Amid the painful screams, ice crystals and divine flames spread rapidly on the five-color dragon, the dragon scales lost its luster, the skin melted little by little, revealing the tender muscles underneath, and even dense bones could be seen in some places.

They struggled to escape from the range enveloped by the sea of ​​blood, but they all seemed to be held down by an invisible iceberg, and their speed was only a fraction of the normal state.

Only a small amount of the Primordial White Dragon with extremely high cold resistance endured the burning of the divine flame, tearing the blood mist like a sharp arrow and breaking through the periphery.

But soon, they found desperately that the area covered by this sea of ​​blood was larger than expected, almost filling the entire enchantment space!

They are like little mice enclosed in glass bottles, and the instigator cruelly filled them with aqua regia!

An ocean of thick blood clouds appeared over the battlefield, and a stern and desperate dragon roar continued to spread from it, even attracting the eyes of some evil dragons who were chasing metal dragons.

The blood of the dragons dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Li Rui injected a lot of divinity, causing massive damage every second.

But as time goes by, he is getting more and more struggling!

With the power of his own gold, against hundreds of secret diamond dragons, even he couldn't hold it.

The vitality of these god-killed lizards is too tenacious, it is not dead!

After losing his body, Li Rui gritted his teeth, he could clearly feel a mysterious and obscure divinity protecting the enemies and exempting them from a lot of damage!

Tiamat’s Longwei seems to not only weaken the enemy, but also strengthen the five-color dragon...

A glimmer of understanding flashed in his heart, and Li Rui suddenly felt that [Twisted Space] was being pried by a powerful external force.

It seems that the enemy’s reinforcements have arrived, but it doesn’t matter...

Because the dark blood ring hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​blood was finally full of energy.

【Blood Tides】·Golden Stage

The second stage of casting: the hero releases a blood nova on the surrounding enemies, which can cause 200 (+2.5% maximum health) (+40% spell power) to 400 (+12.5% ​​maximum health) (+100% spell power) ) Magic damage, and when fully charged, temporarily slows the enemy by 60%. Enemies hit can block some new stars.

Like a supernova explosion, a flash of scarlet helium swept across the sky and the nearest dozen dragons subconsciously shielded their bodies with tattered wings.

But in the next instant, the only flesh and blood on the dragon wing disappeared, leaving only a skeleton.

The scarlet ripple of death destroys everything, and the five-colored dragons in the range can't even make a scream. They can only carry all their power to resist this desperate impact!

However, the terrible scarlet helium flash melted and wiped out all the substances it came into contact with. In the horrible shock, all the frontal flesh and blood of the five-color dragon within the core area disappeared, exposing the melted internal organs and dense white bones.

But even so, they held their last breath and didn't die on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​blood clouds and mist covering the sky shrank suddenly and directly turned into a hideous monster (skin special effect) over 60 meters long and composed entirely of blood.


After planning for a long time, Li Rui finally showed his greedy fangs.

Don't look at him with a hundred enemies and mighty powers, but in fact the blue volume and divinity are close to exhaustion. If you don't eat something "nutritious" to breathe, once the new force outside breaks [distorted space], he can only turn his head. Run away.


The evil monster composed of blood let out a dull and suppressed roar, and came to a dying green dragon at a speed that did not fit its body shape. Two sickle-like forelimbs severely confined it.

The law is suppressed, and the power of devouring starts...

The green dragon, whose flesh and blood had melted and disappeared, exhausted the last trace of power, and his turbid and burnt eyes could no longer see any sight, but could only sense a terrible swallowing shadow on his neck.


The closed mouth was twisted and pulled, and the faucet linking the spine was pulled out forcibly.

The original whale, which was invisible to the naked eye, swallowed, and the terrifying monster made a pleasant chewing sound.

Too late to enjoy the pleasure brought by the food, the brutal monster quickly grabbed the second victim, and ate it without hesitation!


The dragon's corpse was directly torn apart, and the monster's figure shook like a wave. Li Rui obviously felt that it was difficult to maintain the form of [Feast]. The higher the order, the two Secret Diamond dragons swallowed this skill!

Glancing at the cooldown time of the skill, Li Rui gritted his teeth and put all the upgrade lines obtained by killing the two secret diamonds into the [precision] rune!

It's time for the final harvest, even if all the [Resurrection] [Rebirth] are consumed, I will swallow these "food" into my stomach!

Greedy and bloodthirsty sight wandered among the remnant blood dragons, Li Rui struggled to maintain the [Feast] state of affairs and stretched the clutches of evil to the third victim.

With only time to let out a faint whine, the strong red dragon's head burst open, and the red and white viscous liquid dripped like a waterfall along the corners of the Zerg's mouth. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

The source quality that constitutes the most foundation of the dragon was taken away and plundered in a large amount, and the mysterious soul power was transformed into a coldness, divided into two, injected into the void stomach pouch and the purple mansion in the brow center.

As if to feel the golden thunder injected into the brain, the surging power to pry the law, ignoring the undigested extra life value, forcibly lit up the gray [Feast] icon.

【Enlightenment】·Bronze Level 6

After participating in the killing of enemy heroes, the mana will be restored according to the strength of their souls, and your ultimate skill cooldown will be returned. (The strength of recovery and return is affected by the enemy's energy level, personality, etc.)

The surging magic power was injected into the body from the void, just killing three secret diamond enemies, Li Rui's depleted mana was refilled.

The brain seems to be soaked in the icy spring, the weakness and exhaustion quickly fade away, and infinite power emerges out of thin air instead!

What is even more frightening is that he is like eating Jianweixiaoshi tablets, and the digestive ability of the empty stomach pouch has been increased countless times. After using [Feast], the feeling of fullness quickly fades and he becomes hungry again.

The Zerg method that was strong to the limit slowly faded, but before it disappeared completely, Li Rui activated the skill again, and the huge and hideous blood monster turned from virtual to solid, and condensed again.


With a happy and wild laugh, Li Rui's breath was shocked, and the blood monster like a mountain pounced on the next victim!

Just after taking a sigh of relief from the blow of [Blood Tide], the surrounding dragons saw this horrible scene like hell.

The unresistible companions were torn to pieces, and the terrifying monster that had never been seen exuded a joyful aura from the heart, devouring their flesh and soul in the heavy breathing and chewing sound.

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