Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 904: , [Victory] is getting closer

What equipment can buy me time later?

With a look in his eyes, Li Rui immediately found his second target, and the blue aura quickly condensed into a thick magical armor.

【Power of Nature】·Golden Stage

+720 magic resistance

+1600% base health regeneration

+20% movement speed

The only passive: Recover 3% of maximum health per hour.

The maximum life recovery of 3% per hour is the healing magic skill, but in battle, it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

But the movement speed bonus has been increased from 8% to 20%, and the effect is particularly obvious!

Therefore, no matter the earth coalition forces thousands of kilometers away, or the original stone dragons that are chasing after them, everyone has an expression of suspicious life on their faces.

Why is this guy getting faster and faster?

Although the dragon form is not as flexible as the human form, the straight acceleration ability is not bad at all!

Can the rough catch up with gold?

What the **** is the one in front of him?

"Damn it, use a long-distance portal, let's go ahead and stop him!"

Except for the fastest dragons, they were also behind Li Rui. The remaining dragons all slowed down and chanted in layers of dragons.

Even at their level, they can only quickly travel through the void between short distances. If you want to cross a long distance, you must cast spells in advance.

Sensing the dense ripples in the space in front of him, Li Rui adjusted his posture, not allowing him to rush through the gap between them.


Qi Qi rushed into the air, and the original stone dragons roared angrily and began to chant again.

As a result, in the command hall thousands of kilometers away, everyone saw what it means to be coquettish.

Fourteen rough stone steps constantly flashed and shuttled on the map, but the golden light particles representing Li Rui could always pass them in an enchanting trajectory.

Snake-shaped maneuvering, falling leaves flipped, and in the three-dimensional space from the horizon to the atmospheric magic net, Li Rui relied on speed to rush left and right in the pile of raw rocks, cutting a **** path.


"This Nima..."

Seeing the Mach value that represents Li Rui on the screen keeps rising, the hall is a gentle and easy-going marvel.

A golden rank has persisted for so long under the chase and interception of 14 rough stones, and now Li Rui is refreshing their knowledge of energy rank every second.

"I remembered the scene where the blood blasting dragon was attacked by a dozen rough stone steps and hit one of them..."

"I also watched the video, it was too cruel."

"Maybe it won't be long before Li Rui can match it."

"Don't wait, he is not inferior to Wang Lei now!"

"Yes, and I feel that Li Rui's potential is more terrifying than his predecessors."

"But the premise is... he can survive..."

It was like a basin of cold water pouring on the heads of the enthusiastic crowd. They only then remembered how dangerous Li Rui was at this time.

Yes, no matter how strong he is, he is only an ordinary human in his early 20s. What can he do to fight against the original stone dragons that have lived for thousands of years?

If you can give him decades of stable development...

For a while, no matter what kind of feelings they have towards Li Rui, a trace of regret rises in everyone's hearts.

That is the kind of sorrow that hurts others, the same hatred of human beings when facing powerful and different kinds.

"Your Majesty, can he survive?"

Wesley Joe couldn't help but ask, and the hall instantly became quiet.

However, after a long time, Sae Kazama sighed quietly.

"I can't spy on his future, but I can sense one thing."

Without a trace, she scanned the circle of people with pricked ears, and the corners of Saeko Kazama's mouth raised a gentle arc.

"He is getting closer and closer to [Victory]."


"Damn the five-color dragon, one day I will make you all jerky!"

Li Rui, who was fleeing frantically, didn't know Sae Kazema's evaluation. He only knew that the attacks on his body were getting heavier and heavier, and his blood volume had fallen near the dangerous value.

But the good news is that [Curse of Eclipse] has been mostly wiped out by him!

It would normally take days, even weeks, to wipe out the curse. In his extreme anger, regardless of the consequences, the progress was so fast that he couldn't believe it.

Sure enough, human potential is endless.

I was forced to do everything except math problems!

You think you can't do it, but in fact you just lack a mad dog, or 14 rough dragons!

Once again breaking through the enemy's blockade, Li Rui looked at the vast expanse of the sky ahead, with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

According to the current situation, maybe I can really escape alive!

It’s best to save [Resurrection] and [Rebirth]. He has experienced the pain of death. He doesn’t want to experience it again if he doesn’t have to. Oh, no, it’s twice!

The corners of the excited mouth just raised, and the blue sky in front of him suddenly went dark, and Li Rui seemed to have broken through an invisible film and plunged into a colorful and weird world.

Closed field!

Seeing that there is a space that is similar to that of Aya Xiyi's ghost world, Li Rui's heart suddenly sank.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that there were a dozen terrifying figures in front of Yuan Yu Yuezhi. U U Reading

Among them, the wicked young man in the center was looking at him with a smile, no matter which direction Li Rui escaped, the final path would inevitably converge on him.

Shrinking the space and collapsing on himself, he is the beginning and the end, the master of this world!

If you don't pass him, you will be dead today!

Without a trace of hesitation, Li Rui's pupils shrank and condensed, turning into indifferent and vast purple-gold vertical pupils.

Aiming at the monster youth, Li Rui inspired two new acceleration effects, and the speed approaching the limit skyrocketed again!

【Line Approaching Speed】·Golden Level

Locking on a target, when heading in the direction of the target, you will gain a 30% movement speed bonus, and to a certain extent immune to the slowing effect. (The immunity is affected by factors such as energy level personality.)

After the originally humble rune was advanced to the golden level, it finally began to show its terrifying side.

Without spiritual constraints, physical laws such as natural air resistance have no effect on Li Rui.

The tampering of the rules of reality by the enlightenment runes is vividly reflected in it.

Coupled with the increase of another piece of equipment, Li Rui was like a golden-red light beam at this time, dragging the slender tail flame to lasing towards the target.

【Dance of Phantom】·Golden Stage

320 attack speed

240 crit chance

The only passive-Ghost Waltz: When you can see an enemy hero, it provides you with 30 movement speed and improves your dodge intuition.

The only passive-Elegy: Performing a basic attack on an enemy hero will reduce the hero's damage to you by 25 for 30 seconds. Can only act on one hero at a time. (The effect is affected by the enemy's energy level)

What are you looking at? Die to the Lord!

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