Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 898: , No martial arts

Stepping back ten thousand steps and saying that there are still many places in my home that need to be suppressed, how can the [Magic Council] put most of its power into it?

Otherwise, with [Zhonghua]'s family background, how could it be possible to send more than a dozen rough stones?

The "fixed assets" dragged to death in various secret realms and the "cash flow" that can be used at any time are completely different things.

The former will not be used easily unless there is a serious crisis.

Otherwise, if [Zhonghua] really launches a ruthless, full-scale invasion, all the dragons on this plane will not be useful together, all are vegetables, the only difference is whether it is steamed or braised...

Reminiscing about the powerful alien beasts that are under the control of China, Debra Sank couldn't help but curl his lips.


Sae Kazama let out a faint sigh, and everyone present felt shame inexplicably, their faces flushed.

Although they didn't say it clearly, everyone was clearly aware of the disappointment of the goddess of wisdom.

Even if there is no direct relationship, Athena is the natural leader of all people without the presence of a human deity of the same level.

A sense of humiliation arose in the hearts of everyone.

Kazama Sae held a golden scepter, and flipped her tender little hand on the other side. One exuding colorful divine light with wings on its back, the exquisite pocket angel appeared in her palm.

"Go, Nike, and guide him to victory!"

Spreading out his palms, it looked like a gold-cast angel moved slightly, and instantly disappeared from everyone's eager sight.

Nike...Nicky...or Victoria, the personification of [Victory], one of the most important powers of the goddess of war!

The cost of using him is not small. I didn't expect this **** on the earth to value the real dragon so much!

Everyone bowed their heads with different thoughts, concealing the complex emotions in their eyes.

At the same time, Li Rui, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly sensed a familiar force erupting in the distance.

The warm divine brilliance passed through the obstacles of time, and was projected in his soul without any delay.


An inexplicable passionate female voice sounded in his mind. In the high-dimensional induction of [Too Unreal Dragon], a hazy angel with colorful divine light was like a sharp sword, breaking through the layers of fate thread that wrapped him around, indicating him A road to victory.

It turns out that love hasn't disappeared, Xiao Sae, I won't hit your saint clothes again in the future!

Li Rui was moved with tears in his eyes, and did not hesitate to turn around, circle a huge arc, galloping in the direction he was sensing.

But inevitably, he ran into an overwhelming group of dragons facing him.


In the piercing roar of the dragon, the blood crystal sword in Li Rui's hand turned into a sky full of red clouds, and he easily cut the solid dragon scales, splitting the enemy into flesh.

The giant beast galloping across the sky fell like raindrops, but it didn't take long to fly back into the sky.

There is no way, even if it is just a golden dragon, Li Rui can't drop them in seconds without using big moves, at most he can only force them back.

The Secret Diamond-class dragon can already cause serious interference to him, and once it is dragged, it will immediately be covered in brutal and inhumane fire.

After losing the life-saving skills such as [Void Walking] and [Flashing], Li Rui could only dodge with his own speed far exceeding the same level, and did not dare to stop.


Breaking through the large area of ​​the dragon's breath, Li Rui shook off the ice crystals on his body, and slashed a giant dragon back to its blood. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a sharp tingling pain suddenly came from his eyebrows.

Turn around and split the sword!

Without any thought, Li Rui responded to the battle instinct, and the bright golden red sword blade hit the sneak attack dagger in a moment.

The extremely penetrating divine power spread along the arm, like an ice cone piercing the meridians, madly destroying his vitality.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Li Rui's sword-holding arm burst into countless incisions as thin as cicada wings, vaguely trying to blow his entire arm into bones.


The exquisite figure, whose breath was obscure even at the moment of shooting, flashed in Li Rui's retina.

After transforming into a human form, the dragon's defense power has decreased, but its speed has increased significantly. Even with Li Rui's spiritual sense, it is difficult to accurately capture it.

Resisting the severe pain in his hands, Li Rui's breath soared, throwing a huge sword light across the world.

[No Blame] Attitude!

[Giant Hydra·Divine Cleave]!

When using Divine Prompt, the attack range is expanded nine times, and the damage incidental to this equipment is raised to Divine Personality.

The sharp colorful edges cut everything along the way, and the unlucky ghosts in the first row who suffered the damage screamed and fell like raindrops.

One move cleared the way for himself, and the surging vitality of Qi and blood poured into the body like a river, wiping out the alien divinity in his arm.

Suppressing the danger of his arm being abolished, Li Rui relied on his own speed to sullen his head, and gave no chance to the enemy to entangle him.

Just kidding, if there is no [Curse of Eclipse], no ambush on all sides, and no three burdens in his hands, he would still be interested in having two hands with the first rough enemy he encountered. UU reading

But in his current state, he would have to die if he was running slower, and he had no capital to fight the enemy at all.

And not far away from him, an exquisite figure shrouded in a cloak of shadows silently watched his reaction, the vertical pupils gleaming with colorful divine light, and it took a long time to let out a deep dragon moan.

"He has life draw and energy draw, you are his blood bank and energy source, step back, your pious mother has seen it!"

Wonderful voices quickly spread throughout the battlefield, and the dragons covering the sky were taken aback, and then scattered happily.

They are selfish five-color dragons. If it were not for the gaze of the Dragon God, how could they stop this monster so desperately?

Do you really think that the sword light doesn't hurt when it hits your body?

While the line of sight in front of him suddenly opened up, Li Ruixin suddenly sank.

Without an endless stream of blood banks and mana pools, how could he survive this long and dangerous distance?

The mana of more than 20,000 is not considered the top in the golden rank. If you really want to fight the original stone step, people will easily consume him!

What's more terrifying is...people don't speak martial soon as they come up and beat...

Seeing the condensed one by one in front of him, the aura resembling Yuanhai's human figure, Li Rui couldn't help but feel bitter.

With this lineup, there is a chance to pull to Tushen, I am a golden critic, how can He De...

At the same time, in the command hall thousands of kilometers away, the intelligence agent monitoring the value suddenly screamed and screamed.

"Your Excellency Li Rui's breath fluctuates violently, and his high-energy response is the original stone steps!"

The five-color dragon really has a hidden rough stone!

Everyone on the scene breathed slightly, and all stared at the big screen above their heads.

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