On the whole, the Golden Tier is the most suitable main force for exploration, and if you are a little cautious, the Secret Diamond Tier is also good.

In addition, there is a more suitable player, that is, the "low-level and high-power" saint Tianjiao of the major forces!

Low skill level and strong strength, while avoiding two kinds of risks at the same time, it is beautiful.

In this way, the [Final Line of Defense] Secret Realm is very friendly to me!

After pondering for a moment, Li Rui put aside his inflated thoughts and cautiously discussed with his teammates the plan to make a fortune.

The treasure in the secret realm is so tempting, even Li Rui couldn't help but be moved by it.

Moreover, after his strength has greatly improved, he also wants to try how strong he is, just to slaughter a few secret diamonds to help.

After some discussion, Li Rui wanted to go to the battlefield again [Overgrowth].

However, the fronts of various countries have already entered a stalemate. The two sides have intertwined their teeth and formed a certain balance. In a short period of time, no large-scale battle can be seen.

Extremely disappointed, Li Rui could only find the registration point of [Magic Council] and apply to be a "garbage guy" in the secret realm.


"Wade Winston Wilson."

"Are they all your teammates?"

The middle-aged man wearing a silver robe carefully looked at the teammates behind Li Rui and frowned.

These shapes are a bit cool!


"Then everyone pays 100 gold coins for the entrance fee."

"100 gold coins? Why don't you grab it?"

Li Rui couldn't help his eyes widening. The purchasing power of the gold coins minted by Wojin Cult was quite strong. If you save a little, one gold coin is enough for ordinary civilian families for a whole year.

100 gold coins are a huge sum of money!

"Wait, why did those people just go in without paying?"

Pointing to the few young people who hugged and shouted in the distance, Li Rui asked angrily.

The middle-aged man in Yinpao looked sideways and smiled helplessly.

"The green channel they take should be the elite talents of our partners, who can come and go freely."

Ma Dan, if I want the dragon of the country, I still have to be in the air?

Squeezing his fist, Li Rui thought of the skin he had put on it, like a frustrated ball, deflated.

"Well, how much does it cost?"

"One, two, three, four...A total of eight people, 800 gold coins."

Just as he was about to pay, Li Rui suddenly rolled her eyes and pulled Hailee Nathaniel, who was shrinking behind.

"Wait, she is not a teammate, she should be free!"

The middle-aged man in Yinpao was puzzled: "Not a teammate? Then who is she from you?"


Li Rui cut the railroad firmly.

The middle-aged man in Yinpao went stiff, looked at Li Rui and then at Miss Yinlong's beautiful face, his trembling fingers clenched into fists.

Damn it, I want such a "mount" too!

"That... I can actually wait for you outside..."

Hayley Nathaniel pulled Li Rui's sleeves, trying to make the last dying struggle.

Seeing that she didn't deny the identity of "mountain", the envy in the eyes of middle-aged people was almost distorted.

"It's okay, just don't run around in there."

Li Rui smiled and turned to look at the middle-aged man in Yinpao.

"Well, can the mount be free of charge?"

The distorted expression forced a smile, and the middle-aged man showed Li Rui eight professional white teeth.

"The mount is a large vehicle, with 300 tickets and a total of 1,000 gold coins."

Li Rui: "..."


Without a trace of starlight in the dark sky, Li Rui and others walked out of the portal and were immediately shocked by this strange world.

There is a huge brightly lit camp on the ground. In addition, the world is dark and silent, and the whole world is filled with an atmosphere of despair and madness.

And soon, Li Rui knew that this was not his illusion!


The spiteful wailing whispered in his ears, and when he looked down, countless hazy shadows shrouded him, like a coat of horror.

Not only him, except Miss Yinlong, several teammates have such a layer of resentment entangled, but it is not as obvious as his.

"what is this?"

Looking at each other strangely, Li Rui felt that these gadgets could not cause substantial harm to them, and they were dissipating as time passed.

"This is Long Ling's resentment..."

Hailee Nathaniel looked at them with twitching eyes and couldn't help shaking.

How many dragons have to be killed to accumulate such terrifying resentment!

"Hei, will there be a problem?"

Knowing the origin of this thing, Li Rui immediately consulted an expert on the teammate channel.

"No problem. These high-dimensional forces that involve causal entanglement are invisible. It's just that we can see it with our naked eyes if they are realized by certain rules in this strange space."

"Don't worry about them, they will dissipate after a while."

Hearing her words, Li Rui relaxed and patted her chest as if she was wearing ugly "clothes."

"There are safe areas around the camp, shall we bypass it and go deep?"

Teacher Hanna took out a magic map and carefully compared the directions.

"Well, this mystery is vast and vast. We don't need to waste time in these explored areas and go directly to unknown areas."

Nodded, Li Ruimai started walking, leading everyone to disappear into the darkness quickly.

"There is a problem, my dark vision can't see things clearly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Luo Li slowed down and quietly came to Li Rui.

Before they knew it, layers of black mist had already spread around the crowd, but they hadn't noticed it because there was no light in the entire world.

"This is the cover of extraordinary power, which can only be dispelled by extraordinary power."

Hearing Aya Xiyi's words, Li Rui sighed, running his vitality and blood in resignation.


The white jade-like skin began to glow slightly red, the surging blood rushed through the body, a golden red flame visible to the naked eye enveloped Li Rui, his clothes and hair seemed to be suspended in the water, uncontrolled Floating, slowly rising upwards.


Like a human-shaped torch, the golden-red flame of the sun has dispelled the darkness in an instant, illuminating a radius of nearly 100 meters.


The teammates didn't notice it, but Hailee Nathaniel was so uncomfortable being roasted, and silently stepped back more than ten meters.

"Come on, I will lead the way."

Taking a step forward, Li Rui came out more and more, walking at the forefront of the team like bait.

In the dark world, his "dazzling" existence is simply a living target.

Of course, as a crispy mage, Li Rui always feels that the team's formation is very problematic.

"Xiao Huang, go to the front to find the way."

"Fuck, you are poisonous, let me go ahead with a crispy skin?"

"Do you understand sacrificial tactics?"

"Madan, why do you want to sacrifice me?"


Li Rui pondered for a moment and looked at him seriously.

"I want to borrow your head to save anger. Don't begrudge it. After you die, your wife will be raised by me. Don't be green!"

Huang Juncai: "..."


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