The large red covered with golden dots dissipated like tidal water, revealing a red and black light particle.

Then, the second, the third, the fourth...

Within the map area smaller than the fingernails, a dozen rough stone steps unabashedly released their breath, unscrupulously surrounding the golden dots in the middle.


In the dead silence, I don't know who sighed dryly.

"Fourteen rough stones, nothing saved..."

This time, no one refuted him, even the left-behind [Zhonghua] direct line, they just stared at the screen with an ugly face, gritted their teeth.

Fourteen original stone steps besieged and killed a gold, and talked out to laugh others' big teeth!

But such a magical scene was shown to everyone alive, and they couldn't help but believe it.

We underestimated how much Tiamat attaches to [Five-Colored Dragon Crest]...

The heart seemed to be oppressed by a huge rock, and the left-behind [Zhonghua] direct line could hardly contain endless remorse.

I originally thought that the own power that was dispatched could easily retrieve the [Indestructible True Dragon], but I didn't expect the enemy to use the power to kill the gods to deal with a golden rank!

Is this too worthy of him?

For the first time, these people felt pain because the enemy overestimated themselves.

It's really not a chance!

Now, the only thing they can count on is that Li Rui takes the initiative to give up the artifact and fight for a chance.

But considering that he was in the [Abyss Layer] and the Dragon Clan that killed him after coming out, even if he surrendered, he might not be let go.

[Zhonghua] The name is not good in another world...

In a short moment, endless thoughts flashed in their minds, but when everyone was stunned, the golden dots surrounded by them suddenly broke through the defense line and hurried toward their own position.

"This is impossible!"

"How did he get out?"

"It's just a dying struggle."

"It's useless, it's dead, it's a pity such a great guy."

While sighing, only Sae Kazema stared at the screen unhappily, with an invisible smile rising from the corner of her mouth.

Fourteen rough stones... Can you push your limit?

Just let me see, what qualifications do you have to stand side by side with us...

A faint colorful divine light bloomed in her eyes, and the hollow eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, turning into the eyes of God in the sky overlooking the whole world!

On the battlefield thousands of kilometers away, a man in red with knotted muscles stroked a blood stain on his cheek, showing a grinning smile.

"Eric Odesya, it's so funny that you will be pushed back by a bug."

A dark-haired young man with a gloomy face ridiculed him, his face full of gloat.

"Don't be careless, he just killed Austin Charnhope, who was crowned by his mother, who can do it?"

The exquisite female hidden under the cloak of shadow rubbed the dragon-tooth dagger in her hand, and said while looking at Li Rui's back.

Her words made the original stone dragons on the scene look serious, and put away the jokes of playing with their prey.

"Also, do you feel that he has a sense of oppression that makes my heart palpitating, like..."

A youth with pale pupils hesitated for a moment, as if unable to find a suitable adjective.

"It's like the awe of facing your mother?"

"No, it's more primitive than that, like an instinct engraved deep in the soul..."

After discussing for a long time, they couldn't find a suitable description, and suddenly a silent, strong man spit out two words in a low voice.

"Natural enemy!"

"Yes, that's the feeling!"

"But why is there such a strange feeling? That kid is just a human being?"

Everyone swept their eyes at Li Rui, who had rushed for dozens of kilometers, and the cold and cruel pupils showed dangerous light.

"No matter how much he is, grab it and take a look."

A woman in black licked her lips and disappeared into the spot in an instant.

Almost at the same time, Li Rui sensed a wave of fluctuations in the space in front of him, and his figure suddenly jumped, passing very elegantly.

The black-clothed woman who shuttled over and was about to hit him head-on rushed to the air, and was taken aback for a while to find that Li Rui had already gone far, and her eyebrows jumped involuntarily twice.


Using her divine blood, the woman looked directly at Li Rui and slowly uttered two words.

But the figure in the distance only gave a slight pause, and a layer of golden light flashed across his body, still running wildly towards the distance.


The unexpected unfolding made the woman frowned and began to wonder if she had made a mistake just now.

Although he has not yet ascended to the throne of God, the power to activate is not something a mortal can resist, let alone an effect that is almost a direct immunity!


The unbelieving woman used power again, but the man in her sight still did not react, as if a wild horse ran all the way.


The woman with black question marks did not know that Li Rui resisted far less easily than it After being hit by the [Spirit Eclipse Curse], his resistance to the spiritual level was greatly weakened. The basic resistance that is so strong that it is abnormal and the suppression effect of the concept of "Deadly Natural Enemy" is hard to support.

But the divinity, which was not very abundant, was consumed again, and the "Amethyst" in his hand trembled, and Li Rui tried his best to suppress the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] that was about to move.

Do you want to throw away these cumbersomes, start [you regret] and fight back and fight for it?

If you are lucky, you may be able to get a chance!

As soon as this thought came up, Li Rui's mind flashed through the scene of a certain Secret Diamond Dragon wearing a [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] with colorful divine scales covering and spreading.

Frowning, he immediately gave up this stupid plan.

Now, as long as he dares to let the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] out of his control, the next moment he will become the help of the enemy to crush him!

In terms of nature, these humanoid dragons with obvious divine blood can withstand the power of Tiamat without any hesitation, without any doubt about being controlled.

On the contrary, before fully refining the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown], I did not dare to put it on his head hastily.

Even if the Neisser Empire must have imposed various restrictions on Tiamat, this thing is made by people's heads after all, and the ghost knows who has more control!

His thoughts passed through his mind for an instant, and Li Rui was a little desperate to find that he was constrained by [Spirit Erosion Curse] and [Five-Colored Dragon Crest], and his chances of fighting a wave were very small!

[Repentance] Posture and [Tian Jue Slaughter Sword] are both suicidal tactics, requiring extremely strict control to guide the force that drives the explosion.

According to his current state of being "corroded by spirits" and the [Five-Colored Dragon Crest] rebellion, he might blew himself up before he was fully charged.

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