Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 895: 、【Wanwei Curing Magic Net】

"How is it? Norma Tobias?"

In the gorgeous tent, a handsome and strange young man sat high on the throne, looking at the beauty in front of him with great interest.

Norma Tobias, who was supposed to be the owner, lowered his eyes and stood beside him unwillingly.

"Without my father's instructions, I cannot command the proud magister army."

"Use your wisdom, girl."

The weird young man nodded his temple, and a wicked smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"You are the supreme commander of the theater, threatening them with military law, I believe they will compromise."

"But the temporary compromise was followed by fierce revenge, which offended the Magister Legion, my throne..."

"No, when you take charge of the [Virtual Godhead] and [Original Aoneng Well], those magisters will only madly please you, and your throne will be more stable!"

The strange young man stood up suddenly, pinched Norma Tobias' chin, and lifted her delicate face.

The two pairs of cold and cruel vertical pupils looked at each other, and a smile appeared at the corners of the youth's mouth.

"If it weren't for your royal family's mother's blood, you won't get anything, my sister."

Freed from the clutches of the youth, Norma Tobias pondered for a moment, his eyes condensed fiercely, and made up his mind.

"I will let them arrange [Wanwei Curing Magic Net] now."

"Smart girl."

The young man patted her head as if encouraging a pet, suddenly frowned, and looked out the window sideways, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Who is pulling the thread of fate to guide "us" to meet?

However, just right!

There was a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and his figure slowly faded and disappeared into the tent.


Carrying three "heavy" artifacts through the plane channel, Li Rui ran into a group of magicians wearing gorgeous robes.

"Why are you back? Today is not a rotating day!"

After a brief moment of big and small eyes, the wizards questioned angrily.

But immediately they noticed the "Amethyst" and the Blood Crystal Sword in Li Rui's hand, and their hearts immediately increased their vigilance.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the camp opposite you has been completely wiped out... well... there are two survivors. Go and see."

After speaking, Li Rui lightly tapped his legs on the ground, and instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in everyone's eyes.

It wasn't until the figure that was difficult to capture by the spiritual sense disappeared from the end of the line of sight, that a trace of fear surged in the hearts of the wizards present.

The person just now seems to be an assassin. With his explosive power, if he attacks us...

There was a shiver involuntarily, and their expressions suddenly changed when they remembered Li Rui's words.

The camp on the opposite side is completely destroyed?

how is this possible?

That is a magic fortress where a legendary mage sits, even if there are multiple legends of Destiny, it is difficult to break through the line of defense in a short time.

As long as you stop them for a while, you can send powerful reinforcements on your side. Who can quietly wipe them out?

They count thousands of things, but they didn't count the divine pollution from Gaowei.

Under the long and silent erosion of the moisturizing material, even the pinnacle rough stone is difficult to resist, let alone a mere group of mortals.

But these worries are not about Li Rui's business, as soon as they can be notified, they will have done their best.

Now he is hard to protect himself, and all his energy is used to suppress the artifact in his hand!

To be precise, it was used to suppress the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] that began to resonate with the body!

As soon as he emerged from the [Abyss Layer], a force came into his hands without warning. The [Five-Colored Dragon Crest], which was already ready to move, was like a bull with medicine, and a strong radiation wave broke out in an instant.

If it hadn't been for the Neath Empire to transform Tiamat's divinity, Li Rui believed that when he reached the main material realm, the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] in his hand would have disappeared long ago.

But even so, the radiation fluctuations that swept the atmosphere still allowed the dragons on the entire planet to clearly capture their position.

I guess it won't be long...

Before the thoughts in his mind had finished turning, a tingling pain suddenly came from the center of his eyebrows. Li Rui instinctively shifted his body, but was still hit by the extremely cold magic light beam.

Why didn't I perceive the danger in advance... By the way... Curse of the Eclipse...

The whole body was covered with hoarfrost in an instant, Li Rui gritted his teeth fiercely, and rose to the sky before the overwhelming magical imprisonment arrived!

Damn it, the spiritual defense has been weakened, and the Dragon Whisper magic of the Secret Diamond Rank will hurt the body!

The anger in his heart was blazing, and Li Rui felt that there was an invisible pushing hand that was affecting his destiny at a high-dimensional level, leading to a tragic ending.

[Mother of the Evil Dragon]-Tiamat!

[Spirit Worm]-Mu!

Being targeted by two genuine gods and losing the blessing of [China] in another world, Li Rui finally realized the powerlessness of mortals.

The invisible destiny is weakening him layer by layer. He seems to have foreseen his end. A mighty pinnacle stone dragon becomes the last straw that crushes the camel, killing him who is exhausted and withered. The [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] in his hand!

Forget it... Throw away these burdens, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has [Jingzhe·Don’t Use], there is nothing on this planet that can capture my breath...

The harvest has been enough. Isn’t it good to return to the earth and make a fortune?

Emotions of exhaustion and discouragement spread in my heart, but as soon as this surrender idea came up, Li Rui was full of excitement.

Do not!

I can't be afraid!

If you have [Resurrection] and [Rebirth] you will not dare to face the challenge, [Eternal Immortality] will never enter the next level!

This heart demon can lock me forever!

After recovering, Li Rui couldn't help but sweat in his vest.

When I was polluted by [Spirit Worm], I didn't even think of giving up. Why did I return to the main material realm and I wanted to give up when I saw the hope of victory?

In the dark, he seemed to perceive that a hidden thought was silently affecting his thinking, and he couldn't help but be alarmed.

Tiamat... Do you want to get your head back?

Looking at the delicate and gorgeous crown in his palm, Li Rui grinned.

No problem, I will pay you back if I win!

There was a sense of arrogance in his chest, and the confusion in his heart was swept away. Li Rui faced the sky full of dragon language magic, like a rocket piercing the clouds, and he saw the bright sun.

And... the magic barrier that covers the entire sky and spreads to the end of the line of sight...

The magnificent magical aura constitutes a complex and mysterious magic net, and only a small trace of aura between heaven and earth is condensed into a panic-stricken Tianwei.

The power of terror turned into substance, shrinking into a whirlpool above the head, and a dazzling electric light loomed in the center.

Li Rui: "..."

WTF? What is this stuff?

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