With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Li Rui instantly guessed the main force of the reinforcements, and suddenly felt a lot less pressure on his shoulders.

Bahamut, there is still a bit of courage at the critical moment!

In line with the simple wish of "I can't get it, you don't even want to get it", the metal dragons may not try their best to help him, but there is absolutely no problem in dragging most of the dragon's power in a short time.

As long as the evil dragons do not completely resolve the entanglement of the metal dragon, it will be difficult to concentrate on themselves!

This is the best window for one to escape to heaven!

Taking a deep breath, Li Rui cut back a black dragon blocking the way, breaking through the encirclement layer after layer.

However, he didn't know that there were "real" reinforcements from the earth in the battle line that stretched tens of thousands of kilometers around him.

In a hidden bunker thousands of kilometers away, a girl in a white Greek robe looked up at the huge screen full of science fiction, and slowly frowned.

On the screen, the edge of the real-time satellite image viewed from the universe represents the small green dots of the friendly side being surrounded by a group of small red dots, and circles of "ripples" are constantly oscillating between the two sides.

Don't look at the tiny "ripples" on the map that seem harmless. If you zoom in to the actual size, you will find that they are violent shock waves covering a radius of tens of kilometers.

And every “ripple” that oscillates on the map may mean that a mountain is leveled, a lake is evaporated, or a city is erased from the map...

"Where are our people?"

"There is still 5791 kilometers away from Lord Li Rui!"

"Can't you jump in?"

"Too many enemies!"

The sweaty observer did not dare to blink at all, letting the sweat soak into his eyes.

"He really didn't die! [The Immortal Dragon]'s vitality is outrageous than Xiaoqiang!"

A young Asian man with a bandaged body stood beside the girl, sighing from the heart.

"But he is in a more dangerous situation now than before!"

A middle-aged white man wearing a sci-fi armor beside him gleefully said that from their perspective, you can clearly see how terrifying the power surrounding Li Rui is!

In the area between them and Li Rui alone, dozens of original stone steps madly collided.

On weekdays, the high-ranking dragons that are high above are the cannon fodder filling the battle line at this time, and the secret diamonds below do not deserve to have names at all, the number is too large to count!

I originally thought that [Zhonghua] mobilized more than a dozen original stone steps in just a few days. It was scary enough. I didn't expect that the dragon family's background made them dumbfounded after the fight!

Hundreds of original stone steps on the two sides collided on the battle line stretching thousands of miles, and it was shocking to look at it on the map!

What's even more frightening is that the psionic satellite can only capture those high-level powerhouses who have tried their best. The untouched rough diamond is invisible on the map, and the hidden power on both sides may be even more terrifying than on the table!

The rescue team composed of [China], [Magic Council], [Mechanical Sect], and [Swire Covenant] was blocked by the periphery, and it seemed that they could not enter in a short time.

Maybe, this time, [Indestructible Dragon] is really dangerous...

Gloomy ecstasy arose in the hearts of some people in the command center. Even if they lost the opportunity to study [Virtual Godhead] and [Original Orneng Well], they could not see the fall of the most dazzling genius among the strongest competitors. The clearly distorted jealousy was immediately released.

"He is too greedy, even if he only gives up [Five-Colored Dragon Crest], his situation will not be so dangerous!"

A seemingly concerned sigh sounded in his ears, and Wesley Joe frowned and glanced, looking unhappy.

Although he didn't have too deep feelings with Li Rui, he still admired him in his heart. Hearing this yin and yang ridicule, he always felt a little harsh.

"He is not greedy, but proud. If he would surrender because of threats, then he would not be [Indestructible Dragon]."

Wesley Qiao faintly explained that the expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

Some admire, some disdain, and the Secret Diamond Mage, who is not soft or hard-hearted by him, has a gloomy look.

"To put it bluntly is to eat soft and not hard, this kind of stupid...Sooner or later this kid will pay for his innocence."

It seems that the [Zhonghua] personnel present were scrupulous, and the old man in the purple robe wanted to change his mouth clearly, and laughed gloomily.

But he didn't expect that before he could settle down, a handsome Asian young man chuckled.

"Hehe, it seems that some people commented on Wang Lei in this way decades ago. What is the result? People are still alive now, but some Luthor was hammered into the head by him. Tsk tsk, where is the face?"

Suddenly being poked to the painful spot, the purple-robed old man was furious, surging magic power like a mountain pouring down, and followed his gaze toward the youth.

However, the seemingly young and handsome young man stared at him without showing any weakness, and even blatant mockery evoked the corner of his mouth.

"Why? Not convinced? Come, I will practice with you!"


"To shut up!"

Accompanied by the heavy drinking of the golden scepter ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the two glaring at each other immediately lowered their eyebrows and bowed their heads, and the whole hall fell into a dead silence.

As a genuine earthly god, the majesty of the goddess of wisdom is not something they can offend.

Just rap before the Holy Spirit is enough to cure their disrespectful sins.

And bathed in the eyes of everyone, the beautiful girl in the Greek robe did not even look away from the big screen, but the frown became tighter.

Seeing the small golden dots flying farther and farther in the three satellite images, flying like a headless fly, Sae Kazama sighed.

"He can't find his way home, is there any way you can inform him?"

All the people present looked at each other and fell into silence collectively.

"It's too far, and he is blocked by the enemy's magic net, we can't pass the news at all."

After a long time, Debra Sank, who has beautiful gray pupils, stood up and shook his head bitterly.

"Can you [Magic Council] break this magic net? I can sense that it is a great threat to Li Rui."

Pointing to the light blue barrier covering almost the entire satellite map, Sae Kaze asked faintly.

"No way, the six black robe instructors who came this time have all gone to the front line with the Chinese people, but even if they didn't leave, we couldn't break through the magic net that took hundreds of years to form in a hurry. "

Debra Sank said carefully. In fact, she has spoken very euphemistically. [Magic Council] If the raptors across the river don't take out the old bottom, it is almost impossible to break the ground snake's defense in a short time.

Really think that the background of people's painstaking efforts for hundreds of years is for nothing?

That is the crystallization of the wisdom and blood of dozens of generations!

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