Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 867: , Dimensionality sinking

Moving away the blade with his finger, Li Rui ignored her stress response and stared at other people.

The bodies of other teammates became more and more blurred, and Li Rui knew that they were "sinking", sinking into the bizarre and deep dimension.

Taking a deep breath, his body flickered, and a golden transparent ground spread out under his feet.

Running with full force [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], he uses the "reality" he is in as the anchor point, and slowly stretches out his strong arm.

The five fingers seemed to have penetrated into the invisible water surface, half of his arm gradually disappeared into the void, and the engulfed place was filled with time and space ripples visible to the naked eye.

Traversing multiple dimensions in the sense of mysticism, the body of the law of immobilization and eternity finally touched the entity.

Pulling the teammates back to reality one by one, Li Rui's divine light flickered, and his movements became more difficult and laborious.

In the end, big beads of sweat slipped from his cheeks, and the arms that could level the mountain trembled slightly.

Gritting his teeth to rescue the mount, Li Rui heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Aya Kiyi, who had always stood in place and his figure had not changed from head to tail.

Seeing that she was not in danger of "sinking" in a short time, Li Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly stretched out her big hand.

The dazzling golden light formed illusory dragon scales on his body, and the sharp claws spread out from his fingertips. From a distance, it seemed that a golden dragon was really extending its claws.

The sharp claws pierced the dimension, but before he could reach Aya Xiyi, the cold Qianying suddenly turned around and met his sight across endless time and space.

Raising the slender arms, the fingertips of the two penetrated layer after layer, slowly gathered, and finally touched gently.


The golden light instantly covered Aya Xiyi, and Li Rui pulled her back almost effortlessly.

Holding tightly on her beautiful wrist, feeling the coldness from her skin, Li Rui's suspended heart finally fell to the ground.

His heart vented, and a deep sense of exhaustion instantly drowned him.

The light of the whole body dissipated, and Li Rui shook, helping Aya Xiyi to not fall down.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?"

The teammates surrounded him nervously, Li Rui pulled out a barely smile and shook his head.

"It's okay, a little tired, just take a rest."

The physical body did not suffer any damage, but in less than a minute, more than 20,000 points of mana were consumed.

The power of urging laws beyond the limit, he even hurt his soul.

"Actually you give me a coordinate, I can come back by myself."

The cold little hands pressed on the temples, a chill spread in the soul, and the intense tingling sensation was immediately relieved.

Li Rui glanced at Aya Xiyi, smiled without speaking.

With such a high-end technique of super-dimensional coordinate broadcasting, he can't do it at all according to his current ability, so it is safer to do it directly.

"Let's go, leave this area first."

Forcibly propped up, Li Rui endured the discomfort and took the lead and ran.

He finally knew why the [Final Line of Defense] was called [Abyss Layer]. The entire plane seemed to be built on a thin layer of ice.

If you don't pay attention, you will fall into the bottomless "Earth Sea".

The key fragile "ice surface" is still changing. Even if you stand still, you may "collapse" the barrier between reality and illusion and fall into a "sinkhole."

Damn, this kind of random trap without any warning is impossible to guard against.

There was tingling pain from Naoreen again, and Li Rui gritted his teeth and continued to gallop.

He ran for tens of kilometers all the way, feeling out of the danger zone, and then he slowed down.

Finding a flat place to erect the camp, Li Rui hugged Yuan Shouyi and started to run [Chaos Return to the Source of Zihuang Jie] to repair the soul of the soul.

After a week, he let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the injury is not serious and healed in a few days.

In such a dangerous environment as [Abyss Layer], he would rather suffer a serious physical injury than an accident.

The former has 10,000 ways to recover quickly, while the latter can only rely on himself.

However, dangers and opportunities always coexist, which relieved his worries. Li Rui was pleasantly surprised to find that after an overdraft of "separation" of people, the progress of [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie] has skyrocketed again.

Looking at it this way, it only takes a month or two at most for this exercise to reach the minimum conditions for advancement.

What made him even more pleased was that, vaguely, some higher-level bottleneck had been exposed before him.

Secret Diamond!

Unexpectedly, just less than two years after entering the gold level, I once again touched the energy level bottleneck.

But looking at his health and spell power, Li Rui felt that this seemed to be a matter of course.

Except for his mana slightly pulling his hips, almost all his attributes are far beyond the level of ordinary secret diamonds!

And the two attributes of more than 400,000 blood and more than 40,000 magic powers are also father-level existences in the original stone steps.

So on the whole, his hardware level has already overflowed, and what he lacks is just a series of insights from the golden rank.

And this shortcoming, with the promotion of one by one golden skills, is being quickly filled.

He glanced at more than a dozen kinds of hero skills that were stuck at the pinnacle of silver Li Rui narrowed his eyes and his heart was hot.

After all these skills are promoted to gold, you should be able to meet the advanced conditions.

At that time, we will spend another time [Guardian Angel], find an enemy that is difficult to resist, and have an ultimate death fight, squeeze out all your potential, and believe that the door of the secret diamond will be opened to you!

If it really doesn't work, promote the runes to the golden rank, and repeat the act of death.

This cycle goes back and forth, even if the qualifications are limited, but through the stimulation of life and death, within two or three years, he can definitely step into the ranks of secret diamonds!

After planning an advanced route, Li Rui seemed to see the road leading to the seat of God.

But then, an important question surfaced.

Not enough upgrade options!

Not to mention the various runes, the demand for hero skills alone cannot be met.

Don't forget, he still has a rune system that hasn't been activated after he is promoted to the golden rank!

After a little calculation of the upgrade option gap, Li Rui's excitement immediately calmed down.

It's better to keep your feet on the ground one step at a time. Just sensing the existence of the bottleneck of the secret diamond does not mean that you will come to an end soon.

The distance in between is like seeing a mountain hundreds of kilometers away.

Only by measuring with footsteps can we understand how far away it is!

With a light breath, Li Rui exhaled the impatience in his chest, the brilliance of the eyes gradually faded, returning to the usual flatness.

"That's it? Is it better?"

Taking advantage of other people's time to prepare food, Luo Li quietly sat beside Li Rui and looked at him worriedly.

"Much better, minor injuries can be healed in a few days."

Li Rui squeezed her nose and chuckled lightly.

"That's good……"


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