thank you, I will come again next time."

For some reason, Li Rui actually saw a shy expression on the face of a cow, and Huang Juncai beside him felt a sense of collapse.

"Let you wait a long time, Doctor Jack invites you in."

The beautiful female Naga came out and greeted Li Rui and the others in.

Li Rui, who was still in a state of "shocking my mother for a whole year", finally saw the mastermind this time.

It was a human being about 30 years old, wearing a pair of gold glasses, and a gentle appearance, which was very in line with the image of a doctor in the eyes of normal people, and he could not see that he was as "wild" just now...

Doctor Jack smiled and looked at the crowd. Before speaking, a handsome elf stood up, struggling and groaning solemnly.


After a pause, he looked back at the direction where the tauren had left, hesitated for a moment, and changed his words.

"At least it shouldn't be...grass cattle..."

The warm smile slowly disappeared from Dr. Jack's face, and Li Rui pushed Huang Juncai aside and changed the subject abruptly.

"Ahem, nice to meet you, Doctor Jack."

"That...I was just checking the patient's body just now."

A yellow-haired head suddenly came out from behind Li Rui and nodded frantically.

"I understand, I understand. Furry, My Little Pony, the magic of love, I understand!"

You know what a fart!

Dr. Jack took a deep breath, resisted the urge to scold his mother, and waved to the female Naga who was secretly laughing.

When she went out and took the door to the room, Dr. Jack looked around the crowd.

"You were introduced by Ivana? Is she okay?"

"You know me... uh... Ivana?"

Teacher Hannah moved in her heart and cautiously knocked on the side.

"Well, we were good friends when we were young."

Doctor Jack showed a nostalgic warm smile on his face, and then shook his head.

"Forget it, I shouldn't ask this, let's talk about business, what do you want to know?"

Li Rui blinked and whispered, "All the information about [Final Defense]."

Doctor Jack chuckled lightly, showing an expression that was unexpected.

"I knew... the young people nowadays always like to join in the fun."

After a pause, he helped his gold-wire glasses, and the smile in his eyes slowly faded.

"So, what can you give? By the way, you know my rules?"

"Know, trade secrets for secrets."

"Well, let me hear your secrets."

Doctor Jack sat upright with interest, and the whole room suddenly became quiet, as if completely isolated from the outside world.

Except for the heartbeat and blood flow of everyone in the room, Li Rui could no longer hear the noise of the outside world. He glanced at Doctor Jack without a trace, and said calmly.

"Do you know Li Rui?"

"The young dragon from [Zhonghua], I have heard his name."

Doctor Jack's eyes lit up and he was obviously interested.

"He is not dead."


"It also broke through to the Golden Tier, and its strength has improved dramatically."

"'s interesting, but what I want to know most is whether he has both repaired [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] and [Chaotic Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation]?"

Li Rui froze for a moment, hesitated for a long time, and slowly nodded.


"Reliable information?"



Rubbing his chin, Dr. Jack's eyes flashed with an undetectable light, his eyes passed Li Rui, his eyes gradually became hollow, as if penetrating time and space, seeing the distant future.

"The causal backtracking against the host is detected, [the observer] is passively activated, the causal line interferes successfully, and the host is immune to this fate spy."

A systemic icy reminder sounded in his mind, Li Rui's pupils shrank slightly and looked at Doctor Jack casually.

[Jingzhe·Do not use] Immune to most of the probes below the true **** level, plus [Observer], he does not believe that the person in front of him can recognize him!

Sure enough, after a long time, Doctor Jack closed his eyes tiredly and shook his head in disappointment.

"not enough."


"This secret is not enough for you to exchange for the information you want."

Li Rui: "..."

Sure enough, there is no rabbit or eagle!

After hesitating for a while, Li Rui flipped his wrist and took out two bottles of crystal clear red potion.

"[War Academy] The latest two [Life Potion], [Regeneration] and [Balance], currently there are no more than ten people in the world who know their existence. These two bottles can be paid to you as part of the secret."

Taking the two bottles of potions in Li Rui's hand, Dr. Jack's eyes glowed with excitement, and he looked around in his hand.

"Is that enough?"

Seeing that he was completely immersed in curiosity about the potion, and did not pay attention to himself for a long time, Li Rui couldn't help but ask.

"Uh, it was originally not enough, but you were introduced by Ivana, so let's give you a discount, barely enough."

Doctor Jack waved his hand gently, and eight imaginary **** of light condensed out of thin air in the room. UU reading happened to be one per person.

A finger lightly tapped one of the light balls, and a huge amount of information instantly poured into my mind.

Closing his eyes and frowning tightly, Li Rui tried to digest the information that had been violently perfused. Others also learned how to smash the ball of light. Only the bewildered Miss Yinlong stood in place at a loss.

After a long time, Li Rui opened her eyes and found her embarrassment, lifted her chin.

"Absorb it, it's a benefit for you."

In fact, Hailee Nathaniel was so curious that she smiled sweetly, and smashed the ball of light into pieces.

While she was digesting the information, Li Rui, who got her wish, began to say goodbye to Dr. Jack.

But before the two of them had finished their greetings, Doctor Jack's face suddenly changed, and then, the heavy door was kicked open.

At the same time, as the "door" was opened, the fine and noisy background sound instantly spread to everyone's ears.

With the comparison, everyone discovered how "deadly" there was in the previous room!

"Jack, help me! I have acne on my G2 again!"

A decadent middle-aged man with a beard-faced face rushed in, and saw the whole house instantly freeze in embarrassment.

"Uh... you are entertaining guests... then I will come back later."

Holding his forehead in pain, Doctor Jack waved at him.

"It's over, what's wrong with you?"

Li Rui and others nodded at him awkwardly and politely, and filed around him cautiously.

As soon as he brought the door, there was a clear roar behind him.

"How many times have I told you? Don't engage in races you haven't seen before, you don't understand, do you?"

"Uuuuu...what can I do? There will always be fresh girls in the red zone that I have never seen...this society has kidnapped my G2..."


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