Such a funny method of death, in case it is recorded in the annals of the dragon of the town, it will become the eternal negative teaching material for the younger generations to practice [Heavenly Slaughter Sword], and it will last forever...


With a grinning grin, Li Rui had a faint hunch that he might have explained more than two hundred catties of meat today.

But... even if it's dead, I have to find the fattest bite!

The fierce and greedy gaze glanced back at the humanoid dragon who followed behind him, and the fourteen protolithic dragons unexpectedly slid together for a moment, and were frozen by the tyrannical sight of the trapped beast.

A chill rushed from the tail vertebrae to the heavenly spirit cover. At that moment, they all had a sense of fear of being stared at by the mythical beast.

But a brief period of fear is followed by endless anger.

They are the highest crystallization of the Creator, the son of Tiamat, the most perfect creature in the world!

How can you be afraid of a mere mortal?


With an angry roar, the man in red with knotted muscles tore the space and appeared in front of Li Rui in an instant.

The sharp five claws were enveloped in a layer of dim light, grabbing towards Li Rui's door without a trace of firework.

The nerves of his whole body were tightened to the extreme in an instant, and Li Rui knew that this seemingly harmless attack was even more terrifying than the majestic killer move of the Secret Diamond Step!

Because it condenses all the destructive power without a trace, it can be regarded as an infinitely weakened version of the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword]!

Only the original stone steps' control over the law can compress such a huge energy to a square inch, and lift the weight lightly.

Between the electric light and flint, Li Rui injected all the energy of his body into the blood crystal sword, and a layer of golden red light as thin as a cicada's wings was waved on the blade.

[Deadly natural enemy] Concept suppression!

[Dragon Blood]!

[Divine Chopping]!

[Void Blade]!

[Indestructible Grip]!


Stacking countless laws together, Li Rui mobilized all his strength to cut out the strongest sword under his conventional power.


With a touch of the beautiful blood crystal sword between the five claws, Li Rui shook his body. Without a hard top, he passed him by avoiding the enemy's power.

The staggered figure quickly pulled away, and the brawny man in red staying on the spot looked at the sword mark that almost cut off his palm, revealing his fangs.

There was a dangerous and dull roar deep in the throat, as if a giant carnivore had opened its eyes, and the hearts of creatures within a radius of tens of kilometers were inexplicably tight, and the existence of certain cowardly points even frightened to death.

Roar! !

A screaming roar blasted in his ears, Li Rui was full of spirits, and the light above his head dimmed. A red dragon with a body length of nearly 100 meters and a wingspan of more than 300 meters covered him like a cloud in the sky.


There was no room to evade the culling, but the dragon wing, which was comparable to the size of a football field, came one after another, and Li Rui could not dodge it.


It looked like an out-of-bore cannonball was blasted away, but before leaving, Li Rui also left a wound several meters long to the red dragon.

With the true damage of [Fatal Natural Enemy], even the dragon scales of the original stone steps cannot withstand his cutting!


The irritable red dragon roared again. It was obviously an inconspicuous little bug, but it was especially prickly when it really started!

What made him even more unbelievable was that the tiny human seemed to be alive and kicking after the two tricks just touched off!

He should have been grabbed into flesh at the moment of contact, but the real touch is an iron ball full of blades, hard and cut!

It feels even harder than the gods that besieged last time!

The wound on the wings healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the residual energy in it kept stimulating the dragon's nerves, causing severe pain.

"That kid runs so fast, do you want to help Eric Odysya?"

The other humanoid dragons who followed behind him unhurriedly stared at the battlefield with great interest, their faces full of mockery.

"Forget it, let him chase and play, anyway, Hackton is waiting in front. I really want to see that kid's exhausted expression hitting Hackton. It must be wonderful."

The woman shrouded in the cloak of shadow grinned, her dagger-like dagger tumbled flexibly between her fingers.

At the same time, Li Rui, who was the first to run wild, had his brows locked together.

His most worried thing happened.

Simply facing the original stone steps, his blood and blue can't be absorbed!

The two fights just now, don't even look at him on the surface, but the amount of blood sucked up is not enough to cover the loss.

In the long run, he is gradually moving towards chronic death.


The various abilities of the system flashed in his mind, Li Rui glanced at the system panel, but found that all the options are far from being able to quench the near thirst!

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy level: Golden level (spiritual release)

Level: 478 level

Health: 331189/450407 (388457+spell power×3) [undigested extra health 355098 points]

Mana: 13752/26315 [Undigested additional mana 3500 points]

Armor: 3441 (2993×115%) [Undigested additional armor 18813 points]

Magic resistance: 3478 (3025×115%) [Undigested additional magic resistance 22717 points]

Attack power: 3636 [Undigested extra attack power 1048 points]

Spell power: 44099 [(9212+4.5% mana + 3% health)×200%] [undigested extra spell power 2069 points]

There are massive extra attributes and accumulations in his body, but UU reading can't turn them into combat power in an instant!

Aside from anything else, just with a double resistance of more than 20,000 points, he has the confidence to carry the siege of the original stone steps all the way back!

I may not kill you, but you don't want to kill me either!

If you give me a few years to digest them, Advanced Secret Diamond...

A trace of unwillingness flashed in his mind, Li Rui shook his head and turned his attention from the system panel to his spirituality.

The excitement of "Victoria" just now tore through his spiritual shackles, and at the same time it wiped out part of the [Spirit Corruption Curse].

If the [Curse of Eclipse] can be annihilated as soon as possible, he may not have the power to fight!

[Dragon Blood] and [Deadly Natural Enemy] made him almost smooth the personality gap when facing the original stone dragon.

Coupled with the posture of [remorse], [Shenwei Crescent], and [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] this set of explosions has been combined, and there should be no problem with changing the limit.

As long as you don't give it to you in vain... Then no matter whether you will die again after [Resurrection], you will not lose money!

I can do what Lei brother can do with the golden energy level to kill the rough stone...

No, Brother Lei relies on the power of [Dragon] in the Divine Enchantment to surpass the rough stone. As long as I give up my life, I can die with everyone!

More importantly, as long as you can hold on to it, you will always have two lives (resurrection and rebirth) during the battle. This is very abnormal!

Thinking about it this way, in a sense, I am already stronger than Brother Lei!

While running [The Return of the Chaos Zi Huang Jie] to kill the curse, Li Rui's cranky thoughts while having fun.

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