Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 876: Bloodline suppression

Over time, [Landry's Torture] and [Atama's Liquidation] gradually completed.

Coupled with the suppression of [Dragon Blood] and [Deadly Natural Enemies], even if hundreds of five-color dragons form a team and take turns to share the damage, Li Rui's terrible output still makes them on the verge of collapse.

The metal dragon eye beads that had originally come to help him were about to stare out.

They did not know that Li Rui relied on the gradual superposition of dozens of special effects to enter the strongest posture, nor did they know the effects of [Dragon Blood] and [Deadly Natural Enemies] on dragons.

I simply thought that Li Rui just showed his true strength, and all of them were cold in their vests.

What kind of monster is this?

Could it be the incarnation of which **** descended on the earth?

But can the current tide of magic power support the return of this level of divinity?


For a time, dozens of metal dragons were full of question marks.

They didn't even consider that Li Ruizhen had only the golden steps displayed, or even rough stones.

Because many of them are only one step away from the original stone, I know what that energy level is like.

Normally, a legendary dragon (secret diamond) can rely on its own defense to support a long time under the hands of the humanoid creatures of the legend of destiny (rough stone).

Maybe it will eventually be defeated, but it is difficult for the opponent to easily kill it.

No way, the races are different, and the talented dragons have an innate advantage over most creatures.

But the terrifying man in front of him suppressed hundreds of legendary dragons by himself!

If it wasn't for the enemy to have a quantitative advantage and take turns to share the damage, maybe he could kill a blood stream by himself, and turn the whole battle around by himself!

Ordinary Legends of Destiny can never cause such an exaggerated crushing effect!

For the first time, these proud dragons experienced the despair and powerlessness of ordinary creatures facing them.

That tiny figure seemed to be an indestructible mountain, neither magic nor minions could cause substantial damage to him.

On the contrary, the sharp claws he stabbed at will may be able to tear through their proud dragon scales, creating a horrible gap that is fatal.

There were already several red dragons fighting him close and physically, but he was ripped apart and their internal organs flowed out.

If it hadn't been for the surrounding companions desperately to force Li Rui back, it is estimated that there would have been heavy casualties on the opposite side.

I have to say that the superposition of the dual restraint of [Dragon Blood] and [Deadly Predator] is really terrifying.

When facing the Dragon Clan, Li Rui's energy level was equivalent to an automatic increase of one and a half levels, and he did not have to worry about the consumption of blue, which caused his current explosive crushing situation.

The damage exceeded the recovery limit, and hundreds of five-color dragons glowed with dark red blood, and the bloodline had been suppressed to below 50%!

But Li Rui did not rush to use the Dark Harvest, but continued to methodically weaken the enemy's HP, preparing to catch them all at the moment they collapse!

With so many moving Jinshan, his heart will bleed when running one!

"Damn it, hasn't Austin Charnhope taken off the crown? We're going to lose it!"

Behind the battle line, a strong red dragon used secret methods to contact his companions on the battlefield, but the news he received made it even more worried.

The two teams of lunatics who did not know where they came out confined a half of their power, coupled with the demon-like man in front of them, the metal dragons even suppressed their front line.

The vitality that was originally extremely wealthy is now stretched, with three sides facing the enemy and the center blossoming (Li Rui brand dung stick), and every battle line collapses like a bowstring full of bowstrings.

Once a certain front is broken, a chain reaction will occur instantly, triggering a complete defeat!

But as long as the crown is removed, they can immediately come back!

Can't help but look at the giant Titan that is as large as a mountain, and the crown of five colors is shining above his head.

At this moment, an undetectable shock suddenly flashed across the world.

Immediately afterwards, the dimly colored light condensed, hundreds of meters high, and the five-color crown that resembled a mountain slowly shrank.

The spectacular vision attracted everyone's attention. Compared with the confusion in the eyes of others, the five-color dragon was full of ecstasy, while the metal dragon was desperate.

Roar! !

A tyrannical and vast dragon roar exploded a ring of shock waves.

Li Rui only felt an invisible weight falling from the sky, his body sank, and an inexplicable horror rose in his heart.

"You are suppressed by Tiamatronwei, the Will save is passed, you are immune to death, immune to submission, immune to fear, and all attributes are reduced by 50%."

"Your divine power is suppressed, and the effect of the law is reduced by 30%."

"When you enter the Longwei domain, the energy flow efficiency is reduced by 50%."

"Your soul power is disturbed, and the probability of casting failure is greatly increased."


The dense negative state in the system panel made Li Rui's heart cold.

Fortunately, the last two tips gave him a sigh of relief.

"You have [Dragon Blood], and all negative effects are greatly reduced."

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragon] concept weapon is activated, and the negative effects of Dragon God's coercion on you are greatly weakened!"

Finally, coupled with the powerful resistance of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], Li Rui felt that his combat effectiveness was only slightly weakened.

But the metal dragon around him is not so lucky.

When the invisible coercion came, they looked like frogs stared at by snakes, and their bodies instantly stiffened into a stone. The huge dragon pupils shrank into a gap. The face of the former majestic and graceful dragon was full of distorted fear.

On the contrary, the five-color dragon was like taking a big tonic, and the morale of the whole was boosted, and the metal dragon that could not resist was smashed into a river.

"Run! Run!"

Several powerful metal dragons that could barely resist the coercion of the Dragon God screamed in grief and grief. It was only then that the metal dragons who had been slaughtered reacted, turning their heads and ran away like mourning dogs. UU reading

Seeing their disorganized chaos and defeat, Li Rui couldn't help but think of a word.

Bloodline suppression!

To be reasonable, even in the face of other gods as powerful as Tiamat, these metal dragons would not behave so badly.

But the suppression from the soul and blood makes them a fish that can only be slaughtered.

At the same time, Li Rui finally understood why these metal dragons desperately wanted to prevent the evil dragon from obtaining the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown].

This is simply a slaughter machine against them!

When facing the mighty power of Tiamat, no matter how powerful the metal dragon is, it is estimated that it can only kill at its neck.

Of course, if Bahamut is willing to chop off his head and make a divine tool for the family members of the lower realm, it is estimated that he can have the same deterrent effect on the five-color dragon.

But the problem is that he seems to have only one head...

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