Sensing the swelling of the five-color dragon, Li Rui knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

When they killed the metal dragon, more than six hundred Secret Diamonds beaten in chicken blood turned their heads to deal with themselves and Sae Kazema, Emmmmm...

He grew up just thinking of that scene.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, Li Rui took a deep breath, and the space barrier blessed by [Void Stone] slowly opened.

[Distorted Space]·Golden Order!

Hundreds of remnant blood dragons hadn't reacted yet, and in the next second they were wrapped in a twisted enchantment tens of kilometers in diameter.

"It's space magic, break it!"

"I'll open the door!"

Although he didn't know what plan the monster-like man made, his keen spiritual sense clearly felt a dangerous aura.

More than a dozen Taikoo dragons who are proficient in space magic mobilize their magic power, while preparing to dissolve Li Rui's spell structure, while opening the group portal.

But before they finished singing, a roar that frightened the soul suddenly exploded in their ears.


The indescribable tyrannical roar drowned the high-pitched dragon language, and the magical shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the world.

A horrible energy impacted on the dragons, his head buzzed, and the world seemed to be far away from them, no sound was heard, and his thinking was blank.

The magic power was imprisoned, the divinity was disturbed, the substantial ripples penetrated the dragon's scales and flesh, and the newly constructed magic circuit fell apart in the terrible shock.

[Wild Scream]·Golden Rank!

Qi and blood surged back, and several Taikoo dragons who were about to complete their magic vomited red blood, but were injured the most.

But then, a shuddering energy began to converge towards a tiny figure.

As if a phantom had entered the enemy formation, Li Rui casually tore the line of defense. A fist-sized scarlet orb oscillated around him, and the whole world filled with a sweet smell.

The surging qi and blood poured into the [Blood God Bead] without reservation, and the blood waves contracted spirally, forming a dark red blood ring like nuclear fusion around him.

The terrible energy that warped time and space was compressed infinitely, and the dark red blood ring gradually darkened and gradually lost its luster.

【Blood Tides】·Golden Stage

The first stage of energy storage: The hero continuously perfuses a blood bank with blood, and consumes at least 2.5% and up to 12.5% ​​of his maximum health to increase the damage of this skill. After being fully charged, the hero will be slowed.

More than 400,000 qi and blood energy surged and roared, and with the help of divine mobilization, more than 50,000 points of blood were quickly poured into the blood reservoir.


The waves of blood were tumbling, and the dark red halo crazily rotated and compressed around him, slowly turning into pure black, even the dull ants could feel the terrifying energy of destroying the world, and the keen dragons were even more frightened. The pupils shrink and the scales stand upright!

They instinctively wanted to escape the source of danger, but they found it painfully that the thin layer of twisted enchantment seemed fragile, but the laws of space contained in it were actually quite profound and obscure. It is almost impossible to simply break through with physical means. !

Thanks to the solidified space control characteristics of the Golden Rank [Void Stone], the [distorted space] supported by Li Rui at this time is far stronger than before. If you are not proficient in time and space magic, use the law to break the law, the young Han dragons are basically Don't want to escape easily!

But the problem is that the ancient dragons who are proficient in time and space magic are all stunned by a [wild scream]. The powerful silence effect continues to interfere with their souls, and they can't mobilize the power of the law in a short time.

Created an excellent place to catch turtles in the urn, Li Rui stretched out his hand, and the world exploded a wave of boiling blood out of thin air, submerging hundreds of five-colored dragons with residual blood.

【Blood Plague】·Golden Rank

The hero infects enemies in the target area with blood plague, increasing their damage by 25%. (Can be detonated in advance)

Ear-piercing and sharp buzzing shook the world, all giant dragons were covered by scarlet blood waves, and the crimson color penetrated into the gaps between dragon scales, drilled into the body along the wounds, mouth, nostrils and other channels, quietly polluting their flesh and blood.

I noticed that a strange plague power contaminated my spirituality and weakened my magic resistance. At the same time, there was a strange alien magic power in my body that was growing wildly!

An unknown premonition surged in the keen dragon group's heart, frantically mobilizing soul power to suppress this alien energy invading the body.

"Set fire to him!"

The head of the Red Dragon stabbed his eyebrows and felt that the danger was coming, and no longer cared about the cost of casualties, he took the lead in killing Li Rui.

It was no longer a wave of wheel battles. Hundreds of Secret Diamond Dragons swarmed up and attacked at the same time. Even Li Rui didn't dare to because of its sharpness.

But looking at the dragons who took the initiative to gather around him, his mouth raised a cruel smile.

Seeing his smiling expression a few hundred meters away, the dragons gave a thump in their hearts, and then they saw Li Rui lost his body without warning, "melted" into plausible, unreal, unreal, unrealistic blood. sea.

The small figure collapsed and melted, but it seemed to have opened up the sea of ​​blood on the alien plane. The roaring blood waves swept across the sky and instantly spread into a tumbling and turbulent ocean of blood clouds covering the sky.

【Blood Red Pool】·Golden Stage

The hero distorts his form and transforms into a pool of blood that lasts no more than 30 seconds, gains a short acceleration effect and saves most of the physical damage and a small amount of magical damage during the period. Enemies enveloped in the blood pool will be slowed by 50% .

During the duration of the skill, the hero will cause 100 (+2% of current health) magic damage to enemies in the blood pool and provide 25% of the actual damage value for the hero with a healing effect.

The bewildered dragons were swamped by blood waves head-on, and the dense blood mist enveloped them, instantly infiltrating the aura of the protective body, quickly eating away their vitality.

Injecting 12.5% ​​of his maximum health and consuming 20% ​​of his current health, Li Rui's health is still about 70%.

The magic damage per second on a single panel exceeds 6000 points!

In addition, the damage caused by [Dragon Blood] to the dragon is increased by 40, [Landry’s Torment] the damage is increased by 40, the damage taken by [Blood Plague] is increased by 25, [Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragon] causes real damage, [Fatal One hit】……

All the special effects are superimposed, and even the resistance of the dragons can't resist such a terrible erosion!

What's more frightening is that [Blood Red Pool] has its own blood sucking effect, superimposed with the blood sucking special effects of [Hextech Gun Blade], [Dance of Death], and [Conqueror], and the life value consumed by Li Rui is madly recovering.

With the increase in his "current health", the damage of [Blood Pool] continues to increase!

Don’t forget, the Golden Tier [Landry’s Torment] also has a divine burning effect of 4% of the target’s current health per second when fighting against moving-damaged units!

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