Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 863: , [Abyss Layer]

"I kidnapped you paralyzed!"

The angry voice was not as gentle as before, and Li Rui shuddered and hurriedly stepped out of the clinic.

It was not until she left the clinic all the way, that Aya Kie quietly asked in the spiritual network.

"Raw stone?"

"Even if the moment of the shot is very obscure, it should be a high-level rough stone."

"Damn, didn't I just show off the original stone steps?"

"You should be glad they didn't pinch you to death."


In the consulting room behind him, the decadent middle-aged man was lying on the window, looking melancholy at the back of Li Rui and others.

"Are they the guests Ivana introduced?"

"Well, are you still thinking about her?"

Doctor Jack helped the golden glasses and squashed his mouth helplessly.

"I heard that after she returned to her hometown to get married and have children, she felt a little abnormal..."

The decadent middle-aged man cursed secretly, and then sighed again.

"Oh... the teammates of the year were dead, crazy, and we are left to depend on each other."

After speaking, he slowly turned his head and looked at Dr. Jack affectionately, the gentle eyes shining brightly.



"You must cure my G2!"

"It's no help, cut it."

"You didn't even look at it!"

"I don't want to watch such disgusting things, I suggest you do it once and for all."


In 3970, the [Zeph layer] defense line was breached and the Great Arcanist Terry died in battle. Since the alien gods joined the war, our situation has gone from bad to worse. Perhaps we should really consider retreating to [the abyss].

In 3975, the **** family called Olympus was quite powerful. Just one of them caused us a lot of trouble, but the empire was already studying the [Deity Slaying Art] against them, and I believe it will soon have results. .

In 3981, the [trap] came into effect, and the Lily Lattice Arcanist used his own life to launch the [Great Extinction], [Natz layer] collapsed, and 27 gods fell. We won the strategy for at least two years. Adjustment period.

In 3987, the time passing by distorting the [Sawyer layer] did not cause much trouble to the enemy. The Time Dragon can easily correct them. The Empire should give priority to researching [Dragon Slaying Technique] and slaughter all the annoying lizards. !

In 3992, those **** big lizards finally paid the price. After we cut off a Tiamat head and extracted the source material, we discovered some secrets of the dragon race!

In 3995, the [Death Slaying Art] for the [Olympus] God System was finally completed. The Empire Headquarters planned a strategic counterattack. We want to eat the [Olympus] God System that was adventurously advanced!

In 3996, the God of War of [Olympus] fell, and only a trace of real spirit escaped. In a short time, we no longer need to consider their threats.


In 4053, the [River Layer] defense line was breached...

In 4061, the [Lei Ge layer] line of defense was breached...

In 4067, the [Tute Layer] defense line was broken, and we were unable to retreat. After the [Abyss Layer] is the home planet, we must stop the enemy at the [Final Defense Line]!

On August 21, 4067, this should be my last diary. 197 [Virtual Godheads] have been allocated, [Super Magical Power Channel] will be opened soon, [Abyss Layer] will be turned into the graveyard of the gods , Those hypocritical gods will eventually fall! Long live the empire!


Slowly opening his eyes, summarizing the scattered and scattered information in his head, Li Rui finally has a basic understanding of this so-called [Final Line of Defense] secret.

[Final Line of Defense], or [Abyss Layer], is the layer closest to the main material plane in the outer space expanded by the Nessel Empire.

It was also the place where the Nessel Empire fought the decisive battles with the foreign gods.

Judging from the current information on paper, there were more than seventeen gods that participated in the war!

What surprised Li Rui the most was that the [Olympus] God System actually came to join in the fun.

At that time, the God of War should be Ares. It seems that he has suffered a lot. I wonder if he was beaten up by Athena when he went back.

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui inexplicably gloated.

At the same time, he was also secretly smacking his tongue. The Neisser Empire before the decline of the aura was a real cowhide, and it has been under siege by more than a dozen gods for nearly a hundred years!

The line of defense wrapped in layers like eggshells outside the main material layer really exhausted the blood of the gods.

Even Tiamat’s head was chopped off, showing the tragic battle!

Based on the current data, even in the end, the gods failed to "break through" this line of defense in a true sense, but found a way to bypass it.

Afterwards, with the tide of spiritual energy, the laws of physics changed, [Abyss Layer] separated from reality and fell into the deep dimension.

And now, the [Final Line of Defense] that "sinks into" the deep dimension is finally connected with reality again, no wonder the countries of the entire continent are crazy about it!

There are not only the technological crystallization of the Neisser Empire, but also countless artifacts seized in the entire battle, and... hundreds of corpses of gods!

As long as you get one ten thousandth of it, UU reading www. can easily change the destiny of a power or even a country!

The only thing worth worrying about is that this secret realm is... treacherous and dangerous!

The desperate and dying struggle of the Neiser Empire didn't know how many traps that could kill the gods were made in it.

Coupled with the entanglement of the death resentment of the gods, the spatial structure inside has undergone a fundamental change.

Compared with the material plane, the [Abyss Layer] is more like a combination of [Fantasy Domain] and [Creed Domain]. If you are a little careless, even true mythical creatures will fall into it!

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui carefully contemplated the latest top-secret information.

[Magic Council] Two original stone steps were dead, [Tesfield] One died in the Grand Duchy, and only one of the seven original stone steps was escaped...

This is only a clearly recorded existence, and I don't know how many high-level powerhouses died silently in it.

The first batch of eagerly rushed in and wanted to grab the first soup became the first soup, but the low-level cannon fodder that entered one after another had a low mortality rate.

Is the higher the energy level, the more dangerous it is?

This is good news for me.

Rubbing her chin, Li Rui couldn't help but nodded inwardly.

Judging from the current intelligence, the entire secret realm is full of law traps aimed at high-level powerhouses.

It’s like an anti-tank mine. It’s okay for people to jump on it, but a tank weighing tens of tons is pushed up... boom~

And according to the blood and tears of the predecessors, you must beware of some law-level dangers above the silver level. The higher the energy level, the more obvious the plane is targeted!

But the energy level is not as low as possible, because in addition to the law level, the material level in the mystery is also dangerous.


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