Shrouded in despair, the five-color dragon's nature of selling teammates dominates the brain.

As long as I run faster than my teammates, death will not catch me!

Seeing a group of Secret Diamond Dragons being slaughtered and swallowed like chickens, the reinforcements outside [Twisted Space] chilled all over.

They can only watch the monster grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. Every time a giant dragon is swallowed, its size will expand slightly. So far, its size has been a full circle larger than when it first appeared!

What is even more terrifying is that it is condensing a sense of oppression from the blood of the soul, even conceptually!

An uncontrollable sense of fear emerged from the bottom of my heart. For the first time, these giant beasts standing at the top of the food chain experienced the fear of being hunted by predators higher in the food chain!

That is the trembling and despair in the face of natural enemies!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho! What do you stop doing? The space dissociation technique continues, breaking the space anchor interference, the group portal is ready, I will kill him!"

The extreme fear aroused the fierceness of certain dragons, and a strong black dragon headed by roared vigorously, sweeping the world with tyrannical killing intent.

It knows that if the courage of its companions is not aroused, the morale of the entire army will be destroyed by that one person.

Originally, the five-color dragons were selfish in nature, and it was okay to get together to fight a tailwind. Once the casualties exceeded the psychological endurance limit, the speed at which they collapsed would definitely make the goblins call the expert!

Zi Zi Zi~

Dozens of ancient dragons proficient in space magic spread their wings, and their huge magic power shook time and space, and the translucent enchantment was distorted and shook, like ripples on the surface of a lake.

Li Rui couldn't help feeling anxious when he sensed that the pressure outside increased sharply, and the magic in his body poured out like a flood.

At least half of the food is not in your mouth, but you can't let them go!

Subconsciously speeded up the action, but the Secret Diamond Dragon was not a real chicken after all, and even Li Rui had to deal with their dying struggle seriously.


Severing the back of a white dragon, the blood beast bit on its back neck in one bite, and the law of swallowing was instantly activated, cutting it into two like scissors.

Endless power emerged from the body out of thin air, but a tingling pain suddenly came from the center of his eyebrows.

With the sound of glass cracking in his ears, Li Rui knew that his [distorted space] was finally broken.

At the same time, the spiritual confrontation with hundreds of Secret Diamonds also caused a lot of damage to his spirit.

However, the corresponding thing is that [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] has experienced soaring under this high-end confrontation. I believe that after this battle is over, Li Rui will be able to swallow [the spoils] and advance the two magic skills at the same time!

Condensing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Li Rui looked at the destructive magic that enveloped him, then glanced at the surviving blood remnant dragon, and sighed slightly.

Alas... I will serve my dinner before I finish the appetizer...


A second before the attack and the body, the huge blood beast collapsed into a wave of void, traveling a long distance, and appeared behind a residual blood blue dragon without warning.



With a stabbing and a bite, the desperate screams stopped abruptly, and the Zerg's magic phase faded like water waves, and then quickly solidified.

[Feast] was restarted, and the scarlet monster, which had swelled to more than 70 meters, shot down a victim like a **** lightning.

"Place a space anchor and stop him!"

"No! He can forcibly break through the space-time gap, our space anchor can't hold him!"

Several ancient dragons wailed desperately, and they could only watch the enemy quickly catch up with the remaining blood companion, and then flashed to him.

The scene after that was very cruel.

Once again swallowing an escaped white dragon, Li Rui couldn't help but look at his golden rank [Void Stone].

Space control is really easy to use!

Without this skill and the mobility of [Void Walking], facing a war machine composed of hundreds of Secret Diamond Dragons, he can only find a way to escape.

With these two skills, he can form a partial heads-up situation, avoid being besieged, and weaken the enemy's numerical advantage to the limit!

Thinking of this, a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind.

There are many fathers in the late League of Legends, but there is only one grandpa!


And when a person combines Big Bug, Xiaofa, Vampire, Kassadin, and Dragon Girl, he is the ancestor of everyone!


Carrying a terrible void ripple, it came to the victim, and then smashed the aorta with a paw.

[Dark Harvest] was triggered to perform a blood bar disappearance technique, but this time the big mouth of the hideous behemoth gnawed lonely.



So unbeaten?

After a moment of stunned, Li Rui suddenly realized that his combat effectiveness had soared unconsciously.

In other words, the lethality against the dragons has skyrocketed!

[Deadly Natural Enemy·Dragon]

When you break the defense against a creature with the concept of the dragon and cause substantial damage, +7499 real damage.

The final physical damage caused by creatures with the concept of dragon is -5905 points.

No wonder the texture of cutting them becomes more and more crisp and silky. UU Reading www.uukā, a few meters in thickness of the body guard and the dragon scales, which are as strong as fine gold, look like a thin layer of paper under his own hands. Just break!

The weird and cruel behemoth looked at its own claws and disappeared in place again.

"The severely wounded ran separately, exited the battlefield, and a wide range of slowness enveloped him!"

"Since the space anchor can't lock him, use the force field to imprison him!"

"Elemental freezing magic preparation!"

"The adhesion of poisonous mist is released!"

Carefully adjusted the power of his shot and successfully gnawed off the head of a random lucky audience. Li Rui suddenly discovered that the remaining survivors were already far away from him.

After all, he is only one person, and the blood dragons can only choose one direction to chase them separately.

[Walking in the Void] There is also a distance limit!

With a silent sigh in his heart, Li Rui looked around at the surviving five-color dragon at the end of his sight, with a cruel smile on his mouth.


Spit out a word gently, and the dragons who ran far away suddenly felt their hearts tighten.

【Blood Plague】·Golden Rank

The second stage: During the duration of the plague, all infected targets are contaminated with life energy, continue to accumulate lesions, and suffer a maximum of 0 to 1600 (250 spell power) magic damage when the skill is detonated. (The longer the infection time, the higher the damage, and the detonation damage within 1 second is zero.)

[Blood Plague] When detonated, it will heal a health value equal to 100% of the actual damage value. If multiple enemy heroes are injured, each enemy hero will increase the healing amount except for the first hero hit. 50%. (Maximum does not exceed 600%)

The plague-like alien energy circulates throughout the body with the qi and blood of the battle, silently multiplying and growing to a lethal level!

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