Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 903: , [Equipment·Divine Fusion]

But everyone's thoughts hadn't landed yet, and the golden dots that had gradually become dim and dull suddenly seemed to have taken a tonic. In an instant, they burst into bright light and moved away from the other red dots with a terrifying speed.


"Your Excellency Li Rui's breath has returned to its heyday, my god, this speed...Mach one, Mach two, Mach three..."

The golden dots on the satellite map rushed in frantically, and everyone was stunned.

An extraordinary person who has a good relationship pulled at the sleeve of a certain Chinese person and asked dullly.

"[Tian Jue Slaughter Divine Sword]...Can it still be used like this?"

"Should not..."

Before everyone could discuss the results, a Secret Diamond Mage who was familiar with the Eastern power system suddenly slammed in the palm of his hand and realized it.

"I understand, the demon disintegration Dafa!"

As soon as this remark came out, the floor of the command hall swayed again, and the transcendents of the Chinese department were worried, and the others looked regretful on the surface.

"It's a pity."

"Leave the green hills, I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood to burn, why does he insist on not giving up the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown]?"

"I don't think he is unwilling to give up, but he will die faster after losing..."

"But there is always a chance!"

Amid the chattering, everyone turned their eyes back to the big screen, watching Li Rui burst out into the last splendor of his life.

But ten seconds later, everyone frowned slightly and showed a puzzled expression.

Twenty seconds passed, and gradually someone showed a black question mark.

Thirty seconds passed, the duration of [Phase Rush] ended, and the golden light particles on the screen instantly stopped and the speed plummeted.

There was a faint relief in the hall, but before they lamented the fall of another genius, the intelligence agent suddenly roared.

"The brain has analyzed it. Just now, Your Excellency Li Rui burst out nearly a hundred outputs within 0.7 seconds. Because the frequency is too high, the energy response is superimposed and was captured by the psionic satellite by mistake. The true value should be around 10 million. ."

Not [Heavenly Slaughter Sword]?

Everyone was taken aback, and then they all let out a sigh of relief.

Let me just could there be nearly a billion...wait, tens of millions?

With eyes wide open, the Secret Diamond Step present began to doubt life.

Their tricks for a long time may not be able to reach ten million. Li Rui broke out nearly a hundred such attacks in 0.7 seconds?

Didn’t it mean that [Indestructible Dragon] is just a strong defense?

Why is the attack so abnormal?

This unscientific!

Not even magic!

"Wait, why is he still flying?"

The transcendent, who was waiting for Li Rui's fall, looked at the golden light particles on the big screen that had no meaning to go out, and couldn't help but murmur.

Until this time, everyone noticed that although Li Rui's speed had plummeted, he was still racing on the map at an unimaginable speed, and he had already opened a long distance from the original stone dragon chasing behind him.

Unanimously looking at the Secret Diamond Mage who spoke before, everyone's faces were full of words.

this one? What about the disintegration of the demon?

On the battlefield thousands of kilometers away, the figure bathed in the emerald green light tore off the cloak, and the beautiful humanoid body instantly expanded into a purple-black behemoth over a hundred meters long.

The hideous wounds with skin and flesh healed quickly. She let out a tyrannical and hateful dragon roar, tearing time and space in an instant, leaving behind the green dragon healed for her, and chasing after Li Rui in the distance.

On the other side, sensing the threat of a thorn on his back, Li Rui took advantage of the short gap when the enemy caught up and opened the system panel.

Sure enough...I shouldn't have a fluke...

Although it will create a burden for the future, you have to get through the current difficulties first!

With his eyes condensed, Li Rui remembered the information revealed by the system after the advancement of the fourth stage of [The Return of Chaos].

Before becoming a god, the system **** equipment purchased in the form of soul plug-in is not the more the better.

In fact, Li Rui had already noticed this a long time ago.

He could vaguely feel that his soul was already struggling to control many equipment.

Therefore, in addition to some divine equipment that he really needs, he put most of his gains into upgrading the existing equipment.

And when he [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie] advanced fourth stage, possessing the spirituality enough to touch high-dimensional power, the system immediately opened a new function.

【Equipment·Divine Fusion】

To put it simply, it is to integrate the "plug-in" system equipment in the form of soul plug-in into one's original divinity! (The foreshadowing at the beginning of the awakening is finally filled in. I don't know how many people still remember the four words soul plug-in.)

This function was originally activated only at the original stone steps. It was to break the human and gods, unify and condense one's own power, and take the key preparation for the final step!

At the same time, it is also a prerequisite for truly controlling the legal authority contained in these equipment after becoming a god, and returning the power of the system to oneself.

Before that, too much equipment was not only a powerful boost, but also a burden for breaking through energy levels.

It's like diving into the dragon lightly loading and "plugging" hundreds of tons of armor, the difficulty of the two is completely different.

Of course, these equipment will not have a negative impact. At most, Li Rui spends a certain amount of energy to refine them before becoming a god.

But if Li Rui is greedy, regardless of whether it is useful or not, he has to buy the entire system equipment library, then it is estimated that he will have to survive for a while until the original stone steps.

Therefore, when he understood this truth, Li Rui did not rush to purchase equipment even if he had stored a large amount of gold coins.

He is going to wait until he goes back to the Advanced Secret Diamond to sort out his needs, allocate resources reasonably, sell only the necessary equipment, and prepare for becoming a god!

Then he was beaten ruthlessly by reality!


With a silent sigh in his heart, Li Rui glanced at the equipment warehouse, focusing on a piece of dark yellow tough plate armor.

The mind moved slightly, and the brilliant aura condensed in the equipment bay.

【The Plate Armor of the Dead】·Golden Order

+3400 health

+480 armor

The only passive-Fearless: Accumulate the number of layers of [Aura] when moving at high speed, and can provide 120 movement speed at 200 layers at most. The number of imposing effects will decay after it stops moving, or is affected by effects such as slowing, stun, taunt, fear, transformation, and imprisonment.

The only active-Crushing Slam: The next basic attack will cause extra damage (number of imposing levels) when it is launched, and all imposing levels will be consumed at the same time. At full floor, if the attacker is in melee, it will also slow down the target by 65 for 4 seconds.


The fast-moving figure began to drag out dark red tail flames.

Li Rui seemed to put on an infinitely extending red cloak, and the speed gradually increased, leaving a scarlet scratch in the sky.

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