Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 885: Instinctive fear


The starlight collapsed, and the squeezed and stretched space shrank and condensed inward, and exploded.

The terrifying spell shook out endless ripples of time and space, and it was difficult to tear apart the divine protection of the five-color dragon crown, and the remaining destructive power was applied to the dragon head.

The dragon head that had lost the last protection had no resistance, and could only stare at Li Rui's back with spite and hatred!

The devastating source magic drove the dragon's own power back, exploding like a nuclear bomb.

Eyeballs, scales, fascia and other organs were annihilated and melted instantly, and the dragon's head a few meters long was blown into a tuft of twisted flesh, only the crown on the top of the head was still shining.

Not dead yet?

The indifferent and indifferent purple-gold dragon pupil narrowed slightly, and a hideous worm with a body size of more than 100 meters seemed to have emerged from a nightmare, and instantly condensed into substance behind Li Rui.

Roar! !

The Zerg’s method, which was strengthened in all aspects by 【remorse】, opened a huge mouth full of fangs, and issued a roar of cracking rocks and piercing clouds.

The mantis-like claws pop out at a speed that the naked eye can't catch, and it will be caught in an instant with the "flesh" of the crown.

Then, as if the huge mouth of Unicom Abyss opened more than ninety degrees, he bit it.

But this time, the spiritual state seemed unable to bite the prey in his mouth, and the terrifying giant jaws squirmed, as if something was struggling desperately in it.

"A high-level divine power is detected, and the effect of the [Swallow] rule is weakened. Please inject the essence of chaos to temporarily increase the effect of the rule!"

A system reminder came in his mind, and Li Rui didn't hesitate to inject the chaotic essence of the panel into the Zerg's method.

Gapa Gaba~

In the sour chewing sound, Li Rui felt that his teeth seemed to be crushing something gradually. With a roar of spirituality, a delicious and sweet taste penetrated into his heart, making him unable to help but let out an intoxicated moan.

This smell... is so wonderful!

It is more luscious than any food I have eaten in this life. Happiness and satisfaction beyond the material fill my mind. It has been hidden deep in the soul for a long time. The endless greed and thirst are gradually extinguished, and the body and mind have been temporarily peaceful.

The law of swallowing was activated, and the surging elemental whale swallowed into its abdomen, and the ferocious worms over a hundred meters in size burst into dazzling divine light, and the flames of aura swept across the world like a solar storm.

Roar! !

The roar of pleasure and excitement engulfed the flames of aura, swept out invisible sound waves into physical shocks.

The ripples that pierced the depths of the soul swept across the dragons, and some indescribable fear was formally imprinted in their instincts.

On the mysterious and obscure spiritual level, insignificant changes are happening quietly. Such subtle changes even permeate the material level, and will be inherited forever with the dragon's genes.

From now on, the dragon clan will remember the fear of "natural enemies"!

Survival dominates the brain like a group of frightened pigeons. Hundreds of Secret Diamond Dragons roared sternly and fled indiscriminately.

Li Rui, who stood in the middle of the battlefield like a god, looked at all this indifferently, and did not stop it at all.

Regret... Regret, regret it after use!

[Heavenly Slaughter Sword] and [Remorse] posture are superimposed on the two backlash-filled tactics. How cool it is to kill an enemy, and how painful it is afterwards!

He is being torn and destroyed by the destruction energy beyond his control.

If it weren't for the abnormal level of blood sucking that swallowed a lot of vitality, and continued to heal the flesh and blood at the cellular level, forming a delicate balance with the power of destruction, then he might have begun to experience the taste of [resurrection].

At his feet, everyone looked up at the man standing above the nine heavens, as if a **** indifferently overlooking the mortal world, the high-level transcendents from the earth collectively lost their language ability.

Although he knew that he might have died fraudulently, he never expected that at this time and place, he suddenly jumped out and gave them a super invincible "big surprise"!

The last time he was "dead" he was only a silver rank. In less than two years, his breath became more and more profound.

Just standing there, like a tyrannical scorching sun, wantonly radiating dazzling aura.

The restless qi and blood are like the sea, which is bottomless. Everyone dare not look at him, but can only sense the surging of energy around him like a tide.

There is no doubt that he has reached the peak of the Golden Tier.

Looking at this battle, it seems that stepping into the secret diamond is only one step away. How old is he this year?

22 years old?

Or 23 years old?

The Secret Diamond Rank in the early 20s...the real combat power has to be improved by one level!

Maybe before he was thirty years old, he could touch the gods and gods, and set foot on the gods they dream of!

Recalling that when he was in his twenties, he was still playing in the mud, and there was an unspeakable bitterness in the hearts of these high-ranking transcendents.

People are more angry than people!

Since the aura began to recover, the world has become more and more crazy!

Is he really just an ordinary human?

Why is the gap between us so huge?

Are so many years of hard work and hard work so vulnerable to talent?


The acid of jealousy is gradually Some people with gloomy hearts even have an unexplainable expectation. I hope that Li Rui, like his predecessors, will always be stuck in the golden rank and cannot make progress!

But at this moment, Li Rui, standing in the sky, had no time to take care of their thoughts. As the destruction backlash in his body slowly subsided, he stretched out his hand and raised it flat, and the terrible Zerg's mouth spewed three bright objects into him slowly In the palm of the hand.

There was a commotion in the crowd at the feet, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

[Virtual Godhead], [Original Aoneng Well], [Five-Colored Dragon Crest]!

Except for Sae Kazama who took the [Flame Sword] back with the power of the God of War, all the other artifacts have now fallen into Li Rui's hands!

Different from the huge size in imagination, the [Virtual Godhead] is like a gorgeous diamond the size of a thumb. The center part is smudged with a mysterious seven-color light, which is as beautiful as a dream. It will definitely attract women all over the world. Scream.

And [Original Aoneng Well] is a mechanical key covered with complicated arcane patterns.

With the eyesight, you can see the dense energy channels in the hollow pattern that are smaller than integrated circuits.

From time to time, a trace of purple energy that even Li Rui felt frightened flashed through the channel, and the arcane energy bound in this narrow device even shook out a tide of magical power visible to the naked eye around him!

Finally, there is a delicate crown that is a circle larger than a palm.

The obscure and primitive dragon language pattern is densely covered in every corner of the crown. If there is a seductive whisper that sounds like nothing in the ear, people can't help but want to wear it on the head!

As long as you wear it, you will have infinite power and supreme power!

That is the great authority that belongs to the gods and rules all things!

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