Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 875: Perpetual motion


With a hard and obscure touch from his hand, Li Rui raised a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth, and the fall offensive was like a tsunami.

go to hell!

[Dark Harvest]!

The dark red brilliance of death flashed away, the spine was broken, and the huge black dragon head rotated and flew into the sky, with a hideous expression on the face of choosing someone to eat.

The blood-red soul fragments that no one could see rushed into Li Rui's heart and slowly merged with him.

Experienced an unprecedented sense of invigorating cutting, Li Ruifu went to his heart, instantly opened the system panel and invested in the upgrade options.


A tyrannical and suppressed black rune ignited a dark red flame, and Li Rui seemed to smell the flame burning blood on the tip of his nose.

【Dark Harvest】·Golden Rank

(Active) Damage to an enemy non-minion unit whose health is less than 50% will cause adaptive damage and harvest the soul of the unit, increasing the damage of Dark Harvest by 1 to 50 points permanently (affected by target energy level and soul strength) .

Dark Reap base damage 700 points + damage growth + 25% physical attack power + 25% spell power, and slashes enemies whose health is less than 2.5%.

Cooling time 17 hours (reset the cooling time when participating in the kill)

The pupils shrank slightly, and a flash of excitement flashed deep in Li Rui's eyes.

The target object changed from a hero to a non-minion unit, and the range was expanded several times at once!

The most important thing is that [Dark Harvest] has an extra beheading effect!

Although the kill line is not high, only 2.5%, but sometimes the difference is so shivering.

From the perspective of Li Rui's current enemies, 2.5% of the HP plus defensive resistance reduction, it really should not be underestimated.


Only then did the surrounding five-color dragons recover from the magical impact and roar in anger.

Glancing at his own mana of more than 300 points, Li Rui turned into a sharp arrow to catch up with the "slowly" falling black dragon remains.

Losing his spiritual protection, his bruised torso was instantly taken into the [Material Warehouse], but he had no time to pick up the remaining dragon heads and dragon wings. The overwhelming dragon whisper magic chased his heels and drowned him.

The blood shield had already been exhausted, and the terrible magic power eroded and teared the flesh and blood, but as his injuries increased, Li Rui's mana value was rising wildly.

Enduring the painful torture, Li Rui sensed the cracks in the surrounding space, tearing time and space with a magical attack and disappearing in place.

[Walk in the Void]!

After crossing a distance of tens of kilometers to the edge of the battlefield, Li Rui restrained his aura, and carefully left the battlefield, taking stock of his gains.

"At the end of the battle, you participated in the killing of a hero-level unit and won a brilliant victory, S-level evaluation, basic reward × 2."

"You have gained 229216 (114608×2) experience points."

"You got 27282 (13641×2) gold coins."

"You killed a Secret Diamond-level unit and gained 2935 Advanced Law Shards."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality and you gain 69 permanent health points."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 246 permanent spell growth."

"[Dragon Bloodline] Strip the dragon element, gain 83 permanent armor growth and 127 permanent magic resistance growth."

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragon] Strengthen the conceptual weapon. When you break the defense against a creature with the dragon concept and cause substantial damage, +151 real damage, and the final physical damage caused by the creature with the dragon concept -132 point."

"You got a treasure chest of secret diamonds."

"You have upgraded!" ×7

This black dragon is not as strong as the red dragon Andemasam, but it also provides a lot of experience and gold coins.

After a little calculation, Li Rui immediately opened the system equipment bar.

"System, promotion [Stand of Time]!"

With 3 upgrade options and tens of thousands of gold coins put in, the initial equipment that has stayed in the black iron step for a long time bursts with golden light.

After a long time, the brilliance faded, and the mysterious staff slowly revealed its true face.

【The Staff of Time】·Golden Order

+2400 health

+2400 mana

+480 spell power

The only passive [Time]: Every ten days, you get a layer of [Time] effect, each layer provides an additional +160 health, +80 mana, and +24 spell power, up to 10 layers. (Maximum +1600 health, +800 mana, and +320 spell power).

The only passive [Eternal]: When you take damage from a hero, you will restore 22.5% of the damage value of the mana. When you spend the mana, you will restore 30% of the mana consumed. Each time you cast a spell, you can restore up to 500 health.

[The owner of the rod of time can have unlimited life and the ability to bring back to life. 】

If it were not for the attribute of [Stand of Time] to return to blue from injury, Li Rui would not even have enough mana for [Void Walk], and could only consume precious [Flash] to escape the battlefield.

According to his current HP calculation, the 22.5% conversion ratio is equivalent to more than 90,000 blue reserves, but this way of returning blue is not very comfortable.

But considering his terrible blood-sucking ability, damage to blood, and being beaten back to blue, and so on, he will have almost endless mana!

Barring his teeth, Li Rui continued to look at the next piece of equipment.

A single piece of the [Stand of Time] can't meet his needs. In the battlefield of nearly a thousand secret diamonds, he dare not really exchange blood for blue.

Even with his defensive power, he must also consider the problem of being set on fire. Unless the overall situation is determined, the blood line must be kept above the safety line.

He is just reckless, but not naive. He will not press all his cards when the battle is still not clear, deliberately testing back and forth on the edge of death.

After all, whether [Resurrection] or [Rebirth], the cooling time is not short!

Converging his thoughts, Li Rui's eyes moved, and a blue sickle condensed in the equipment bay.

【Scythe of Seizure】·Golden Stage

+600 attack power

+200% critical strike chance

Only passive: +160% cooldown reduction

Only passive: basic attacks will return 3% of the mana of the damage you cause. (Group damage is only 33%)

Passively return to blue and actively return to blue, this is the correct way to open the perpetual motion machine!

Although all the gold coins and the offerings of the black dragon love were all consumed, Li Rui's mouth raised a bright smile instead of UU reading

He turned his head and looked at the battlefield not far away, as if he saw countless golden mountains flying in the sky!

I'm coming, babies!

It turned into a stream of light in an instant, and he seemed to shoot into the battlefield like a sharp arrow, leaving a shocking gap in the back of a blue dragon.

But this time he did not concentrate on attacking a single target, but included all the dozens of five-color dragons around him in the attack range.

There is blue, just so capricious!

The flexible figures shuttled through the dragons like ghosts, screaming at them.

Even if all the attack special effects are activated, Li Rui's blue volume is gradually picking up, and every wound on the enemy's body can escape the invisible energy.

These energies will be transformed into cool and cool magic power into his eyebrows, like gurgling sweet springs to nourish the soul.

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