
The long overdue spiritual warning did not help Li Rui escape the punishment. The thick bucket of thunder penetrated his body without any tricks, and instantly burst the blood shield.

The shield with more than 130,000 points was like a thin piece of paper under the mighty power of nature, and the violent energy containing the primitive divinity of chaos continued to invade the body, scorching Li Rui's whole body black.


Coughing up a puff of black smoke from his mouth, Li Rui trembled, and the carbonized skin quickly cracked, falling like soot, revealing pink and squirming muscles.

This time he was electrocuted for three years, and he almost shot out [Bloodhand], which was really hurt!

Sensing that the magic net above his head began to gather energy again, Li Rui turned into a phantom instantly and disappeared in place.

But in the spiritual vision, the magic net that stretches for an unknown number of kilometers seems to be endless, enveloping the entire world, no matter how he flees, there will always be a threat of thorns on his back above the sky.

I can't stop, once I'm locked in and get a shot, I'm really bad luck!

Gritting his teeth, Li Rui maneuvered wildly in the sky, while trying his best to analyze the structure of the magic net above his head.

As soon as the spiritual sense was connected to the magic net, he was immediately stunned by the complex and rigorous structure of the rules. This is definitely a town-state-level strategic magic circle that has been modified and perfected by generations. Not he can decipher it in a short time!

But looking back along the energy path, he sensed tens of thousands of different magical energies converging at the same core node.

Legion war magic!

This coverage... is the [Tessfield] Magister Legion of the Grand Duchy!

Damn it, can't I unplug the power if the technology is not good?

Had it not been for the evil dragons to watch, I would definitely let you know what is the world's strongest physical hacker!

He cursed, but Li Rui's body was very honest, and his direction changed suddenly, ready to bypass the opponent's strongest core node.

Just kidding, there are at least thousands of high-level wizards gathered over there, and in his current state, he used to be a gift!

And Li Rui didn't know that in the magic fortress thousands of kilometers away, thirteen original stone magicians were stunned around a crystal ball with a diameter of more than one meter.

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Is this guy just like a okay person after being subjected to a thunder explosion?"

"Is he a humanoid dragon?"

"The Legendary Destiny Dragon will be seriously injured even if it gets hit like this. Where can he be alive and kicking like him?"

After a while, everyone focused their attention on the first gray-haired old man.

"What to do? Chief? Do you want to continue to use offensive magic?"

The old man's eyes closed slightly, his eyes covered in the shadow did not know what he was thinking, and it took a long time before he smiled.

"Don't you need money for offensive magic? We just need to make sure that he won't escape [Wanwei Curing Magic Net], and leave the rest to the big lizards to worry about!"


"Build a space cage and anchor him with a gravitational well. Let the big lizard catch this strong little bug..."

Glancing at the black-haired young man in the crystal ball who was racing at supersonic speed, the old man stretched out his dry and old palm, and the magical power of the thirteen stone mages roared and began to twist the physical rules with his own will.

On the other end, flashing a huge shadow flying down from the side, Li Ruimin keenly noticed that there was a trace of chaos in time and space. Some invisible force captured him and dragged his body to a certain direction.

After adjusting his body shape slightly, Li Rui resisted the drag and sensed the force, and soon discovered the source of the force!

It is the core node of the magic net... the place where thousands of high-level mages gather together!

With his eyes condensed, Li Rui immediately reacted, [Tesfield] The Grand Duchy definitely reached a deal with the evil dragon, otherwise the two sides could not have such a tacit understanding!

As for the content of the transaction, it is nothing more than the distribution of the three artifacts in his hand...

Having figured this out, Li Rui's pressure surged.

At this moment, he finally realized what it means to be a child holding money in the downtown area, which is the enemy of the world!

However, the way to break the game is actually very simple, as long as he throws away the three burdens in his hand, he can instantly flash, teleport, and return to the city in a three-game winning streak.


Glancing at the three artifacts trapped in the "Amethyst", Li Rui exhaled a long breath.

Why should I give you the spoils that I grabbed by his ability?

If you want to grab food from the tiger's mouth, you have to be aware of paying the price of your life!

With a fierce smile on the corner of his mouth, Li Rui's speed skyrocketed again, causing the dragon that had intercepted it from multiple directions to pounce.


He tore the dragon's breath hard, and the man with golden light all over his body rushed out of the encirclement without injury, causing hundreds of secret diamond dragons to roar unwillingly.

No, there are more and more chasing soldiers...

Li Rui glanced at the dragon group that was biting hard behind him, UU reading looked irritable.

Hailee Nathaniel said that dozens of evil dragons in the stars are all converging on this planet, and the number of high-level dragons may far exceed his imagination.

The longer the delay, the more dangerous his situation!

But the problem now is that he can't find the way to the earth!

He was originally unfamiliar with this plane, and was driven to fly in the sky. He could not even be sure whether he was heading towards the [Magic Council] control area.

You can only move in one direction with a subconscious feeling.

But as we all know, a man's sixth sense is inherently unreliable.

When he saw the dragons in front of the dark clouds covering the sky, Li Rui was not well.

There were tens of thousands of dragons, the lowest of which was also the golden rank, coming from all directions like locusts. Li Rui didn't hesitate to turn around and ran away.

But deviating from a certain direction, the more you move forward, the greater the gravitational force covering your body.

In a daze, Li Rui felt like he was like an ant climbing up the wall of a well. If he is not careful, he will be caught by the huge attraction and fall into the dark abyss.

A gravity well that only works on me!

A glimmer of understanding flashed in his heart, Li Rui grinded his teeth and secretly kept the account in his heart.

Fall into the trap, [Tesfield] Grand Duchy, I remember you!

Resisting the drag of thousands of times of gravity, Li Rui managed to break through while avoiding the siege of the dragon group.

At this moment, with him as the center, countless heart-palpitating energy fluctuations gradually evaporated within a radius of thousands of kilometers.

The terrifying magic collision shook the world, and the harsh and tyrannical dragons shook the atmosphere.

The terrible confrontation that broke out at the same time made Li Rui suddenly happy.

Someone is helping me!

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