Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 901: , This is not dead?


Before Li Rui decided how to distribute the system harvest, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The flame storm swept across the sky and the flow of high-temperature particles sufficient to melt gold and iron fell from the sky. The terrible coverage area could not dodge at all. It easily enveloped him, and the remaining energy melted a mountain on the ground into bright red magma.

The original stone red dragon above his head spewed a deadly breath. The guy seemed to notice Li Rui's blood-sucking ability, and he didn't give him a chance to get close, like a cat and a mouse, hanging in the distance to "roast a living person."


The surface of the body was shining with golden light, Li Rui seemed to rush out of the dragon's breath unscathed, but the skin on the body surface emitted a red light of high temperature metal.

Although he can dodge a highly condensed single attack, there is no way to cover this extravagant large-scale magic power.

No matter how fast he runs, no matter how coquettish his position is, people can easily obliterate his struggle by twisting the angle of his neck. The difficulty of the two is simply not the same.

But fortunately, a large attack range means that the damage per unit area is small. After the actual damage reduction of [Fatal Natural Enemy], plus Li Rui’s own abnormal defense, although the blood volume continues to decline, there is no life in a short time. Danger.

Damn dragons, this mana is too scary, 99% of the energy is wasted, and it is still chasing me to spray?

Constantly switching between one maturity and three maturity, the pain of high temperature burning made Li Rui's expression distorted.

In just a few minutes, it seemed as long as a century. He felt that he had fallen into a hot hell, and the inhuman torture seemed to be endless, which made his heart desperate.

However, his huge vitality continued to heal his injuries, and he always maintained the sharpest sense of body.

Destruction and recovery pulled back and forth, and the continuous pain caused volcanic anger to accumulate in the heart.

Don't let me obliterate [Spirit Erosion Curse], or I will eat you raw when I turn around!

Sensen white teeth rubbed hideously, and tyrannical emotions burned in his pupils, but reason still firmly controlled Li Rui's brain.

There was no reckless counter-kill, he continued to bury his head in madness, like a bereaved dog who had lost his fighting spirit, just trying to escape.

The terrible dragon's breath pulled out a magma river that stretched for several tens of kilometers on the ground, and the spreading high temperature heat wave ignited all the trees within a kilometer to the left and right, leaving a "red line" clearly visible in outer space.

"Your Excellency Li Rui's breath has not disappeared, he is still moving towards us!"

In the command hall, watching the golden dots spread with the "red line" on the screen, the intelligence agent cheered in disbelief.

"It's not dead?"

Staring at the terrifying scene on the satellite map, most of the people present couldn't help but exclaim.

In this kind of battle, it is obvious that the original stone step has been fully shot, but even so, can't kill a golden step in his early 20s?

A muscular knot suddenly flashed in his mind, his breath was violent and crazy, like a hill-like figure, everyone swallowed involuntarily.

[Indestructible Dragon]...Is it all played like this?

Can you hard top the rough stone from the golden stage?

Then wait for him to get the advanced secret diamond?

Although Wang Lei failed to advance for various reasons, looking at this new generation of Chinese Tianjiao, it seems that he is not stuck at all.

When he grows up, maybe he can really become a **** of equals.

Subconsciously, people turned their eyes to the girl in a pure white robe, and found that the corner of her mouth was raising a faint smile.

Not daring to peep into the will of the gods, everyone bowed their heads in awe, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Envy, envy, admiration...

Various emotions are fermenting in people's hearts. Some people want Li Rui to die on the spot, but more people look forward to his miracle once again.

Countless pairs of pupils stared at the big screen, and suddenly discovered that the huge energy source that was slowly following behind had moved!


High temperature, extreme cold, corrosion, lightning...

The dragon's breath with distinct levels continuously shrouded Li Rui on the way forward, allowing him to experience the ultimate **** through train.

The illusory golden dragon scales could no longer withstand the bombardment and shattered into entangled particles.

The exposed skin was carbonized, solidified, corroded, the crust being uncovered layer by layer, exposing the deformed flesh and blood below.

Metallic bones in certain parts were directly exposed to the air, but Li Rui seemed to have no pain, still running away with a stuffy head.


The sky in front of him suddenly cleared, and there was no painful burning, but Li Rui's nerves became tighter.

A dragon-tooth dagger, shrouded in a colorful halo, appeared silently behind his head, until he was about to pierce the spine before being sensed by his dull spiritual sense.

That's too late!

Violent pupils shrank fiercely, Li Rui did not choose to flicker, instead condensing the power of the whole body into the arm holding the sword.

Turn around, cut!

The Dragon Tooth dagger cut through the small half of Li Rui's neck like butter, making a harsh metal rubbing sound against the spine.

But at the same time, the blood crystal sword swung its dark red glow, and UU Reading collided with another dagger without any fancy.

[Thorns rebound]!

[Divine Chopping]!

[Thorn of Fear]!


The sword blade with dozens of system laws smashed the dagger, and opened a huge mouth of blood on the cloak of shadow.

The surging life energy was absorbed into the body, but compared to the injury on the neck, Li Rui was obviously still at a loss.

However, in the desperate situation of life and death, Li Rui's soul seemed to be alive, and many skill talents that were just a step away began to move around, and it seemed that only a thought could be made into gold.

There is a big horror between life and death, and people can do anything if they are forced to do anything!

Blessed to the soul, Li Rui instantly invested in upgrade options one by one to promote his core rune skills!

It seemed that the goal was reached, and the assassin hidden under the cloak of shadow withdrew and pulled away with Li Rui's strength.

However, Li Rui grinned open the corners of his mouth, and his whole body suddenly burst into ear-piercing high-frequency oscillations.

Want to leave after taking advantage?

no way!


Suddenly exploding with unprecedented terrifying speed, Li Rui almost teleported to the enemy's face.

【Phase Rush】·Golden Order

After hitting an enemy hero with 3 attacks or independent skills within 3 seconds, you can get a phase [witchcraft]. Actively using this [witchcraft] will provide 150 extra movement speed bonus and 90 slow resistance. (Slow resistance is affected by the enemy's position)

[Witchcraft] lasts 30 seconds, and can be stored for up to 60 minutes.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the road, Li Rui could explode with such a terrifying speed. The vertical pupils covered in the shadow shrank fiercely, and the two dragon-tooth daggers glowed with the divine light of the sun, and crossed towards the sword light that covered the sky. .

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