
Knocking on the heavy wall, the dull echo and counter-shock told Li Rui that this thing is solid!


The hot palm that released the golden red flame pressed against the wall, and it took a long time before the surroundings of the five fingers began to turn red slightly.

As Li Rui removed his palm, the reddish palm print quickly dissipated and quickly returned to its original state.

"Extraordinary magic-wearing alloy, they actually use this thing to build a house?"

Pulling the corners of his mouth, Li Rui recognized this precious material on the earth, and many nasty tanks like to use it to make armor coatings.

A thin layer of super magical alloy can reduce more than 30% of magic erosion, and the wall in front of you is 20 centimeters thick...

Suppressing the urge to level the city and pick up trash, Li Rui and others began cautiously exploring in the steel jungle.

But this place seems to have been patronized by others, and there is nothing of value except for the same steel building.

"[Abyss Layer] belongs to the final line of defense, and there will be no normal civilian cities. This place should be similar to a military camp or logistics supply point. There must be a command center."

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui looked towards the end of the street.

"Go, let's go to the city center."

The neat team once again disappeared in place, but after not running long, Li Rui's eyes suddenly condensed.


Five iron-claw-like fingers clasped the phantom's neck that flew over, and the blazing [sacrifice] flame burned it screaming.

What is this stuff?

It wasn't until it launched an attack that Li Rui discovered its existence. He took it in his hand and took a closer look. It felt like a ghost on the earth.

"The spiritless resentment should be an adventurer who died in the city recently."

Aya Xiyi glanced at her, and cast her eyes on the ghosts that gradually surrounded her.

In the depths of the dark mist, countless vague shadows are creeping and approaching.

Unleashing bright flames, Li Rui quickly discovered something was wrong.

"How can I not burn to death?"

The resentful soul in his hand was still struggling frantically. Although the [Sacrifice] flame caused great pain to it, it did not seem to cause it to die.

how is this possible?

The first time I saw a negative energy creature that was not afraid of [sacrifice], Li Rui couldn't believe it and caught it in front of his eyes carefully.

The energy of the Sunshine Yang easily annihilated most of its tissues, but its body seems to have produced endless energy out of thin air, constantly making up for external damage.

"Xiyi, see what's going on?"

Taking this resentment and handing it to Aya Xiyi, Li Rui turned his head and looked at the surrounding ghost.

If these things can't be killed, it would be disgusting.


A spiteful wailing sounded in his ears, and Ling Xiyi's nether flames directly made the resentful souls into fly ash, but in just a few seconds, countless 氤氲 condensed out of thin air and re-formed the hideous evil spirits.

"We have stepped into a curse similar to the realm of God. The living creatures here will gradually be twisted into evil spirits, suffering endless suffering."

By decomposing the existence of the evil spirit, Aya Xiyi quickly saw through its vision, and his face became a little ugly.

"These forces are not to protect them, but the curse of God, we can't move forward anymore!"

Hearing Aya Xiyi's words, Li Rui didn't hesitate to turn around and ran away. The overwhelming hazy ghosts chased behind them, and was soon thrown away.

After retreating to the outside of the city, all the talents got rid of the chase and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I found it early, otherwise you will be the only one who can resist the curse."

Aya Xiyi said quietly to Li Rui.

"Can't even you resist this force?"

"Well, this is the rule generated by the combination of divinity and plane. Unless the individual's power surpasses the entire world, or, like you, has the law of immortality and immortality, no matter how strong people come, they can only escape."

Looking back at the deep and strange city, everyone couldn't help but feel discouraged.

It was hard to find a good place, but it turned out to be a trap. This face is almost full of pits!

After finding a place to renovate for a few hours, the team recovered a little after eating various foods.


"Well, who has [Insight]?"


Huang Juncai and Zhao Youxuan's two shots [Insight] didn't see anything. As a last resort, everyone waited for a round of cooling time and "opened the picture" again.

This time they were lucky, "seeing" the huge limbs that looked like biological remains.



The violent explosion shattered the fog, and Li Rui stopped the leap of flesh and disappeared into the air instantly.

"Damn, it's a wicked evil again, I really have enough!"

After catching up with the "one step ahead" teammate, Li Rui complained madly telepathically.

This is the 20th day they have entered the [Final Line of Defense] secret.

The treasure was not found, but a lot of traps were stepped on along the way.

Once Li Rui was even hit by a magic similar to the Star Destroyer, and was roasted five years to mature on the spot.

If it weren't for his amazing defensive power, he would use an ordinary secret diamond to estimate that there would be no ash left.

The complaining in his mouth was full of joy, the teammate in the induction suddenly disappeared, Li Rui's pupils shrank, UU read www.uukanshu. Com's body shape changed from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, and instantly stopped in place.

There is no spatial fluctuation, but the teammate behind him has quietly disappeared.

Even after experiencing all kinds of weird events in the past few days, Li Rui couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

what is the problem?

Didn't even Aya Xiyi have time to react?

Or do I have hallucinations?

With his brain turning rapidly, Li Rui slowly squinted his eyes and used his two magical powers with all his strength.

Purple gold steamed on his body surface, his deep pupils gradually stained with purple light, and finally turned into a pair of vast and merciless vertical pupils.

[Longmu] What I see is true!

His gaze turned into a substantial purple-gold ripple, Li Rui's gaze penetrated the falsehood, and he directly saw the sight he wanted to see!

Not far behind him, the dim figures looked around vigilantly, as if they could not see the teammates close at hand!

No, it's not that they can't see it, but they are not in the same "reality" at all!

Watching Luo Li and Hannah teacher and teacher overlap each other, and then separated like an illusion, there was a hint of understanding in Li Rui's heart.

With the golden light in his eyes flourishing, Li Rui moved his divinity, and a substantial golden light appeared all over his body.

[Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity] Turning to the extreme, the purple-gold dragon pupils are dazzling, Li Rui's whole body is wrapped in a layer of brilliant colorful light, and step by step walks to his teammates.

"I am eternal in time, immortal, immortal!"

The fingers wrapped in Jin Mang slowly touched Luo Li, as if they had penetrated an invisible barrier. The golden light spread over her instantly, pulling her back to the "reality" where Li Rui was!

"team leader!"

Luo Li swung the sword subconsciously, and then stopped on the tip of Li Rui's nose.


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