In the dark, these giant dragons felt a wonderful high-dimensional force being sucked into the monster's body, condensing into a peculiar law that scared them.

[Deadly natural enemy·Dragon]!

Each Secret Diamond Dragon can provide a huge amount of conceptual essence. In just a few seconds, Li Rui felt that this rune was about to reach the advanced conditions!

But before that, he first felt that the final precision rune that had just been upgraded began to tremble.

"System, promotion!"

【Legend: Toughness】·Silver Rank

Gain 20% toughness, in addition, each legendary effect provides an additional 0.5% toughness. (Maximum number of layers: 10)

Ways to earn legendary levels: kill enemy heroes at higher levels, each hero provides 1 legendary effect.

Current layer number: 0/10

Bronze [Legend: Resilience] was broken in less than a minute, this may be Li Rui’s fastest upgrade of the ultimate rune!

Before he could think about it, he continued to invest the newly obtained upgrade options into the [Precision] department to strengthen his skill "refresh" speed!

During the joyous slaughter, [Qi Ding Shen Xian] was continuously triggered, and the endless soul power was transformed into a cool "jelly pulp" by the system, rapidly cooling the ultimate skills.

Entering the cooling feast, the color and luster were restored, emitting a faint light, and the hideous Zerg's Fascination that had just become transparent behind Li Rui condensed into substance again.

Thanks for the gift of nature...

With gratitude from the heart, the Zerg picked up a hapless dragon and bit down his fierce beak.


But this time, the black dragon in his hand actually resisted.

Although the death time was delayed by only one second, Li Rui felt a little alert in his heart.

Sweeping the battlefield in an instant, the dozen dragons in the core killing area of ​​[Blood Tide] had all been gnawed by him.

And the lucky guy in the back suffered from the damage caused by the "meat shield" in front, and the damage was not as great as he thought.

And without the erosion of [Blood Red Pool], they have relieved a big breath in just a few tens of seconds!

This vitality is perverted!

Throw the bitten dragon head into your mouth and chew loudly. The terrifying blood sea monster patrolled the dragon group with a tyrannical and greedy sight.

The substantive gaze fell on him, and every dragon couldn't help shaking.

Seeing the ferocious monsters that were constantly devouring their companions approached, they lost the courage to confront them, and gasped in horror like mortals who were locked up with monsters.

On the other hand, feeling that the laws of the outside world are eroding stronger and stronger, Li Rui did not hesitate to inject a large amount of mana to re-reinforce the [distorted space].

At the same time, he invested in three upgrade options and clicked on a summoner skill that he didn't care much about before.

【Clearness】·Silver Step

Continue to restore 60% of your hero's maximum mana within ten minutes. It will also restore 30% of the maximum mana for nearby allies. (If the target has been affected by other clarity spells recently, the effect of the clarity spell on the target is halved.)

The constant flow of mana is like gurgling water to nourish the meridians, but it still can't fill the consumption rate of [distorted space].

With a movement of his mind, a more surging torrent of mana poured into his eyebrows.

【Seraph's Embrace】·Golden Order

The only initiative-mana pool: restore 50% of the maximum mana within 3 minutes after activation.

With Man Lan and two major recovery skills, he can at least fight the dragons outside for dozens of seconds.

As for dozens of seconds later, isn’t there a group of ready-made magic pools!

Looking at the trembling dragons in front of him, the ferocious monster showed an evil smile.


The huge monster suddenly collapsed, and instantly shrank into an undetectable black spot.

Almost at the same time, a large void of cracks spread out from behind a blue dragon, and the hideous monster drilled out of it and raised a "butcher knife" more than 20 meters long, piercing its heart like a sharp sword.

[Void Blade]!

[Dark Harvest]!

[Fatal Strike]·Silver Step

Deals 14% more damage to enemy heroes whose health is less than 50%.


Like a nuclear bomb exploding in the body, the blue dragon's entire front chest almost completely exploded, and the ejected internal organs mixed with broken bones flew out like bullets, drowning a white dragon with its head and face covered.

The hollow chest was completely open, but even if it was so terribly injured, the blue dragon hanging on the scythe and claws could still struggle!

Without letting it continue to suffer, Li Rui kindly bit off its neck and gnawed off its head.

The golden thunder poured into the brain, part of the cool "golden syrup" was injected into the [Feast], and the other part was injected into the [Void Walking].

The Golden Tier [Walk in the Void] has 16 full recharges, and several consumptions after the start of the war are quickly refilled.

As a result, the five-color dragon trapped in the [distorted space] experienced the most terrifying few minutes of this life!

The ghostly flashing scarlet monsters are like ghosts everywhere, always appearing behind the victims without warning, tearing them to pieces.

Every time it rips apart the void and lands, this monster will distort the time and space around it, causing a terrible energy tsunami at UU Reading

And his attack was even stronger than the dragons could not understand.

[Dark Harvest], [Fatal Strike], [Dragon Blood], [Blood Plague], [Fatal Predator], [Landry’s Torture], [Atama’s Reckoning]...

The horrible special effects are superimposed on each other. In the face of these **** enemies, Li Rui even has to deliberately constrain the force of the shot, otherwise he can smash the small mountain-like secret diamond dragon with a sincere knife!

No matter how strong the dragon's vitality is, it is impossible for him to have another bite after being broken into dregs.

Therefore, in order to eat a full bite, he always carefully adjusted his shot power, for fear of ruining the food in front of him.

Silently calculating the superimposed cooling time of [Void Walk] to prevent the consumption of mana from being infinitely doubled, Li Rui disappeared in front of the frightened red dragon in an instant, and appeared ghostly at the other end of the dragon group.


Like a group of fried rabbits, the surrounding dragons rushed out all the way in an instant, leaving an unlucky ghost who was targeted by Li Rui to endure the persecution alone.



The sound of crunching chewing made the dragons' hairs stand upright. They didn't even dare to look back. There was only one thought in their minds-stay away from that terrifying monster!

In fact, if they unite and work together to deal with Li Rui, even if they cannot defeat him, they can temporarily stabilize the situation.

As long as you don't let him regain his mana unscrupulously, the reinforcements outside will be able to break through the barrier and rescue them after a few tens of seconds!

It's a pity that they have been smashed, and they don't know the characteristics of [Qi Ping Shen Xian] and [Scythe of Seizure]. I just feel that the magic power in this monster seems endless, and it is impossible to find the bottom line!

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