Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 886: ,Invitation card

"Your Excellency True Dragon, we have been fighting so hard for so long. You jumped out at the last minute to sneak attack and **** all the fruits of victory. This is not the behavior that allies should have!"

An impatient white man stood up and stared naked at the artifact in Li Rui's palm.

Withdrawing his gaze from the three objects in his palm, Li Rui turned his head slightly and looked down at him condescendingly. The corners of his mouth raised like a smile.

Obviously one rank higher than Li Rui, the middle-aged white man in mechanical armor felt that he was staring at him as a world-destroying monster that had emerged from the myth.

The vast and cold purple-gold vertical pupil does not carry a trace of humanity, and the look in his eyes seems to be looking at an interesting ant!

Even more terrifying is that, following Li Rui's movements, the Zerg's Phenomenon behind him also slowly lowered his head. Those eyes that seemed to contain endless evil and greed were firmly nailed to him, and the brutal and bloodthirsty sight was ready. Substantial pressure, like the shadow of death covering the body!

Cold sweat flowed from his forehead like a stream, like a prey being stared at by predators at the top of the food chain. His body began to stiffen involuntarily, and the drowning suffocation overwhelmed his nose and mouth, making him unable to breathe.

After several seconds, Li Rui sneered and stretched out his palm with interest.

"Do you want it? Come and get it!"

The unabashed sarcasm made everyone at the scene flushed.

Too arrogant, doesn't this guy know how to respect seniors?

The Secret Diamond Ranks who were so angry that they smoked over their heads could not wait to swarm him and beat him up to teach this defiant junior.

But under the gaze of the hideous man behind him covering the sky, no one dared to make a sound.

If I can't beat you, I will chat with you!

In desperation, they could only curse and cast their eyes on the last savior.

[Magic Council], [Mechanical Church], [Prime Covenant], and [China] gather together, and the goddess of wisdom is the most famous, and can be equal in identity with the dragon of the kingdom of China, which represents the will of China.

Others, even [Mechanical God Cult] Tianjiao, Wesley Joe, who drove [The Last Refuge], are a bit inferior!

But at this time, Her Majesty the Goddess was busy curing the three naive saints who had no brains to sell, and didn't bother to care about their intrigue.

Anyway, the [Flame Sword] has arrived, so who do you love.

At this moment, a person they did not expect suddenly stood up.


A vacant walk came to Li Rui, and the lightly blond white man shook and confronted him a dozen meters away. Both sides looked at each other with interest, and a mysterious smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

It's time to show the real acting skills!

It's not in vain that I worked so hard in acting class before!

However, in the eyes of other people, Wade Winston Wilson, a terrifying character from the [Secret Banquet Association], completely ignored the coercion of the horror, and did not show weakness to fight Li Rui on the spiritual level!

The two big guys looked at each other inexplicably, but the crowd below was inexplicably frightened, for fear that they would not agree with each other and start their hands, causing Chi Yu!

Withdrawing far away without a trace, feeling retreated to a safe distance, some people with gloomy hearts become active again.

Let's fight, the harder the fight, the better, it's best to die together!

However, reality was destined to disappoint them. After a brief confrontation, Wade Winston Wilson took the lead.

"The immortal dragon, Li Rui?"

Nodding lightly, Li Rui looked at him warily.

"who are you?"

"When we first met, this is Wade Winston Wilson from [Secret Banquet Association]. It is a pleasure to meet you."

With the elegant salute full of aristocratic atmosphere, Li Rui's eyes flashed with surprise and fear just right.

"[Secret Banquet Association]? I have heard the name for a long time."

"Hahaha, that's an honor."

Wade Winston Wilson seems to have not been affected by the name "Indestructible Dragon", smiling brightly, as if he was not looked down upon by a terrifying behemoth over a hundred meters, but instead got up in the morning and chatted with the neighbors he met by chance .

Seeing his unscrupulous style, everyone couldn't help but secretly raise his evaluation by one level.

This guy really didn't show his full strength!

Like Vladimir who appeared before, he is also an angel-level figure on the ground!

Otherwise, ordinary rough stone steps would not dare to relax so much in front of Li Rui!

Not to mention [Holy Grail War] The horrible sword that killed the gods in the finals, the attack just now was powerful enough to threaten ordinary rough stones.

[Tian Jue Slaughter Divine Sword]... That's a terrible trick created specifically for killing enemies at higher levels.

The only thing that is puzzling is why this killer trick Li Rui is still the same as a okay person after using it?

He used it once before, and the result turned into fly ash. This time he didn't even vomit blood in the mouth, so he couldn't understand it at all!

But in any case, UU reading www.uukā dared to talk and laugh in front of the mighty [Indestructible Dragon], which shows that Wade Winston Wilson is not afraid of Li Rui deep in his heart.

He is not afraid of Li Rui's attack on him, so he is at least sure to retreat in front of this monster that has swallowed countless gods!

Just his inadvertent self-confidence is enough to make people raise the energy of [Secret Banquet Association] by two levels.

Not only him, but also his companions are definitely not waiting. The cold and mysterious woman whose eyes are covered by an exaggerated mask, single-handedly confronted hundreds of secret diamond dragons with tit-for-tat spells, and that scene is still causing [Magic Guide] The Secret Diamonds of the Council doubt life.

Although other people are concealed by the first two, but think about it carefully, everyone has an eye-catching specialty.

The talent and potential visible to the naked eye make everyone can't help drooling!

[Secret Banquet Association]...Everyone is a talent!

In the sky, Wade Winston Wilson, who was laughing loudly, suddenly constricted.

"Since you have heard the name [Secret Banquet Association], it will be easier to handle."

Just when everyone thought Wade Winston Wilson would threaten Li Rui to hand over the artifact in his hand, a friendly smile suddenly appeared on his face.


A jet-black envelope outlined with bronzing lace shot out of his hand, and was instantly caught between Li Rui's fingers.

"what is this?"

With a slight frown, Li Rui looked at the weird letter in his hand in doubt, the purple and gold vertical pupils were full of warning.

"Invitation letter, on behalf of the [Secret Banquet Association·Witchcraft] faction, I invite you to join us!"


Although they were far apart, everyone still heard the unconcealed voice of Wade Winston Wilson clearly, and could not help but take a breath.

What is the origin of this [Secret Banquet Association]?

Digging the corner of [Zhonghua] in front of so many people?

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