The whole person fell into Li Rui's arms, Luo Li found a comfortable position, put his chin on his thigh, and his cute eyes stared at his face for an instant from bottom to top, just like a petting little girl. dog.

With a smile, Li Rui stroked the dog's head lightly and gave her a good order.

After the two stayed warm for a while, Luo Li was called to help prepare food, and then a cold figure carefully sat next to Li Rui.

"Master... Master, are you also a dragon?"

The tip of his nose was lingering with the fresh smell of after the rain, Li Rui turned his head and glanced at his mount, smiling without speaking.

Seeing his expression and reminiscing about the sacred claws that had previously grasped him, Hailee Nathaniel seemed to understand something, and her face was flushed with excitement.

Although completely different from ordinary dragons, that magnificent and sacred power definitely carries the breath of dragons.

Is he really the predecessor who performed Transfiguration?

Or is it an incarnation of someone walking on the earth under a crown?

Seeing Miss Yinlong's face changing back and forth, Li Rui helplessly chuckled, "Why do you think so?"

"Just now... I felt the same kind of breath from you..."

Hayley Nathaniel lowered her head and murmured like a kid who did something wrong.

Looking around, Li Rui remembered that the original inheritance of the Primordial Devil Dragon was integrated in the [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation], and in a sense, it did have a deep connection with the dragon clan.

"in fact……"

Just about to explain to her, Li Rui's pupils suddenly shrank and stood up and looked in a certain direction.

With his actions, the teammates who were preparing food instantly switched to a state of preparation, and took out their weapons to form a battle formation.

In the depths of the hazy black fog, a little light slowly came into the sight of everyone.

As the distance gets closer, the light gets brighter, and countless fuzzy figures gradually become clear.

It seemed that Li Rui and the others were also aware of the existence, and the team that was supposed to pass by slightly adjusted their direction and quickly approached them.

Soon, the brilliant golden light broke through the black mist, and a handsome middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes walked into Li Rui's sight.

Behind him, hundreds of people with deep breath were looking at Li Rui's team with great interest.

Those sharp and vertical pupils are like predators at the top of the food chain, which brought great pressure to Li Rui and others.

There is no concealment at all, these people unscrupulously exudes their own coercion, just like a group of dragons running across the wasteland.

Wait... Dragons?

Li Rui's pupils shrank, as if guessing their identities.

"Funny little guy, there are so many evil dragon resentments entwined with him..."

At a glance, he could see through Li Rui's resentment that had not completely dissipated, and the handsome middle-aged man with a mustache on his lips slowly walked towards him.

Randomly glanced behind Li Rui, when he saw Hailee Nathaniel, his gaze paused for a while.

The excited Miss Yinlong leaned forward slightly, as if she wanted to shout something, but calmed down instantly, just nodded bitterly at him.

The middle-aged man blinked, nodded to her, and turned his gaze to Li Rui again.

"Are you adventurers who came to hunt for treasure?"

"Yes, what are you guys?"

"We? We are here to hunt for treasure just like you."

I believe you a ghost!

Li Rui twitched his mouth, looked at the handsome and sassy middle-aged man, couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Hahaha, I didn't lie to you, we are really here to hunt for treasure."

Seeing Li Rui's white eyes, the middle-aged man laughed, and then the conversation changed.

"But you, brave evil dragon killer, do you want to become a vassal of our lord?"

Li Rui: "???"

The question mark on his face clearly expressed his doubts, and the middle-aged man began to patiently explain to him.

After a long time, Li Rui understood the meaning of this vassal.

The reason for everything is that the war between the colorful dragon queen Tiamat and the platinum dragon **** Bahamut has been going on for too long.

Thousands of years of slaughter, coupled with the aura tides, at the most difficult time, the number of dragons was even less than one percent of the peak of prosperity.

The exhaustion of vital power forced the Dragon God to begin to turn his attention to the non-dragon race.

This gave birth to a profession similar to a mercenary-the vassal of Bahamut!

As long as you respect the good dragons devoutly and hate the evil dragons from the bottom of your heart, then you have the opportunity to get a place in the dragon god's court.

Of course, the prerequisite for everything is to have sufficient strength. Generally, becoming a vassal of Bahamut will be required to kill a mature or older red dragon alone.

As a non-dragon race, it is not easy to achieve this condition.

That means your strength must far exceed the same level!

The evil dragon resentment entangled in Li Rui's body was so strong that it almost turned into substance, which in the eyes of middle-aged people was simply the best candidate for vassals.

"Haha, sorry, I have no plans in this regard for the time being."

Politely refused his wooing, the middle-aged man with a mustache was not angry either, just waved at will.

"Forget it, good luck to you."

After finishing speaking, he led the team away without nostalgia But when he left, he seemed to think of something, turning his head and admonishing Li Rui.

"You have stepped into the danger zone, turn your head back early, there is still time."

Gorgeously dressed men and women walked in front of Li Rui, and he couldn't help grinning as the huge team saw him.

At least three or four hundred people!

When they disappeared deep in the black fog, Li Rui turned to look at his teammate.

"felt it?"

"Well, they didn't hide it at all."

"Everyone's secret diamond, except for the Dragons, who can make up such a gorgeous lineup?"

"Metal dragons have engaged in such a big battle, what about the five-color dragons?"

After a quiet exchange, Li Rui suddenly remembered a certain record in the [Final Line of Defense] material.

"We decapitated Tiamat's head, and after extracting the source material from it, we discovered some secrets of the dragon race!"

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui looked deeply in the direction where the middle-aged man left, and picked up a golden cast hair from the ground.

"Their goal is very clear, there is absolutely no means of positioning."

Carefully put away this hair, Li Rui slowly turned around and looked at Hailee Nathaniel with interest.

"Why didn't you take the opportunity to get rid of me? If you speak, they should help you."

Hearing that Hailee Nathaniel shook her head bitterly.

"You saved me when I was most desperate. Even if you didn't brand me a slave contract, the promise I promised will be kept."

"Hehe, smart girl."

Li Rui grinned and couldn't help but pat her head.

"Then as a reward, you are no longer a mount from today."

"Then what am I? Don't tell me it's reserve food..."


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