As soon as the idea of ​​dragging came to mind, Li Rui immediately denied it.

Right now, the amount of blue used to maintain the body protection gas is not small.

Although his speed can avoid threatening attacks, he still can't do anything about full-screen AOE.

Nearly a thousand secret diamond dragons fought within a mere thousands of square kilometers, and the AOE of both sides almost filled every inch of space, and he could only hold up a hard defense!

Even if it was delayed for several tens of minutes, both [Landry's Torture] and [Atama's Liquidation] were all effective, it would still be difficult for Konglan to break the balance of the battlefield.

He has never forgotten his true purpose-to grab the head!

Now every injured dragon is tens of thousands of gold coins and experience in his eyes, but he can't see it and eat it!

This kind of mouse got into the food warehouse, but found that the teeth were not sharp enough to chew on the "packing shell", which really made him scratch his heart and lungs.

Is there any equipment that can break the current deadlock?

There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and Li Rui had an idea in an instant.

But after thinking about it, he frowned again.

No, the gold coins are not enough, at least you have to upgrade to the gold rank to produce a qualitative change and accumulate enough effects.

Do the math, killing a Secret Diamond Dragon can fill the gap...

With his eyes condensed, Li Rui's greedy gaze began to patrol the battlefield, like a bloodthirsty shark looking for the most injured hapless ghost.

But as the saying goes, people are old-fashioned, ghosts are old-fashioned.

The IQ of most dragons is not inferior to that of human beings. In addition, the dragons who can live to the secret diamond are hundreds of thousands of years old, each of them is as refined as an old fox, and the bloodline is slightly unhealthy, so they immediately retreated to the front The rear was trimmed for treatment, and Li Rui was not given a chance to gank at all.

Watching the five-color dragon and the metal dragon operate fiercely as a tiger, destroying the world, the sun and the moon are dark.

As a result, the casualties were still in the single digits after playing for a long time. According to the current numbers of both sides, death will not end until next year!

Li Rui is worried for them!

Don't fight, don't fight, you can't kill each other like this!

What kind of forbidden curse, the demon disintegration and Dafa are all used, so let's scrape it here?

Shuttle on the battlefield looking for opportunities, Li Rui watched his mana plummet like the remaining battery power of his mobile phone, becoming more anxious in his heart.

Getting anxious, fighting the risk of exposing his identity, I also have to cut [remorse] posture and use [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] to urge [Shenwei Crescent] to kill with blood!

Li Rui was fierce in his heart, and suddenly felt a shocking magic power erupt in front of him.

"Elemental Reexplodes·Winter Ruling!"

Layers of dragons chanted loudly throughout the world, and the extreme cold swept through most of the battlefield. Almost all of the dragon's scales in the area were covered with a dark color, and the whole body was frozen stiff.


Li Rui's eyes lit up, and he lifted up [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation], and a layer of golden dragon scales appeared on the surface of his body. He ate the impact of magic without being slowed and imprisoned, and instantly disappeared in place.

The formation of the five-color dragon is like a sophisticated war machine, but the magic attack just stopped them for a short time, and they can only fight separately.

Taking this opportunity, Li Rui spotted a heavily injured black dragon and came to its side in an instant.

[Walk in the Void]!

The shield claws ejected several meters of energy, and easily tore the dragon's body magic shield. The damage bonus of [Deadly Predators] and [Dragon Blood] turned the indestructible dragon scales into dead wood.

Sharp Claw Jinmang cuts the dragon wing wing membrane like butter, until the strong and tough bones are stuck.

"Open it to Lao Tzu!"

Li Rui gave a grinning laugh, his arm muscles rolled, and the strength of his body was pulled fiercely.

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Thorn of Fear]!




With a body length of tens of meters, the giant dragon resembling a mountain was smashed with brute force, like an ant dancing a towering tree, the scene was particularly shocking.

Thousands of tons of body weight and Li Rui's destructive power are all concentrated at the intersection of the sharp awns and the thin bones of cicada wings.

Even with the strong physique of the dragon clan, it could not resist such a devastation.

With a click, the bones that were more than one meter in diameter broke, and the dragon wings that covered the sky and sun were cut off shoulder-to-shoulder.

Amid the painful screams, the scorching dragon blood shot like a fountain, instantly drowning Li Rui.

But all the dragon's blood turned into scarlet entrapment after a long distance, rotating and shrinking around him like a mist, and finally turned into a red blood cell suspended outside his body.

The surging energy of qi and blood flowed into his body, and Li Rui took a deep breath, exploding all his normal power.

He must kill this black dragon before the other dragons can recover!

According to the resistance of the Secret Diamond Dragon, he only has a window period of less than ten seconds!

Senbai's teeth bite, Li Rui urged the energy of the whole body to the extreme, and the knotted muscles were like a snake rolling.

The stern sharp claws lifted up like a butcher knife, and the golden arc visible to the naked eye was wrapped around it.


As if feeling the shadow of death, the black dragon roared, and countless palm-sized hexagram magic arrays appeared on the surface.

But before it finished casting the spell, the fatal attack had already landed on its neck.

At the juncture of life and death, the black dragon seemed to have broken through a certain limit, instantly condensing a substantial layer of thick shield in the throat, and the translucent shield was faintly flowing with colorful divine light.


The moment the sharp claws touched the shield, there was a sour rubbing sound.

Li Rui clearly felt a divine counter-shock force spreading along his arm, attempting to paralyze his flesh and blood.

The eyes flashed with a gloomy luster, the concept weapon of [Deadly Natural Enemy] was activated, and the alien divinity that invaded the body was instantly annihilated.

The sharp claw's strength seemed to be blessed with mysterious power, and it pierced the shield with an extraordinary sense of clarity.

Immediately afterwards, the strong blade tore the dragon scales, tore the muscles, tore the blood vessels, torn the throat...

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Thorn of Fear]!


[Void Blade]!

[Null ball]!

[Dragon Tooth Spike]!

[Thorn of Fear]!

[Thorn of Fear]!

[Thorn of Fear]!


Using both hands together Li Rui's arms turned into two afterimages, dancing like a meat grinder-like "knife plate", cutting back and forth at the weakest throat of the black dragon.

He didn't hesitate to mana, all the equipment and special effects were superimposed, and in just a few seconds, Li Rui cut off most of the black dragon's neck with a super powerful explosion that was almost dead.

The attack not only tore the flesh and blood of the black dragon, but also tore Li Rui's own muscles.

But as if the endless huge life energy was continuously sucked into the body along the weapon in his hand, the muscle torn by the explosive force instantly squirmed and healed, becoming stronger and stronger.

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